Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2335 Recruitment! (2 updates)

"No, Boss Mu, I protest! I protest!"

But it was Xiaoxiao'er who started to make a fuss, "After all, I was the one who brought that boy from the Blue Fire Tribe back. How could he not have a share in it! I'm going too!"

"Old Shi, you are too murderous. If you get to the battlefield, I'm afraid you won't be able to restrain yourself."

Lord Mu Shen frowned slightly, "If you go, you will be exposed too easily!"

"Don't worry, Boss Mu, I promise that everything will be obeyed by the third brother. He asked me not to kill anyone, so I won't kill anyone! Let's leave it at the head office!"

A trace of fanaticism flashed in Xiaoxiao'er's eyes, the battlefield!

That's a place where you can justifiably kill everyone.

Only on the battlefield can he not have to abide by the restriction of killing only three people a day. After all, on the battlefield, either you kill me or I kill you.

Is it possible that he is still so stupid that he cannot be killed?

As soon as Xiaoxiaoer heard that he could go to the battlefield, he was naturally unwilling to give up this opportunity to kill fiercely.


Mu Shenjun pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

With Xiaoxiao'er's strength, if we go together, we will have an extra guarantee.

"Thank you, Boss Mu!"

Xiaoxiao'er laughed loudly and touched his bare forehead. He has been operating around the Valley of the Evils for these years, and the number of people he can kill has become less and less. Most of the time, he can only kill a few monsters. Make up the numbers.

If the Smiling Killer doesn't kill, what kind of killer is he?

"Third brother, you have always acted cautiously. It's up to you to decide what to do."

Lord Mu Shen glanced at Shura Cooking Saint and said slowly: "If there is any trouble that cannot be solved, I will personally take action!"

"Boss Mu, you think too highly of those demon clan and the guys from the three major sword houses. With the addition of the third brother and us, there is no way anything can go wrong!"

Xiaoxiaoer grinned.

"hope so."

Lord Mu Shen took a deep breath and vaguely felt that this matter might not be that simple, but with Shura Cooking Saint taking action, there should be no problem.

Beyond the Valley of the Wicked.

Chu Chaonan left the Valley of the Wicked with Lan Yan, still cursing in his mouth, "Damn old man! Stinky old man! Poor old man! Is this young man a coward?"

Lan Yan listened to Chu Chaonan scolding Lord Mu Shen all the way, and could only follow him silently. With Lord Mu Shen's magical power, if he echoed even half a sentence and Lord Mu Shen heard it, wouldn't it be the end?

However, he admired this guy named Chu Chaonan very much for actually daring to scold Lord Mu Shen like this.

That was the leader of the top ten villains, an existence that made the entire Western Sword Region's powerful people fearful.


Chu Chaonan had almost scolded enough, and then he turned around and glanced at Lan Yan, "That boy Ling Feng, what kind of strength does he have now?"


The image of Ling Feng fighting in all directions appeared in Lan Yan's mind. He took a deep breath and said slowly: "If we attack with all our strength, we will not lose to the ordinary great sage!"

"I wipe..."

The corner of Chu Chaonan's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times, and he cursed in his heart: Pervert!

"That guy was beaten so badly even though he was so violent. Gee, this task is a bit heavy!"

Chu Chaonan coughed a few times. If he had known that he should have been a coward just now, maybe Old Man Mu would send out a few evil people.

But now he has to go back to the Shepherd God to give in. This is not Chu Chaonan's style.

Lan Yan gave Chu Chaonan a blank look with a "You just know it" expression.

I'm afraid it won't be of much help if I just invite reinforcements like this.

"Hmph, what's that expression on your face? Are you looking down on me?"

Chu Chaonan snorted coldly, "My humble words, you really don't think I can do anything anymore! Come on, take me to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains quickly, I must let you know how powerful I am!"


Lan Yan smiled contemptuously, but did not dare to say anything. After all, Chu Chaonan was the descendant of the Valley of the Wicked, but at this moment, his original divine pattern was still in Ling Feng's hands.

Now he is just a younger brother, how dare he provoke Chu Chaonan!

No way, just be honest and be a younger brother.

On the other side, inside Kunyun City.

With a flash of light from the teleportation platform, Ling Feng walked out of the teleportation circle.

This is a city that looks quite majestic, but because of the war that broke out on the front line of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, most of the residents have already fled in advance.

The whole city looked slightly empty.

Ling Feng walked down from the teleportation altar. At this moment, he wore a mask of "Thousands of Changes" on his face, and his body shape had been transformed by the Bahuang Body Training Technique, turning into a fat man.

At this moment, even those who were familiar with Ling Feng, standing in front of him, would not be able to recognize that this fat man with a pockmarked face could actually be Ling Feng.

"Now that I'm hiding my identity, how can I get into the camp of the One Moon Palace?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. If he wanted to find out everything, he would naturally have to sneak into the camp of the three major sword mansions first.

The first thing he thought of was to check the body of Master Longjian. However, more than two days had passed. After all, Master Longjian was the head of a sect, so the body would inevitably be sent back to the sect. If he wanted to learn from Master Longjian, Start with the corpse to find out the cause of his death. I am afraid that this road has been cut off.

The second step was to start from Sun Guangyi, the head of the Long family and Sun family elder.

Judging from what happened before, the guy hiding in the dark and scheming against him knew every move he made. He had reason to believe that the other party might have special means to easily monitor the three major sword houses. Any disturbance in the camp.

Therefore, he cannot have direct contact with Xuanyuan Longteng.

After all, Xuanyuan Longteng has a special status and must be the target of the other party's surveillance.

He couldn't take the risk.

After careful consideration, Ling Feng decided to start with Sun Guangyi first.

After all, I have a better understanding of the situation within the camp of One Moon Heavenly Palace and will not easily reveal any flaws.

However, how to sneak into the camp?

This is a thorny issue. There are many masters in the Duyue Palace, including many great saint-level experts. If you sneak in secretly, it may not be easy, but it will scare the snake.

Just when Ling Feng was at a loss what to do, he suddenly saw a group of warriors wearing the costumes of disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace on the street, beating gongs and drums and parading on the street.

One of the leading disciples also shouted loudly: "Dou Yue Tiangong temporarily recruits soldiers. All warriors with a cultivation level above the peak of Emperor Ji can join the army unconditionally. While stationed in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, they will enjoy the treatment of formal disciples of Du Yue Tiangong and behead them." Killing monsters will get the same sect contribution points as a formal disciple!"

"After the war, those who choose the best can directly join the One Moon Palace and become a member of the One Moon Palace!"

As soon as such conditions were released, many people from various sects, large and small, or some casual cultivators immediately gathered around.

Enjoying the treatment of a formal disciple of the One Moon Palace, you can also get contribution points from the One Moon Palace sect. This is great news!

After all, these casual cultivators, after working hard all their lives, may not even be able to master a better martial art, but as long as they temporarily become temporary soldiers of the One Moon Palace, they can have the opportunity to exchange for the martial arts of the sect of the One Moon Palace!

This is great news for those casual cultivators.

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