Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2337 The realm of mustard seeds! (1 update)

"I need to……"

Soon, Ling Feng followed the recipe given to him by Shura Cooking Saint and ordered the ingredients to cook the simplest food among them, the black-backed demon bear's paw.

Different from ordinary wild bears, the black-backed demon bear is a demon beast with the potential to be promoted to the demon king. The king among the black-backed demon bears can even reach the demon king level.

As for those above the Demon Emperor level, first of all, they are rarely served on the dining table. Secondly, even if they capture demonic beasts of this level, their scales and fur are extremely tough and cannot be cooked by ordinary cooks.

The chef with unique skills prepares the black-backed demon bear's paw. The flesh of the palm is glutinous and the juice is mellow. It contains the power of pure and rich qi and blood, which can greatly assist the recovery of physical strength and energy.

"Black-backed demon bear paw!"

The face of the chef in charge changed slightly. He didn't expect Ling Feng to eat such rare ingredients as soon as he opened his mouth. Ordinary cooks really don't have the ability to cook such bear paws well.

"Why, no, then I'll try another one."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. In the Valley of the Evil, there were masters like Xiaoxiao'er who often went out to hunt high-level monsters. Therefore, Shura Kitchen Saint's food library had all kinds of high-level monsters, and Ling Feng's appetite was also good. It has been raised in such a way that ordinary low-level monsters don't even bother to deal with it.

"There is a way."

The chef in charge took a deep breath, stared at Ling Feng and said: "It's just a black-backed demon bear's paw. The fur on the palm has an excellent heat insulation effect. The meat is also very special. It is resistant to temperature and fire. It must be prepared ten days in advance with fire." Only when it is cooked with Yangshi can it be used in cooking.”

The chef in charge paused and said slowly: "The longest batch of black-backed demon bear paws prepared in our restaurant is only seven days old. We need to wait three more days before we can use them."

"Three days?"

When the person in charge of the recruitment heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "I mean that pig... ahem, Long Fei, you'd better change the main ingredient. I can't wait three days."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Bear paw meat cooked for seven days is enough."

Looking at the chef in charge, Ling Feng continued: "Take out those bear paws, and prepare three Fierce Sun Fire Snake Demon Pills for me, and a kind of blue krill blood shrimp. Don't peel them. I'll deliver it."


The chef in charge showed a puzzled expression. Are these ingredients proposed by Ling Feng used to cook the black-backed demon bear's paw?

It’s a demon elixir again, and it’s a blood shrimp with shrimp shells. Is this guy making elixirs or cooking vegetables?

Taking a deep breath, the chef in charge, although confused, still ordered people to fetch the ingredients he needed one by one according to Ling Feng's instructions.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

After a while, the ingredients were prepared, and Ling Feng placed his black pot on the stove.

The first step is to heat up the pot.

Ling Feng pretended to activate the true fire. It looked like an ordinary flame, which was in line with his cultivation at the peak of Emperor Ji.

"It turns out to be a fire monk!"

From some perspectives, cooks and alchemists in the world of martial arts do have something in common. Fire monks are undoubtedly very suitable for this profession.

For an excellent chef, his ability to control fire determines his success.

Chop chop chop!

After a while, Ling Feng picked up the kitchen knife and began to process the flesh of his palm. The speed of the knife was dizzying.

His knife skill implies the "Shura Tiankiri" of the Shura Chef Sage. His knife is as fast as lightning. Although it is still behind the Shura Chef Sage, it is better than the chefs of this restaurant. Not even a little bit.

In particular, the flesh of the black-backed demon bear's paw is tough and it can be cut open with such fast and accurate knife skills. It is really not something that ordinary people can do.

"This fat man is not simple!"

The person in charge of recruitment held his cheek, looked at Ling Feng's uncanny knife skills, and nodded secretly.

It seems that I am in good luck today.

Soon, when Ling Feng finished cutting, the iron pot next to him was almost hot.

Ling Feng was distracted, controlling the original true fire while handling the bear's paw at such a fast speed. When Ling Feng's blade happened to pass by, the entire bear's paw was still tightly connected and intact, but The muscles inside are already separated inch by inch!

Of course, the only one who could see this clearly was the chef in charge.

The chef in charge rubbed his eyes, almost unable to believe what he saw.

With such knife skills and multitasking, this "fat man" with an unassuming appearance has a much better cooking skill than me!

About a quarter of an hour later...

"Get out of the pot!"

When Ling Feng opened the lid of the pot, a rich aroma instantly hit his nostrils.

"Everyone, give it a try!"

Ling Feng put the black-backed demon bear paws he cooked on a plate and signaled that everyone could enjoy it.

Just smelling this alluring aroma, everyone's index fingers were already moving, and what's more, their mouths were already watering.

"Then I'm not welcome!"

The person in charge of the recruitment grabbed a pair of chopsticks and pinched it gently. The whole bear paw that looked very complete was easily picked up by it. Only then did everyone realize that Ling Feng's knife skills were not only It's as simple as it seems on the surface.


The person in charge, "Gulu", swallowed his saliva and couldn't wait to put the delicious piece of bear paw into his mouth.

The next moment, I saw the face of the person in charge was filled with great happiness, and he exclaimed loudly, "Oh my God, it's so elastic! How can it be so elastic? Every time I bite it, it bounces in the mouth and keeps bouncing." To the teeth!”

"It's a knife skills!"

The chef in charge narrowed his eyes, "Master Long Fei's knife skills are so fast that they have completely changed the internal structure of the bear's paw! It has almost reached the legendary mustard state!"

The so-called mustard seeds are extremely small particles, which are generally considered to be the smallest components of all substances in the martial arts world (can be understood as modern atoms and molecules), and Ling Feng's knife skills are destroying the internal structure of the bear's paw. At the same time, it has almost reached the point where even the arrangement of the mustard seeds has been changed.

This state is called the mustard seed state!

“It looks delicious!”

A chef in a famous kitchen, who originally looked down upon Ling Feng, quickly picked up his chopsticks and began to taste the delicious food cooked by Ling Feng.

As the delicious food entered their mouths, these people became as excited and happy as the person in charge of recruiting soldiers.

"It's really, really delicious!"

"Oh my god, how can there be such delicious food in the world!"

The chef in charge couldn't hold himself back, picked up a piece of bear paw meat, and put it into his mouth.

Chewing carefully, after a while, the chef actually burst into tears.

"This is indeed the taste of the black-backed monster's bear's paw, and it is the best... This is such a solemn and gorgeous sweetness, as if the waves are sweeping over it, but it is also extremely colorful, the fascinating rich taste, my blood, I seem to I can hear the sound of blood rushing in my body, and the unique taste is both elegant and sweet. It’s really the best!”

The chef in charge burst into tears, "Oh my god, compared to the black-backed demon bear paws he cooked, everything I have cooked for so many years is rubbish! Rubbish!"


The next moment, the chef in charge knelt down on one knee and bowed deeply to Ling Feng, "Master, please give me some guidance!"

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