Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2338 Entering the camp smoothly! (2 updates)


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, it was just a stir-fry, why should it be so ostentatious?

If this was placed in front of Shura Cooking Saint, he probably wouldn't even be qualified to serve it on the table.

However, there are really very few people who can reach the level of Shura Cooking Sage in terms of cooking skills.

Ling Feng can reach about 30% of the true inheritance of Shura Cooking Saint. This cooking skill can already sweep a large area.

"Please get up quickly, I can't bear it."

Ling Feng quickly helped the chef up, "If you have any questions, just ask."

The chef in charge took a deep breath and said, "Master Long Fei, you are obviously using tiger back, bear loin and bear paw meat that has only been processed for seven days using Huoyang stone. How come you are able to interpret the mellow aroma of the palm meat so vividly! I also noticed that, Although your fire control techniques are sophisticated, they are just the most ordinary flames and do not have the characteristics of those legendary strange fires!"

"It's the demon elixir of the Fierce Sun Snake, plus the shell of the blue krill shrimp."

Ling Feng said lightly: "The fire snake demon pill contains pure fire spiritual power. When it encounters blue phosphorus, it can instantly stimulate an ultimate blue fire, and the temperature can increase five times in an instant. More than twice as much. I need to speed up the process of making bear paws, so these two materials only increase the temperature of the flame."

"In addition, the blood of the blood shrimp is also an excellent flavoring material. It can perfectly purify the essence of the flesh and blood in the bear's paw, while adding a bit of freshness and sweetness."

"That's it! That's it!"

The chef in charge had tears in his eyes, "This is the most correct way to cook the black-backed demon bear's paw! May I ask, master, who is your master?"


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said, "I just thought about it casually, I don't have much to learn from."

What a joke, he learned his cooking skills from Shura Cooking Sage. If he mentioned the name Shura Cooking Sage, these guys would probably be scared away.

"If the master doesn't want to, let it go."

The chef in charge took a deep breath, "Just from your knife skills, master, I thought of a legend in the culinary world. Although I didn't have the chance to meet that legend, I can see your cooking skills today. I’m so lucky. It’s you who taught me what true cooking is!”


Ling Feng smiled coquettishly. This legendary figure in the chef's mouth was probably the "Shura Chef Sage".

Shura Cooking Sage became famous very early. Apart from his terrifying name of Shura, the name of Cooking Sage was also famous for a while.

After a while, the plate of bear paws cooked by Ling Feng was "swept away" by everyone, and even the bottom of the plate was licked by the person in charge, which showed how delicious it was.

"How about it, am I qualified to be the leader of the One Moon Palace?"

Ling Feng pretended to be honest and looked at the person in charge with a smile.

"How can you just be a gang leader?"

The person in charge put down the plate and said with a serious face: "Long Fei, you really have two brushes! I must recommend you to become the battalion commander of Huotou Camp!"

"Thank you so much, sir!"

Ling Feng hurriedly thanked him.

"Hey, what's your name?"

The person in charge hooked Ling Feng's shoulders and said with a smile: "My name is Tie Jing. When you join the Huotou Camp, we will be our brothers. Just call me Senior Brother Tie."

After Tie Jing got a taste of Ling Feng's craftsmanship, he immediately got close to Ling Feng, already thinking that he must find ways to find Ling Feng to start a small stove in the future.

Your surname is Tie?

Apparently, he should be a descendant of the Tie family among the nine major families.

"Haha, Senior Brother Tie!"

Ling Feng shouted with a smile, and Tie Jing laughed loudly and patted Ling Feng on the back a few times, "Okay, Long Fei, you have to work hard from now on! Let's go, I'm lucky today, I can recruit any soldiers I want , and found a treasure!”


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the back of his head, grinning and saying, "Thank you, Senior Brother Tie."

The more Tie Jing looked at Ling Feng, the more he felt that he was on the right track. Even that big, pockmarked and plump face seemed to him quite pleasing to the eye.

"Let's go back to camp!"

Tie Jing left some yuan crystals behind to pay for the ingredients, and then left with Ling Feng and a group of new soldiers he had recruited.

As for this restaurant, it was not a loss, at least it allowed them to learn a dish from the Shura Chef's recipe.

This wave, blood profit!

Not long after, Tie Jing led the recruits back to the main camp of One Moon Heavenly Palace. Moreover, in order to establish friendship with Ling Feng, he actually took Ling Feng to Huotou Camp to report!

"Brother Long, there are currently no vacancies in Huotou camp. I will help you fight for them after a while."

Under Tie Jing's arrangement, although Ling Feng was just a pawn in Huotou Camp, he was assigned his own independent tent, which was considered a good treatment.

"Thank you very much, Senior Brother Tie."

Ling Feng shrugged, but he didn't care about this. He didn't really come to be the leader of the gang, and he had no interest in being promoted to the commander of the Huotou Battalion.

"Then I'll leave first and come back to you when I have time!"

Tie Jing rubbed his hands happily and said with a smile: "Brother Long, don't hide any good dishes you have!"

"of course not."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, this Tie Jing looks like a die-hard foodie!

However, it is better that he is a foodie. On the contrary, it is easier for me to use his identity to do things that are difficult for me to do.

On Ling Feng's side, he finally managed to sneak into the camp of Du Yue Tian Palace, but on the other side of Long Jian Tian Mansion, the situation of the head of the Long family was quite bad.


The head of the Long family spit out a mouthful of black blood and clutched his chest tightly. Every time he breathed, it felt like he was in heart-wrenching pain.

"Damn it! Xiao Hen, you bastard, how dare you plot against me!"

The head of the Long family was so angry that he was shaking all over. He took the so-called antidote. Indeed, there was nothing abnormal at first, but on the second day, the toxicity began to bite back.

And today is already the third day!

The toxicity broke out, and he felt like he might die at any time!

"No, I can't sit still and wait for death. It took a lot of effort for me to climb to where I am today. Not only did I force Ling Feng to death, I also took the opportunity to kill the headmaster!"

The head of the Long family wiped away the poisonous blood from the corner of his mouth and gritted his teeth, "Now, I am the one who has the best chance to ascend to the position of leader. I cannot die, I must not die!"

The head of the Long family gritted his teeth and his eyes were cracked. He forcefully took a sip of Yuan Power to suppress the poison. The next moment, he jumped and rushed out of the camp.

"Elder Long, where are you going!"

When the guarding disciples saw the head of the Long family flying away, they asked, but the head of the Long family ignored them and just flew out on his own, and soon left the camp.

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