Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2339 That’s your problem! (3 updates)

A hidden place in the forest.

The head of the Long family staggered, almost swaying step by step, and finally returned to the cave where he originally traded with Ming Xie.

"Xiao Hen, come out! Come out for me!"

The face of the head of the Long family was covered with black energy, and his body had begun to fester.

The poison broke out, and even though he suppressed it with his strong Yuan Power, he couldn't hold on for long.

If there is no antidote, he will definitely die.

"Come out quickly, I know you are in the dark! Come out quickly!"

The head of the Long family roared hysterically.

At this point, "Xiao Hen" is his last glimmer of hope.

If he wanted to survive, he had to come to Xiao Hen.

However, he screamed for a long time, but no one responded.

He finally despaired.

After all he has done, can he still not escape such a bleak and miserable fate?

All of this is my fault, why did I cooperate with that damn demon messenger in the first place!

"No! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I haven't ascended to the throne yet!"

The head of the Long family spit out poisonous blood. He felt that his life had come to an end.

He could even see the dead soul of Master Longjian approaching step by step, seeking his life.


At this moment, a cold laughter sounded, "How about it, Master Long, is the taste of death unpleasant?"

"It's you! Xiao Hen!"

The head of the Long family struggled to get up, but he had lost the last bit of strength.

"Quickly...give me the antidote! Antidote!"

The head of the Long family's eyes were cracked, and he stared at Xiao Hen in front of him. He stretched out a hand and stretched it towards Xiao Hen. His arm had completely turned black, and the poison had eroded his internal organs. , his fire of life is like a candle in the wind, about to be completely extinguished at any time.

"You want to live?"

Xiao Hen knelt down in front of the head of the Long family, with a strange and cruel smile on his face.

"I want to live, I want to live!"

The head of the Long family was trembling violently, "No matter what you want me to do, I will obey you. Give me the antidote quickly! Give it to me!"

"Okay, you said it yourself!"

Ming Zhi raised his eyebrows and smiled, then took out a pill and threw it into the mouth of the head of the Long family.

A person like the head of the Long family is just a waste who is greedy for life and afraid of death. According to his plan, whether the head of the Long family is dead or alive is insignificant.

However, the head of the Long family was smart enough to kill the master of Longjian. Now, he is the top decision-maker who controls the disciples of Longjian Tianfu.

From this point of view, it is more valuable to keep the head of the Long family alive and control such a puppet.

The head of the Long family quickly took the elixir. After a while, the black air on his face gradually dissipated, and the deadly poison seemed to disappear again.

Taking a deep breath, the head of the Long family felt that his strength had recovered a bit. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he slapped Xiao Hen hard with his palm.

"Junior, you dare to plot against me, you must die!"

Ming Zhi did not dodge or dodge, but just sneered, "I say Master Long, you really don't have a long memory. The antidote pill you just took is the same antidote as the one I gave you before. You kill me. , Who are you going to find to detoxify you after three days?"

The palm of the head of the Long family stopped halfway.

He stared at Ming Zhi with an uncertain expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Junior, don't even think about trying to fool me into killing you. I won't believe that I won't be able to find the antidote on you!"

"Ha ha!"

Ming Zhi laughed, "Then you can try to kill me, it doesn't matter! Come on!"

Ming Zhi was so confident that he didn't dare to take action, let alone the fact that he knew the head of the Long family. Even if the head of the Long family took action, he would not lose anything.

It's just that one puppet was lost.

"Damn it!"

After all, the head of the Long family still didn't dare to joke with his own life. He stared at Ling Feng and said fiercely: "Junior, what do you want?"

"You just need to obey me, and I will give you your share of the antidote every three days."

Ming Zhi smiled coldly, "Otherwise, you should know what the consequences will be!"

The head of the Long family clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect that he had been scheming all his life, but in the end, he fell into the hands of a young boy.

"Which side are you on?"

The head of the Long family said bitterly: "You should be a descendant of the Xiao family!"

"Haha, Xiao family?"

Ming Zhi sneered, "You don't need to know this. All you need to do now is to find ways to destroy the alliance of the three major sword houses. Humph, at least, we must not jointly attack the demon clan during this period!"


The head of the Long family gritted his teeth and said: "The alliance of the three major sword houses has become a general trend. Now I have no reason or excuse to interfere with it!"

"That's your problem!"

Ming Zhi snorted coldly, "If you want to survive, just do it for me!"

The head of the Long family clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Okay! Okay! I will find a way!"

"The more chaotic the whole situation is, the better!"

Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the head of the Long family on the old face, smiled lightly and said: "This kind of thing should be what an old fox like you is best at, right?"

The head of the Long family took a deep breath. In order to survive, he had no choice but to do what Ming Xie wanted.

At least, you must obey his orders before you can completely detoxify yourself!

"Okay, you can go away! Come back here in three days!"

Ming Zhi snorted coldly, and the head of the Long family turned around and left the cave.

Three days, he gained three more days.

In these three days, as long as you find a way to detoxify, you can no longer be controlled by others.

"Hmph, old fox, no one can detoxify except me. If you dare to resist me, you will die!"

Ming Zhi stood with his hands behind his back and said to himself: "It will take a while for the master to break through the barrier. It's a pity that the senior elders at Du Yue Tian Palace were not poisoned as well! If the three major sword houses were to unite, The demon tribe’s defenders are bound to be unable to resist, and we have to let the three major sword houses fight among themselves for a while to consume each other!”


Inside the cave, Ming Zhi's cold laughter could be heard for a long time.

In Huotou camp.

As a group leader, relatively speaking, there is basically no life-threatening danger, and basically you only need to prepare one meal for all the soldiers a day, so it is not really a busy job.

However, without being able to fight on the battlefield, the chances of obtaining contribution points are much smaller.

"Fat brother, your skills are great. When are you going to teach me how to do it?"

After Ling Feng arrived at the Huotou Camp, he showed off a few random moves, which basically made the other gang leaders look at him for a moment, and they all changed their names to call him "Fat Brother". In addition, Tie Jing, a descendant of the Tie family, had an extra According to instructions, Ling Feng was quite comfortable during his time in Huotou Camp.

"next time!"

Ling Feng crossed his legs, seemingly just basking in the sun leisurely, but in his mind he was thinking about how to find an opportunity to catch that old guy Sun Guangyi.

Because he didn't know how far the guy hiding in the dark could monitor, he couldn't act in person, otherwise his identity would be easily exposed.

But he couldn't just delay and take action.

And this requires someone who can know his identity and can help him to do something on his behalf.

After thinking hard for a while, Ling Feng still felt that Yu Junyao should be a good candidate.

However, how to contact her is a bit tricky...

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