Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2340 The toad wants to eat swan meat! (1 update)

While Ling Feng was thinking hard about how to get in touch with Yu Junyao, a familiar voice came from not far away.

"Brother Long Fei, how are you? Are you getting used to staying in Huotou Camp?"

Without looking, Ling Feng knew that the person coming was not that guy Tie Jing.

No need to think about it, this guy is here to eat and drink again.

Ling Feng grinned, "It's all good!"


Tie Jing rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Well, brother, why don't you prepare some good dishes for your brother, hehe hehe..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. He might as well change his name to "Iron Foodie".

"Of course, since Senior Brother Tie takes such good care of me, it's only right for me to cook some good dishes for Senior Brother."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, then smiled lightly and said: "By the way, senior brother, I have something to do. I hope senior brother can help me."

"Hey, who among us brothers is following the other! Brother, just ask for it. If you want any precious ingredients, tell me, brother, and I will get them for you myself!"

When Tie Jing thought of the black-backed monster bear's paw made by Ling Feng, he couldn't help but burst into tears. In order to eat the delicious food made by Ling Feng, he naturally agreed to it.

"It's not that you need any ingredients."

Ling Feng smiled coquettishly. Besides food, what else could this guy have in his eyes?

"what is that?"

Tie Jing sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said, "Brother Long, please hurry up and tell me."


Ling Feng thought for a moment, lowered his voice, and whispered something into Tie Jing's ear. Tie Jing's expression suddenly changed.

"What? Give... give that girl the food you cooked?"

Ling Feng quickly covered Tie Jing's mouth and said mysteriously: "Senior Brother Tie, are you making such a fuss?"

"Am I making a fuss?"

Tie Jing stared at Ling Feng, sizing him up for a long time, "I said you kid, you have quite high standards! Who is that girl? How can she, a fairy-like figure, look up to you? Isn't that what you are, a toad? Want to eat swan meat?”

But it turns out that Ling Feng asked Tie Jing to deliver some dishes to Yu Junyao on his behalf.

As a member of the Tie family, Tie Jing had a small status in the Duyue Heavenly Palace, so he had seen Yu Junyao once from a distance.

However, with such a beauty and such powerful strength, even he couldn't help but feel ashamed, and he didn't dare to have any thoughts at all.

After all, thinking about it is in vain.

This "Long Fei" is good. Although Tie Jing doesn't know where he learned about the fairy Yu Junyao, he actually asked himself to deliver food to her?

Is it possible that this fat guy still wants to pursue Yu Junyao?

Ling Feng didn't think much about it, he just wanted to convey some information through these dishes.

But when Tie Jing said this, his face darkened and he could only bite the bullet and said: "A toad that doesn't want to eat swan meat is not a good toad! No, I mean, even if I am a toad, I will still do it A toad that has eaten the flesh of a swan! As the old saying goes, my fair lady is a good man!"

"just you?"

Tie Jing looked Ling Feng up and down. This fat man looked like he weighed at least four to five hundred pounds. Is he a gentleman?

I wonder if you are not a gentleman either!

"Besides, this white swan sometimes falls asleep and becomes blind!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Tie, didn't you just say that you can do anything? It turns out you were just bragging!"

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you!"

Tie Jing snorted, "I, Tie Jing, always do what I say, just give you food! However, I can't guarantee that if the fairy sees you, he won't beat you up!"

Tie Jing said, lowered his voice and leaned into Ling Feng's ear, and said cautiously: "I heard that the fairy has a bad temper. Even though she looks pretty, she is actually a tigress!"

Ling Feng was secretly amused. It turned out that Yu Junyao was really famous!


Haha, this nickname suits her very well!

"Hey, it's okay. Look, I'm thick-skinned and can withstand beatings!"

Ling Feng coughed a few times and said slowly: "But senior brother, you must deliver the things, and don't eat them yourself! Otherwise, if I'm in a bad mood, the food won't taste good."

"You're a fat man, you have a lot of guts!"

Tie Jing rolled his eyes at Ling Feng, "Am I, Tie Jing, that kind of person?"

Ling Feng stared at Tie Jing without saying a word. It's hard to talk to a foodie like this.

Old Tie Jing blushed, "Okay, okay, I swear, I swear, it's not okay! If I eat it secretly, I will never be able to eat your cooking again!"

"That's it?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Then, plus it makes me feel nauseous when I see delicious food in the future. It doesn't taste good when I eat it. That's okay! This is quite poisonous!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, this Tie Jing is indeed a foodie!

After fussing for more than half an hour, Ling Feng cooked seven or eight of his specialty dishes. After feeding Tie Jing first, he prepared a food box and packed several dishes from the Shura Chef Sage's recipes for him to eat. Tiejing was sent to Yujunyao.

If Yu Junyao was not stupid, he should be able to understand the meaning conveyed in this food box.

"Brother Long, I'm going right now!"

Tie Jing picked up the food box and glanced at Ling Feng. He had such a fat body and a face full of sluts. How could such a miserable guy dare to pursue a goddess with all his heart!

Hey, it seems that to be a man, you must be confident!

Confidence is the most important thing!

"Senior Brother Tie, it all depends on you!"

Ling Feng looked at Tie Jing and said solemnly.


Tie Jing looked away. After eating and drinking, he felt more and more that Ling Feng's fat face was really...

uncanny workmanship!

Just forget it if you say you're afraid, her face is pockmarked like a star, she has a fat head and big ears, and green bean eyes. Not to mention this goddess is napping, even if she's really blind, she can't look down on her.


Tie Jing shook his head, there was nothing he could do, he was soft-spoken, so just give it away!

After a while, Tie Jing arrived near the cave where Yu Junyao lived. After hesitating for a long time, he mustered up the courage and walked into the cave.

"Aunt Yu... hmm, may I ask... is Fairy Yu... here?"

Tie Jing could only feel his little heart beating wildly. Facing a proud girl like Yu Junyao, few people could not feel ashamed in front of her.

At this time, Yu Junyao was worried about Sun Guangyi.

That old fox has been living in seclusion since the poisoning incident. He looks perfectly normal and has not exposed any flaws at all.

Yu Junyao was worn out and lost her patience. She once wanted to catch him and beat him up, but was stopped by Jun Jiuyou.

At this time, he couldn't keep his temper. Even if he beat Sun Guangyi, it would be of no use. Instead, it would only serve to arouse the enemy.

Suddenly, I suddenly heard a strange voice coming from outside the cave. Feng frowned, stood up slowly, and walked out.

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