Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2341 No ability! (2 updates)

Yujunyao walked to the entrance of the cave, only to see a tall and burly guy standing outside the cave a little uneasily, holding the box in his hand, scratching his head and touching his hands, seeming very nervous.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Yu Junyao frowned slightly and looked at this strange man, wondering what the purpose of this boy's coming to find her was.


Seeing Yu Junyao's cold expression, Tie Jing became even more nervous and nervous. He laughed a few times, but couldn't even hold in his farts.

"If you have nothing to do, leave immediately. I don't have time to waste with you!"

Yu Junyao frowned and wondered what was wrong with this guy.

"I'm, it's a friend of mine who entrusted me to deliver the dishes in this food box to you."

Tie Jing took a deep breath, explained his purpose, and quickly handed the food box to Yu Junyao.


Yu Junyao frowned, "Boring! I'm not hungry! Take it back!"

Yu Junyao snorted coldly, thinking that it must be some crazy bees and butterflies who want to pursue her.

However, someone actually brought some dishes this time, and they were really fresh!

Tie Jing was relieved, obviously relieved, and thought to himself: Let me just say, how many dishes can such a goddess like you?

"Haha, then I'll go back first!"

Tie Jing grinned, quickly took back the food box, turned around and left. As he walked, he eagerly opened the top lid, feeling happy in his heart.

Since the goddess doesn't want it, I can accept it all.

As soon as the food box was opened, a scent of aroma hit my nostrils.

A scent of fragrance drifted in the direction of Yujunyao along with the breeze.

Yu Junyao's expression changed when she smelled this fragrance. This fragrance seemed a bit familiar!


Yu Junyao quickly stopped Tie Jing, "Wait a moment!"


Tie Jing looked back and saw Yu Junyao walking quickly, and his heart skipped a beat. "My dear, is it possible that even the goddess can't resist the temptation of delicious food?"

"Jade... Fairy Jade, is there anything else?"

Tie Jing swallowed back his saliva and asked weakly.

"Can I, try it?"

Yujunyao stared at the food box and said softly.

"Of course, of course!"

Tie Jing really wanted to make a big mouth out of himself. Why was he in such a hurry? He couldn't open the food box later!

"Here, here you go!"

Tie Jing handed the food box to Yu Junyao, feeling a pang of regret in his heart.

"You come in with me."

Yujunyao took the food box and had some vague guesses in her heart. She also had some things to ask this guy.


Tie Jing's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt flattered. Was the goddess inviting him?

"Okay! Okay!"

Tie Jing nodded quickly and happily followed Yu Junyao into the cave.

The conditions in the military camp were not much better. There were only some simple stone tables and chairs in the cave.

Yu Junyao opened the food box and took out the dishes inside one by one.

"These dishes..."

Yu Junyao's eyelids twitched slightly, and she couldn't recognize it. These dishes were all the specialty dishes of Shura Kitchen Saint.

As for the recipes developed by Shura Cooking Saint himself, it is impossible for outsiders to master them. Only Ling Feng, who had studied with Shura Cooking Saint for a period of time, had the opportunity to learn Shura Cooking Saint's recipes.

"That brat! Is he finally back?"

A smile appeared on Yu Junyao's face, and she immediately picked up her chopsticks and began to eat happily.

After a while, all the dishes were eaten by Yu Junyao. Tie Jing watched Yu Junyao finish all the dishes and couldn't help but swallowed.

Unexpectedly, this Yu Junyao looks very thin, but she can actually eat so much!

"I didn't expect that his cooking skills have reached this level!"

Yu Junyao placed her hands on the bowl and chopsticks and touched her slightly bulging belly. She had not eaten so much for a long time since she left the Valley of the Wicked.

After all, the cooking skills of Shura Chef Sage have whetted his appetite, and the meals prepared by ordinary chefs are simply tasteless.

"Um, what's your name?"

Yu Junyao looked at Tie Jing. Since Ling Feng was back, he didn't come to see her personally. He probably had his own intentions. In this case, he had to calm down.

"My name is Tie Jing!"

Tie Jing said with excitement: "Yu... what else does the fairy have to say?"

"Iron thorn, right?"

Yu Junyao pretended to be calm and said slowly: "You go back for me and thank your friend, and just say that I am very satisfied with his cooking."

"Of course, of course!"

Tie Jing nodded quickly, "My friend doesn't have any other skills, just this cooking skill, which is really amazing!"

"Aren't you capable? Giggle..."

Yu Junyao suddenly laughed out loud.

Ling Feng, that weirdo, not only cultivates Qi, body, and spirit, but also opens three imperial gates.

Martial arts is just that, alchemy, medical skills, and even blacksmithing. Now, even cooking skills are so good, such a monster, sometimes people say he has no ability!

Haha, that’s really interesting!

Seeing Yu Junyao's smile as bright as a flower, Tie Jing's eyes widened. Oh dear, the goddess is so pretty when she smiles! No wonder that fat guy Long Fei is tempted. Oh my god, I feel like I'm in love!

Seeing Tie Jing staring straight at her, Yu Junyao frowned, raised her hand and slammed it on the table, saying coldly: "What are you looking at! Be careful, I will dig out your eyes!"


The sound of the table breaking suddenly brought Tie Jing back to his senses. Seeing that the stone slab at the corner of the table turned into powder, Tie Jing quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly looked away, not daring to look directly at Yu Junyao again. .

Sure enough, although such a proud daughter of heaven is beautiful, it is not what I can imagine.

Tie Jing suddenly felt sympathy for "Long Fei". That fat guy seemed destined to have an unrequited love.

What a pity!

Such a goddess couldn't even look down on herself, how could she like that damn fat man?

Absolutely impossible!

Yu Junyao snorted softly and thought to herself: That brat is back and he is so mysterious. Should I tell Headmaster Xuanyuan and them? No, no, it's better not to talk about it for now, but you have to find a chance to meet him.

"Wait for me first!"

Yu Junyao thought for a while, then took out a piece of white paper, wrote a letter in ancient characters, then put it into a brocade bag, threw it to Tie Jing, and said lightly: "You hand over this brocade bag for me. To your friend, I understand what he means."


Tie Jing suddenly felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole body was struck by five thunders. The outside of the thunder was charred and tender on the inside.

This goddess can’t really be conquered by just one meal!

"What about that, Fairy Jade, my friend... that one, he's not good-looking!"

Tie Jing took a deep breath, stretched out a palm, pulled it a few times, and then slowly said: "His weight is at least this amount!"

"Oh? Really?"

Yu Junyao became even more interested. It seemed that that brat Ling Feng had taken great pains to hide his identity!

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