Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2342 There is progress! (3 updates)

Narrowing her eyes and smiling, Yu Junyao said with a joking smile: "It doesn't matter if the man is fat and ugly, the main thing is that he must be able to cook! Okay, you can go back, remember to give me as a tip to him, otherwise... "

Yu Junyao stared at the incomplete table corner and said coldly: "Hmph, you should know the consequences!"

Tie Jing shrank his neck and left as if running away. His heart was even more broken.

Unexpectedly, the goddess is so fond of this!

Oh my God, it turns out that the reason why I have been single for many years is because I can’t cook!

After a while, Tie Jing returned to Huotou Camp with heavy steps.

His mood was extremely complicated.

"came back?"

Ling Feng saw that Tie Jing was absent-minded, arrogant, and looking like he was about to die. He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "Brother Tie, didn't you just give me a meal? What's wrong? Could it be that Miss Yu hit you?" "


Tie Jing had a sad face. He didn't get beaten down, but mentally, he suffered a critical blow.

It turns out that I am actually no better than a damn fat man!

"for you!"

Tie Jing threw a sachet into Ling Feng's hand, took a deep breath, and said with a sad face: "Long Fei, this is what the Jade Fairy asked me to give to you! The sachet, I actually gave it to you! Oh my god!"

In Xuanling Continent, most women who have not left the palace have an extra layer of meaning when giving sachets to men.

That is, a token of love!

Thinking of the scene where a fairy-like figure like Yu Junyao stood side by side with a fat man like Long Fei, he felt that his world view was about to collapse.


Ling Feng nodded and put away the sachet. He thought to himself that this woman has finally grown a brain. It's not easy!

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Tie Jing plop, kneel down in front of him, and kowtow several times, "Long Fei, please teach me how to cook!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched several times. Did this guy have a brain twitch?

Although Tie Jing is far different in status than Tie Yan and Tie Shanhao, the two direct descendants, they are still descendants of the main lineage of the Tie family. It is inappropriate to leave a good young master of the Tie family. It is so unthinkable that he wants to be a cook?

"Get up quickly!"

Ling Feng quickly grabbed Tie Jing and said, "Senior Brother Tie, what aroused you!"


Tie Jing looked mournful, "It's only now that I realized that being handsome is not as good as being good at cooking! Brother Long Fei, I will hang out with you from now on!"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while. It must be that woman Yu Junyao who deliberately teased Tie Jing again, but...


This Tiejing is quite shameless. Although he is not that ugly, he is just a gorilla with a strong back and a strong back.

He was afraid that he had some misunderstanding about the word handsome!

"Okay, okay, you can learn it if you can."

Ling Feng had nothing to do with this guy, so he had to say a few perfunctory words to prevent this guy from pestering him endlessly.

"Master Long, from now on we can talk about our own affairs. I will call you master and you will call me senior brother. No one will suffer!"

Tie Jing's eyes flashed with excitement, thinking that if he learned how to cook in the future, he would be able to reach the pinnacle of his life!

"Starting tomorrow, as long as I don't fight, I will take time to learn how to cook with you every day!"

After saying that, Tie Jing left in a hurry.

"What a wonderful flower!"

Ling Feng shook his head. Seeing that dusk was approaching and Huotou Camp had no other tasks, he returned to his tent.

This is the good thing about Huotou Camp. There is no need to participate in the training of other disciples on weekdays, and you only need to prepare one meal every day, and you are very free at other times.

Not only that, the soldiers of the Huotou Battalion do not need to go to the front line to fight. Basically, if the entire army is not wiped out, the Huotou soldiers will not pose any threat.

He took out the sachet that Yu Junyao handed to him. There was a note inside, which was written in ancient times. Even if ordinary people could get it, they would not be able to understand the content at all, and would only think that it was some inexplicable ghost drawing.

"This woman is a little more thoughtful."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. It seemed that this woman had made some progress after following him for so long!

Fortunately, I also learned some ancient characters from Yu Junyao. Although it was a bit difficult to identify them, I finally managed to understand the meaning.

"The first sentence: Brat, I knew you were not dead!"

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and continued reading.

"You brat, we have stolen the body of Master Longjian and placed it with Master Xuanyuan, just waiting for you to come back and examine it!"

"You actually know that you want to steal a body?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, maybe it was Xuanyuan Longteng's idea.

Xuanyuan Longteng is indeed good to me, but it's a pity...

Ling Feng sighed softly, but it was a pity that now, he could no longer serve as the elder of Du Yue Tian Palace.

Even if his grievances were cleared, he still killed too many disciples of the One Moon Palace.

This incident cannot be treated as if it never happened.

"However, with the body in hand, I have more opportunities to prove that the death of Master Longjian has nothing to do with me!"

Ling Feng continued to read the content on the note, "I know it is not convenient for you to be exposed now, so if it is convenient, we will meet alone at midnight tonight, a hundred miles west of the camp, and we will discuss it in detail!"

"This woman has really grown up!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. As long as he left the camp, no matter how powerful the guy hiding in the dark was, he would not be able to monitor every corner of the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

Relatively speaking, the risk of exposure will be much reduced.

"Well, goodbye Zishi."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. After getting along with each other for more than a year, he and Yu Junyao had unknowingly developed a tacit understanding. During tonight's meeting, they hit it off immediately.

The night is getting darker, the night sky is bright, and the stars, like gems, are dotted in the sky, giving it a unique sense of beauty.

When Ling Feng arrived at the agreed place as promised, he saw Yu Junyao sitting on the crown of a big tree, looking up at the stars.

The stars were falling, and Yu Junyao's body seemed to be covered with a layer of silver gauze. Her beautiful face looked particularly holy under the moonlight.

"Miss Jade, I'm here!"

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng also jumped onto the tree crown and said hello to Yu Junyao.


When Yu Junyao saw Ling Feng's current dignity, she burst into laughter and said, "I can't stand it anymore. Although I already knew you were deliberately trying to be ugly, you turned out to be so ugly, hahaha! Oh my God, look, there's something A pig is flying in the sky!"

"Fly you big-headed ghost!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at her angrily, then sat down next to Yu Junyao, shrugged, and said calmly: "I didn't expect that a woman like you would be so smart once in a while! It deserves praise!"

(PS: The background was stuck just now and the next chapter was messed up. Refresh it and it will be fine.)

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