Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2348 My own way! (3 updates)

"Hey, what's going on?"

Hearing the screams in the cave, Jun Jiuyou rushed in quickly and saw Sun Guangyi bleeding from seven holes, holding his head and rolling on the ground. His breath was extremely weak.

Even if he doesn't die, he is already a useless person.

On the other side, Ling Feng stood there dumbly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Hey, Brother Ling, what exactly did you find out?"

Jun Jiuyou frowned. He had never seen Ling Feng so abnormal before.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Ling Feng still shook his head and kept repeating the words "No way, it will never be him."

He didn't believe that Xiao Hen would be the one who planned everything secretly.

However, how could everything he saw directly from Sun Guangyi's memory be false?

But it was clear that when Xiao Hen left, even the high-level soul skills and secrets of the Immortal Realm were handed over to him, so there was no reason for him to frame him!

Thinking about it carefully, Xiao Hen's expression looked a little strange when he left. Could it be that Xiao Hen did all this involuntarily?

That must be it!

Ling Feng clenched his fists. It was true that Xiao Hen had become a little more withdrawn and indifferent, but he could feel that Xiao Hen was not the kind of person with a deep inner world.

Someone must have controlled Brother Xiao!

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and after thinking about this clearly, he calmed down a bit.

"Hey, Brother Ling, what are you talking about? What's impossible? It's not him?"

Jun Jiuyou stared at Ling Feng with a puzzled face, completely confused by him.

"never mind!"

Ling Feng frowned, but his expression was already shocked, "However, things are indeed more complicated than I imagined."

If there is someone else secretly controlling Xiao Hen, then the identity of the person behind the scenes will be revealed.

Boundless God, Master God!

When Xiao Hen left at the beginning, although his purpose was not stated clearly, the only one who could make him ignore the family crisis and insist on going to meet him was probably Shen Bibi.

Who is that mysterious man who is known as the "Divine Destiny" and is highly respected by Xiao Hen?

What kind of plot does he have?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng frowned more deeply.

I originally thought that by catching Sun Guangyi who was alone, I could find out from his memory the mysterious man who framed him.

But now, he did find the person behind the scenes, but it involved more mysteries.

"What's more complicated?"

Jun Jiuyou was confused for a while and didn't bother to think about it, "That's all, I don't care! Brother Ling, you originally agreed with me for one month, but now you don't have much left!"

"Ok, I know."

Ling Feng nodded, "But there are some things that I must solve first."

Turning his head and looking at Sun Guangyi, who was lying on the ground and dying, Ling Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he finally restrained himself.

Sun Guangyi has suffered the consequences. Now he is a stupid useless person. Letting him live will probably be more uncomfortable than death.

Just hand him over to Xuanyuan Longteng and let him deal with it.

After grabbing Sun Guangyi and throwing him into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Ling Feng disguised himself as "Long Fei" again, and returned to the camp with Jun Jiuyou in batches, one after the other.

After returning to the camp, Ling Feng went to the commander's tent as "Iron Jing" and secretly handed Sun Guangyi into the hands of Xuanyuan Longteng. At the same time, he narrated how Sun Guangyi conspired with the head of the Long family and the demon envoy.

Because the matter related to Xiao Hen, Ling Feng only used the envoy of the demon clan instead. It was enough to prove that Sun Guangyi and the head of the Long family had indeed colluded with the demon clan.

As for Xiao Hen's matter, he wanted to solve it in his own way.

"It is indeed the conspiracy of Elder Sun and the head of the Long family!"

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned deeply, "Boy Lingfeng, this sect will make the truth known to the public and restore your innocence."

"Being innocent or not means nothing to me anymore."

Ling Feng shook his head, "I am already a sinner of the sect. Even if it is proven that I was not poisoned, I still killed countless fellow sect members. The first priority right now is to stabilize the morale of the army. There is no need to worry about this matter."

"And once this matter is announced, the head of the Long family will definitely not admit it. By then, the two sword houses will inevitably be in conflict again, so how can they have a chance to form an alliance."


Xuanyuan Longteng frowned, "In your opinion, what should happen next?"

"We have to start with the body of the leader of Longjian, so that the head of the Long family can be convicted of killing the leader. In this way, he will be completely ruined. By then, Longjian Tianfu will not be able to tolerate him without us taking action!"

Ling Feng said slowly: "As for how to expose it, it should not be difficult to think of it with the master's intelligence."

"You kid!"

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head and smiled, "Leave this matter to our sect!"

Taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan Longteng glanced at Ling Feng again, "Boy Ling Feng, what are your plans next? Even if everything is made public in the end, Ling Feng is already 'dead' after all."

Under the circumstances that day, Ling Feng could only die.

"Now, being a cook in Huotou camp is not bad!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, but after all, he did not tell Xuanyuan Longteng about Xiao Hen and Shen Buliang.

As the leader of a sect, he already has enough things to worry about, so he should solve this matter by himself.

However, he asked Lan Yan to go to the Valley of the Wicked to ask for help. After so many days, there was still no news.

Is this guy lost in the Valley of the Wicked?

What a headache!

At the same time, Kunyun City.

The teleportation altar flashed with light, and two figures walked out one behind the other.

The person walking in front was dressed in fine clothes and looked like a wealthy young man with a distinguished status, while the person next to him was a slightly shabby man, holding a black sword that looked simple in shape.

These two people are Lan Yan and Chu Chaonan.

Lan Yan followed Ling Feng's instructions and went to the Valley of the Wicked to ask for help. As a result, he invited a "good guy" like Chu Chaonan, which made him somewhat uneasy.

What if Ling Feng is not satisfied and doesn't return his original divine pattern to him?

But he didn't dare not go back, otherwise Ling Feng would destroy his original divine pattern in a rage, which would be even more miserable.

"finally reached!"

Chu Chaonan put the long sword on his shoulder and looked around.

Affected by the war between the two clans, and the three major sword houses recruiting troops in the city from time to time, the entire Kunyun City looked extremely depressed at this moment, with almost no pedestrians on the streets.

"I don't know what's going on with Boss Ling!"

Lan Yan felt worried for a while. He was not worried about what happened to Ling Feng, but if something happened to Ling Feng, his original divine pattern would be completely lost.

"Don't worry, that kid is very tough!"

Chu Chaonan was not too worried. He shrugged and said calmly: "Let's go. I think that kid is also impatient. Next, let's see Chu Chaonan make a strong appearance and save the world! Hahahaha!"

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