Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2349 Lu Xuanji! (1 update)

Dragon Sword Tianfu Camp.

Under the eager anticipation of the head of the Long family, the top Taoist doctor in Longjian Tianfu finally arrived at the camp in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

Accompanying these Taoist doctors were two ancestors who had never left the world.

One is the supreme elder of the family behind the Dragon Sword Master, Lu Xuanji; the other is the ancestor of the Long family.

This Lu Xuanji is the Supreme Prince of the Lu family behind the Dragon Sword Master.

The Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion is also supported by family power, but unlike the One Moon Heavenly Palace, the nine major families in the One Moon Heavenly Palace are headed by the Xuanyuan family. In the Longjian Tianfu, the three major families, the Long family, the Lu family and the Yuwen family, have similar power, and every headmaster is elected from these three families.

Now, such a big event happened in the station. More than a dozen elders were poisoned, and even the headmaster died suddenly. These old guys who had been hiding in the world were finally alarmed.

After all, such losses can be said to have shaken the foundation of Longjian Tianfu. If the elders cannot be detoxified, the entire situation will worsen.

"what is happening?"

Lu Xuanji had an evil look on his face and stared coldly at the head of the Long family and Yu Wenyong.

Now that Master Longjian is dead, the highest-ranking people in the camp are the head of the Long family and Yu Wenyong.

However, both of them were also poisoned, and they both looked extremely weak at the moment.

The head of the Long family looked pale and said feebly: "This time, I was really tricked by the rebellious Ling Feng of the Single Moon Palace! It was also because of that little beast that the headmaster overexerted his energy and died of poison."

Lu Xuanji's face became more and more ugly, and his brows were furrowed. He had also heard of Ling Feng's name. After all, the direct trigger of this war between the demon clan and the human clan was Ling Feng's killing of Jin. Young Master Jiao made the Great Sage Golden Jiao furious and sent out hundreds of thousands of demon troops to invade the human realm.

"But fortunately, that little beast Ling Feng has already reaped the consequences and died."

The head of the Long family said in a deep voice.


Lu Xuanji snorted coldly, "Even if this little beast dies, what's the use? Can he return his life as head teacher?"

"Also, I also heard that the headmaster's body was also stolen?"

Lu Xuanji stared at the head of the Long family, and a murderous aura suddenly swept over him. The head of the Long family was so excited that he quickly knelt down on the ground with a "pop" and said, "I am not doing things well, please punish me!"

"Huh, punishment?"

Lu Xuanji's face turned cold, "What's the use of punishing you?"

"Okay, Old Lu, I understand how you feel, but you don't have to take it out on me, the junior of the Long family, all the time!"

The ancestor of the Long family on the side frowned and stepped forward: "After all, it is not what Guihai (PS: The head of the Long family, named Long Guihai) wants to see."

Lu Xuanji took a deep breath, stared at the head of the Long family, and continued: "Since the instigator, Ling Feng, has been personally killed by Xuanyuan Longteng, the master of the One Moon Palace, it shows the sincerity of the One Moon Palace. Now that the Shenhuang Picture Book is about to be released, Why have you repeatedly obstructed and been unwilling to form an alliance with Duyue Tiangong? "

Before arriving at the camp, Lu Xuanji had already received frontline intelligence, and naturally had a certain understanding of the situation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

The Illustrated Records of the Divine Desolation is of great importance. Even if the death of the leader has left the two sects with bad blood, they should still choose to form an alliance at this time to jointly fight against the demon clan.

Otherwise, if the demon clan gets the Shenhuang Picture Book, it will undoubtedly be a catastrophe for the human race.

The head of the Long family has been procrastinating. Is it true that he can't see the overall situation at all?

Seeing the evil look on Lu Xuanji's face getting stronger and stronger, the head of the Long family quickly explained: "It's not that I deliberately obstructed it, it's actually the current situation in our Longjian Tianfu that is not optimistic!"

Naturally, the head of the Long family did not dare to say that in order to save his own life, he could only help Ming Zhi delay the alliance between the three major sword houses.

Otherwise, his crime of treason will naturally be confirmed.

"In the past few days, in addition to the headmaster, several elders have also died from the poison. Now in the military camp, people are panicked and the morale of the army is weakened. If we go to the battlefield without the leadership of the elders, If we come here without any fighting spirit, I’m afraid the losses will be even more severe!”

The head of the Long family swallowed hard and said slowly: "Now that Taishang Lu and the ancestors are in charge, forming an alliance is naturally inevitable!"

He clenched his fists tightly, knowing that he could no longer stop the alliance of the three major sword houses.

For now, he can only hope that the Taoist doctors of Longjian Tianfu can remove the toxins from his body, so that he no longer needs to be controlled by others.

"Huh, let's just say that I am thinking of you for the sake of Longjian Tianfu!"

Lu Xuanji snorted, then turned to look at the most outstanding Taoist doctors among the sects behind him, and said slowly: "Everyone, please do your best to resolve a crisis for me, Longjian Tianfu."

The Taoist doctors nodded hurriedly, "This is natural."

"Hmph, there are no poisons in the world that my Yao Zhenren can't cure!"


This group of Taoist doctors are all top Taoist doctors with a high reputation in the West Sword Region, especially the old man with a goatee who is known as the "Master of Medicine" is the best among them.

Seeing the sworn expressions of these Taoist doctors, Lu Xuanji nodded slightly and said with a faint smile: "In this case, everything depends on you."

Half an hour later.

"Hiss... what kind of strange poison is this? I've never heard of it, I've never seen it before!"

"I have been practicing medicine for hundreds of years and have seen countless strange poisons. This kind of poison... there are actually such strange poisons in the world!"

One Taoist doctor after another looked downcast and helpless.

In the end, only the Yaozhen remained.

For a moment, all eyes were focused on Yaozhenren. If even he couldn't do anything, I'm afraid...

"Master Yao, your medical skills are the most superb. There shouldn't be any strange poison in the world that you can't cure, right?"

The head of the Long family is keeping an eye on Yao Zhenren, and among all the people, he is the most eager.

Others could survive ten or eight days by relying on their own energy to suppress the poison, but because he had taken the so-called antidote, the poison broke out more frequently and more violently.


Yaozhenren's face was stagnant, and after a long time, he still shook his head and sighed softly: "I... am also helpless! But..."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, the head of the Long family's heart was already cold, but after hearing the second half, he immediately ignited a glimmer of hope, "But what?"

"If there is such a rare treasure as the Purple Spirit Star Flower, it can temporarily suppress the toxin. It can last for about half a year at least and will not cause death from the poison."

Master Yao said slowly: "Unfortunately, the Purple Spirit Star Flower is extremely rare, and I don't have it here."

The head of the Long family frowned, this old guy, even if he said something, he didn't say anything!

"Other than that, I'm afraid only the ghost doctor in my Valley of the Evil Ones may have a way."

Yao Zhenren shook his head and sighed softly, and his words were undoubtedly equivalent to a death sentence for the poisoned elders.


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