Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2350 You are confused! (2 updates)

For a time, the elders were all dejected and despairing.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist doctor who had been waiting so hard to come would bring such bad news.

It is impossible for them to invite the people from the Valley of the Wicked. From this point of view, I am afraid that there is only one way to die.

Seeing the discouraged expressions of the elders, Lu Xuanji snorted coldly and said loudly: "Now you are not dead, but you have lost your fighting spirit. What does it look like? Didn't Zhencai Yao Zhenren say just now, Zi Ling Xuanxinghua can suppress the poison and delay it for about half a year! If you have it for half a year, you may have a chance to eliminate the poison!"

All the elders looked up at Lu Xuanji and heard Lu Xuanji slowly say: "I will order people to bring back the Purple Spirit Star Flower at all costs! What you have to do now is to suppress the energy in your body with all your strength. Toxic, so as not to die before the Purple Spirit Star Flower is brought back!"

After hearing Lu Xuanji's words, a glimmer of hope ignited in the hearts of all the elders.

I have to say that this Lu Xuanji is worthy of being the Supreme Patriarch. With a few words, he temporarily stabilized everyone.

However, it is really difficult to find such rare treasures as the Purple Spirit Star Flower!

"Okay, let's all go back. Let me and Grand Master Long take over the rest!"

Lu Xuanji flicked his sleeves and turned towards the commander's tent. The most important thing at the moment was to promote the alliance between the three major sword houses as soon as possible. Only in this way could he have the capital to compete with the monster clan for the Divine Desolate Picture Book.

As for the rest, we can only take one step at a time.

"Gui Hai, come with me!"

The ancestor of the Long family looked gloomy and stared at Long Guihai.

Long Guihai clenched his fists, let out a long sigh, and followed the Long family ancestor into the big tent.

"Ancestor, what can you do?"

Long Guihai looked at the back of the ancestor of the Long family and asked in a deep voice.

The ancestor of the Long family flicked his sleeves and laid a layer of barrier in the big tent. Then he turned around, stared at Long Guihai, and said coldly: "Guihai, do you have anything to hide? Take my seat?"


Long Guihai's expression changed, "I... How dare I hide this from you, my ancestor?"

"Hmph! Do you want to continue to deceive me?"

The ancestor of the Long family stood with his hands behind his hands, "Gui Hai, do you think I am as easy to fool as the others? Do you think that old guy Lu Xuanji is a gas-saver? Do you think he doesn't see anything? He just thinks about the overall situation. I won’t expose you for now.”


Long Guihai suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

Indeed, compared with Lu Xuanji, the ancestors of the Long family, and other mature old guys, his skills are still too young.

"Why don't you hurry up and explain everything truthfully!"

The ancestor of the Long family stared at Long Guihai, his eyes like a pair of sharp swords, seeming to see through Long Guihai completely.


Long Guihai sighed softly, made a pop, and knelt on the ground, with strong regret on his face, "I...I should never, never, should have believed in the bewitchment of that little bastard!"

Immediately, Long Guihai told the Long family ancestor the secret meeting between him and the head of the Long family and "Xiao Hen", as well as the content of the conversation, without missing any omissions.

The ancestor of the Long family looked increasingly gloomy. He stared at Long Guihai and cursed loudly: "You are confused!"

"I...I also want to vent my anger on my Long family!"

Long Guihai clenched his fists tightly, "That Ling Feng, relying on the support of Lord Mu Shen, doesn't take us seriously at all. You also know this! If you don't take this opportunity to kill him, what will happen to him in the future?" When we grow up, how can we get rid of this kid? "

The ancestor of the Long family sighed, "Gui Hai, I understand how you feel. Those two boys, Aotian and Teng Yuan, are both your biological grandchildren. They died in Ling Feng's hands. If you want revenge, why don't I? Revenge, but you were too confused to poison other students!"

"A big mistake has been made!"

Long Guihai gritted his teeth and said: "Ancestor, I accept whatever punishment you want, but I do this all for the Long family!"

"Okay, get up!"

The ancestor of the Long family helped Long Guihai and said in a deep voice: "Since you are the head of my Long family, I am naturally on your side. Let me deal with that old guy Lu Xuanji."

"Thank you, ancestor!"

Long Guihai thanked him profusely for a while, but the next moment, he said with a sad face: "Ancestor, I only regret that my time is running out. I mistakenly believed the words of that brat from the Xiao family and took his fake antidote. Now, the poison will break out every three days, and I have to ask him for the antidote. Once the three major sword houses successfully form an alliance, I'm afraid it will be my death!"


The ancestor of the Long family sighed softly, "I have already taken care of this matter! When is the next time you are poisoned?"

"Just...just tomorrow?"

"Okay, you go find him as usual!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of the Long family, "I am going to meet this boy from the Xiao family for a while. A mere junior can actually play with the elders of the three major sword houses. This boy is not easy! "

As for Longjian Tianfu, after Lu Xuanji arrived, he completely took over the power, and the alliance finally made new progress.

But Ling Feng no longer cares about these.

What troubles him now is that the person behind the scenes is actually Xiao Hen.

At this moment, Ling Feng was in his tent, holding a fragment of a scroll sewn with animal skin in his hand.

This is the secret of the Immortal Domain Soul Skill that Xiao Hen gave to him, and it was an opportunity that he got from the Taihua Immortal Palace.

However, the opportunity he had worked so hard to get back was handed into his own hands and asked to keep it for him.

This in itself is a very strange thing.

"No matter what, I have to find out everything. Brother Xiao, maybe he is being controlled by others!"

He had already made a calculation in his mind. Now that Xuanyuan Longteng had mastered the important evidence that the head of the Long family was the one who directly killed Master Longjian, he naturally had a way to ruin the reputation of the head of the Long family.

He even gave Xuanyuan Longteng some scale powder from Xiaodie's wings. It was these scale powder that defused the poison in Lan Yan's body.

Ling Feng has reason to believe that these scale powders can already remove the poison of the "Netherworld Wings".

With the antidote and evidence, Xuanyuan Longteng can naturally make Longjian Tianfu return home.

He no longer needs to worry about this.

What he has to do now is to thoroughly find out who Xiao Hen is controlled by, and whether it is the "Divine Destiny", the infinite god.

"It's a pity that the reinforcements from the Valley of the Wicked have not arrived for a long time!"

Ling Feng frowned. He had a premonition that the person who controlled Xiao Hen was very powerful. He might be at considerable risk if he were to go it alone.

But if you continue to delay, I'm afraid you will have long nights and many dreams.

"No matter, tomorrow, I will go find Brother Xiao and ask him clearly in person!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and made up his mind.

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