Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2351 Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge! (3 updates)

The next day.

Early in the morning, Ling Feng left the camp directly, and Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou left with him.

"Long Fei" Fatty's mission has been completed, so he naturally no longer needs to stay in the camp of the One Moon Palace.

From now on, he only needs the identity of "little villain", which is enough.

Now that Ling Feng is "dead" to the demon clan and the three major sword houses, he can completely turn into darkness and wait for the release of the Shenhuang Picture Record.

He is determined to get this thing!

But in the meantime, he still needed to find out some things.

"Hey, brat, you just left like that?"

Yu Junyao looked back at the camp behind her, frowning slightly, "Are you really not ready to clear your name?"

"For them, Ling Feng is dead, and it doesn't matter whether his charges are cleared or not."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Anyway, I didn't plan to stay in the One Moon Palace forever. It's just a pity..."

"You still can't let go of the Lingyun Alliance, right?"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng. After all, although Xiao Juanyun had been in charge of the Lingyun Alliance, it was founded in the name of Ling Feng.

"Xiao Juanyun is now enough to shoulder the burden of Lingyun Alliance. I believe in him."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He had never been a good alliance leader. Perhaps, without him, the Lingyun Alliance would have fewer enemies in the future, and it might even develop better.

After all, in the One Moon Heavenly Palace, the name "Ling Feng" is enough to attract hatred.

"Now that you are ready to leave, the next step is to return to Jiuyou City with me, right?"

Jun Jiuyou stared at Ling Feng. He didn't care much about the war between the demon clan and the human race. Anyway, in the end, the gods would always come forward. Once the gods came forward, they would have to cease the war obediently.

On the other hand, the Shenhuang Picture Book is about to be released. This kind of treasure is something that even the Gods cannot ignore.

But in comparison, he was still more concerned about his father's injury.

After all, the Illustrated Records of the Wilderness is indeed related to the so-called immortal fate, but this legend has a history of tens of thousands of years, but I have never heard of anyone getting the secret of it.

As for his father, he didn't have much time to delay.

"Don't worry, I have one more thing that needs to be dealt with."

Ling Feng glanced at Jun Jiuyou and said slowly: "After this matter is resolved, I will return to Jiuyou City with you to treat your father."

Although the Shenhuang Illustration will be released soon, I am afraid it will not be found in a day or two.

After a round trip from Jiuyou City, if the patriarch of the Jiuyou God Clan can be successfully cured and get some support from the Jiuyou God Clan, he will naturally have another chance of winning.

"Okay, I've been waiting for so long, it doesn't hurt to wait for you a few more days."

Jun Jiuyou sighed softly, he had agreed to a month, but now the one month period has not yet arrived, so he will have to wait.

Relying on the memory read from Sun Guangyi's spiritual sea, Ling Feng quickly found the valley where Xiao Hen secretly met with the head of the Long family and Sun Guangyi.

"This is it!"

A hundred miles away, Ling Feng asked Jun Jiuyou and Yu Junyao to stop.

"Brother Jun, Miss Yu, please wait for me here first. It's enough for me to go there alone!"

Ling Feng glanced at the two of them, and immediately took out Qian Ji Bai Transformation and transformed into Sun Guangyi's appearance, even his voice was exactly the same.

Ling Feng's plan was to use Sun Guangyi's identity to extract some valuable information from "Xiao Hen".

"What do you want to do when you become this old guy? Is it possible that you want to contact the demon clan?"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng, with a worried look in her eyes.

"Don't worry, just wait here. If anything goes wrong, I will send you a signal."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "With Brother Jun here, there is nothing to panic about."

Jun Jiuyou's strength is not far behind that of Xuanyuan Longteng. Unless there are several great saint-level experts appearing at the same time, with him around, at least escaping will not be a problem.

"Okay, just wait here."

Ling Feng patted Yu Junyao's shoulder, and then flew away towards the cave where Xiao Hen and Sun Guangyi had a secret meeting.

This valley is surrounded by mountains. The only entrance is covered by vines, so it can be said to be very hidden.

Without Sun Guangyi's memory, it would be very difficult for Ling Feng to find this place.

Suddenly, Ling Feng suddenly felt a strong wind coming, his eyelids twitched, and he looked around, only to find that it was the head of the Long family, Long Guihai!

"It's him!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. It seemed that the head of the Long family had more frequent contacts with Xiao Hen.

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Feng showed up and intercepted Long Guihai.

"Master Long, what a coincidence, you also come here to find the demon envoy?"

Ling Feng imitated Sun Guangyi's tone and smiled lightly.

At this moment, Long Guihai's poison exploded again, and his whole body was in unbearable pain. When he saw "Sun Guangyi" standing in front of him, he was startled at first, and then showed a hint of ecstasy.

"It turns out to be Elder Sun!"

Long Guihai knew that there was another detoxification pill in Sun Guangyi's hands. Since he failed to poison him, he naturally kept an antidote pill.

"Master Long doesn't look good."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took a look at Long Guihai. This old guy had a black air on his face. It was obvious that toxins were eroding his internal organs. Even his saint's power could no longer suppress him.

The poison of the Dark Flying Wings was extremely poisonous. Fortunately, Ling Feng had an evolved version of the Vermilion Eye Ice Silkworm. Otherwise, it would be impossible to eliminate this poison.

"I mistrusted that damn Xiao family junior! His poison will not be eliminated automatically in ten days, and the antidote is also fake!"

Long Guihai gritted his teeth and said: "Elder Sun, the reason why you were not poisoned can be said to be thanks to me. If I hadn't acted quickly enough and forced Ling Feng to death, you would probably be like me now."


When Ling Feng heard these words, unknown anger surged in his heart, but his face remained calm and he said coldly: "Then I really have to thank you!"

"Elder Sun, don't you still have an antidote pill in your hand? Give it to me quickly... quickly!"

Long Guihai gritted his teeth and said, "Give me that detoxification pill and I owe you a favor!"


Ling Feng pursed his lips, "Isn't that a fake antidote? What's the use of giving it to you?"

"Although it is a fake antidote, it can also alleviate the three-day poisonous outbreak!"

Long Guihai broke into a cold sweat and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, "Quick, give me the antidote pill!"

Ling Feng frowned, he didn't have any antidote pills, so he could only make nonsense: "Master Long, I have never been poisoned, so naturally I won't carry this antidote pill with me, but this time I happened to have something to ask Xiao... cough Hey, Xiao family boy, why don’t we go together!”


Long Guihai sighed, "You... such an important thing, you... you, that's all. Quick, take me to find that boy!"

Ling Feng sneered in his heart. Although he wished the old guy would die suddenly, he still endured it for a while.

When everything comes to light, you can take revenge and complain if you have a grudge!

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