Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2352 Talk about cooperation! (1 update)

The poison of the underworld wing in Long Guihai's body was already poisonous, making him miserable. When he heard that "Sun Guangyi" didn't bring the antidote with him, so he had no time to talk to him, he immediately galloped towards the cave with a dark face. go.

Outside the cave, there are overgrown weeds, covering the entrance of the cave. It is difficult to find this entrance unless you are looking for it.

"Boy from the Xiao family, I'm back again. Give me the antidote!"

Long Guihai's eyes were bloodshot, and he started yelling while still at the entrance of the cave. It was obvious that the taste of the poisonous hair was indeed unpleasant.

Tap tap tap——

There was a sound of footsteps in the shadows, and after a while, a man covered in black robes, with a pale face and a thin body, appeared in front of Ling Feng and Long Guihai.

This man turned out to be Xiao Hen!

Although the aura was completely different, Ling Feng would never mistake this face.

"The Xiao boy!"

Long Guihai frowned, bared his teeth and rushed forward, "Give me the antidote quickly, I...I can't hold it anymore!"

Black air floated on his face, his whole body trembled violently, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of dark poisonous blood.

Ling Feng shook his head. His poison had already invaded his internal organs, and his life was hanging on by the so-called antidote.

In fact, this kind of antidote is just drinking poison to quench his thirst. It will only make the toxicity in his body accumulate deeper and deeper.

If he takes this antidote for a long time, I'm afraid even Xiaodie's scale powder may not be able to save him.

However, it would be a shame for such a person to die, so Ling Feng didn't bother to remind him.

"Hmph, do you still have the nerve to come to me for the antidote?"

Ming Zhi stood with his hands behind his back and glanced at Long Guihai coldly, "I asked you to delay the alliance between the three major sword houses. It seems that you did not complete the task well!"

"I have tried my best!"

Long Guihai was covered in cold sweat, and his whole body had curled up into a ball. His face was full of pain and he said: "It's just that the sect has sent the Supreme Elder, so how can I speak!"

"Hmph, since you finally delayed it for a while, take this antidote!"

Ming Zhi sneered, and dropped another pill on the ground. Long Guihai immediately pounced on it like a hungry dog ​​grabbing food, not caring about the dust and soil on the pill, and took a "Gulu". Just swallow the pill.

After swallowing the "antidote", Long Guihai's toxicity was temporarily suppressed, but he didn't know that this antidote was a chronic poison. The more he took it, the worse his death would be. , more painful.

Ming Zhi naturally had no good intentions and gave him the antidote, just to keep the chess piece temporarily.


After a long time, Long Guihai exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his complexion recovered a bit. He stared at Ming Zhi with a cold face, and an extremely malicious look flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, Master Long, you'd better not try to resist me, otherwise, you should know what will happen!"

Ming Zhi smiled coldly and without even looking at Long Guihai, his eyes fell on Ling Feng.

Since that secret meeting, the Sun family elder has never come to see him again.

It stands to reason that since he was not poisoned and he was not poisoned, there should be no reason to come looking for him again, right?

"Elder Sun, I wonder why you are here?"

Ming Zhi stared at Ling Feng, somewhat unable to understand his purpose.

Little did he know that the Sun Guangyi in front of him was Ling Feng, whom he thought was dead long ago!

"Haha, Xiao boy!"

Ling Feng imitated Sun Guangyi's tone and said slowly: "I just didn't expect that you would be so scheming at such a young age, that even the junior Ling Feng would fall into your hands. I'm afraid that kid is... I never imagined until my death that you would be the one plotting against him, right?"

"This is all thanks to Master Long's plan."

Ming Zhi smiled faintly and said, "Elder Sun came here this time not just to praise me, right? Or do you want to stand up for the Long Family Master and force me to hand over the antidote?"

Long Guihai snorted coldly and said with a dark face: "Let me state in advance that Elder Sun and I just happened to bump into each other outside!"

At this moment, Long Guihai's life was held in Ming Zhi's hands, for fear that Ming Zhi would misunderstand him, otherwise his life would be on the line.

"Haha!" Ling Feng grinned, "Young man from the Xiao family, what you say is that this matter has nothing to do with you, just worry about it. I am here this time to discuss cooperation with you!"


Ming Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, "How can Elder Sun cooperate?"

"People of the bright side don't tell secret words!"

Ling Feng stared at "Xiao Hen" and said word by word: "Xiao family boy, you are probably not just helping the demon clan, right? If it is just to help the demon clan deal with the human race, how can you let me and the master of the Long family be controlled?" You know that if something happens to the leader, the supreme elders in the sect will definitely come forward. This is not a good thing for the demon clan, right? "

"Oh?" Ming Zhi looked at Ling Feng and smiled faintly, feeling a little strange in his heart as to why Sun Guangyi seemed a bit smarter today.

Naturally, Long Guihai had noticed this problem a long time ago, and immediately stretched out his ears, wanting to hear what Xiao Hen was about.

"go on."

Ming Zhi crossed his arms and said with a sneer.

"If my guess is correct, your goal should be Shenhuang Picture Book!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and continued.

"In other words, it should be the person behind you, the purpose is Shenhuang Picture Book!"

Ling Feng stared at Ming Zhi and said slowly: "Of course you are ambitious, but your strength is there. It is unrealistic for you to compete in the Shenhuang Picture Book by yourself. Therefore, there must be someone strong behind you." He is even as powerful as the Golden Dragon Great Sage! Is that right?"

Ming Zhi smiled faintly, neither admitting nor denying.

Long Guihai's eyelids twitched, he didn't even notice this layer!

"I want to cooperate with you!"

Ling Feng's expression condensed and he said slowly: "In other words, I want to cooperate with the people behind you! Your goal is the Shenhuang Picture Book, and I, what I want is the position of the leader of the Duyue Tiangong! How about that? ?”

Ling Feng deliberately feinted, saying that he wanted the position of headmaster of Du Yue Tiangong, but he was just throwing out a weight.

A weight to make the other party trust you.

His real purpose was to confirm who else was an expert behind Xiao Hen.

But now, judging from Xiao Hen's demeanor, he was 100% right.

Behind him, there was indeed someone else, and he was an extremely powerful being.

Ming Zhi smiled lightly, "Why do you think you are qualified to cooperate with me?"

"It depends on how you think about it?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Compared to Longjian Tianfu, you have poisoned all the senior officials of Longjian Tianfu. Longjian Tianfu has already lost at the starting line in the battle for the Divine Desolate Catalog, but Single Moon Palace different."

Ling Feng paused and continued: "If I expose your conspiracy, firstly, Du Yue Tian Palace will definitely increase its precautions. Secondly, if the demon clan knows that there is a mole inside, what do you think the demon clan will do? Take action? And what are your chances of successfully seizing the Divine Desolation Catalog?"

While speaking, Ling Feng's lips curled up with a trace of teasing, and he stared at Ming Zhi.

For a moment, even though he was as cunning as a cunning fly, he was in trouble.

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