Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2353 Xiaotianji! (2 updates)

"Elder Sun, are you threatening me?"

Ming Zhi's expression darkened and he stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Aren't you afraid that I will prevent you from leaving here alive?"


Ling Feng laughed, "You can take it as a threat, or you can take it as a prerequisite for our cooperation. As for whether I can leave here?"

Ling Feng imitated Sun Guangyi's gesture, stroked his beard, and said slowly: "Master Long, you should know who you are cooperating with now for the greatest benefit, right? If you were under his control, do you think he would keep you alive? ?”

Long Guihai's expression darkened, he took a deep breath, and stood with Ling Feng, his stance already very clear.

"Boy from the Xiao family, lend me the real antidote, and I can cooperate with you! Oh no, it should be, with the person behind you!"

Long Guihai has lived to this age, so he is certainly not a fool.

He also knows very well how to maximize his own interests.


Ming Zhi sneered and said with disdain: "What kind of cooperation does a thing like a dog lying at my feet deserve to discuss with me?"

The next moment, evil energy surged on Ming Zhi's face.

Today's Sun Guangyi seems too smart, and his smartness has exceeded his plan.

"I think I have another option, which is to kill both of you!"

A cold light flashed in Ming Zhi's eyes, and a ball of black energy condensed in his palm.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This method was clearly not owned by Xiao Hen.

Who is this "Xiao Hen"?

"If the two of them are not strong enough, then what do you think about the old man?"

At this moment, a misty voice came from afar.

The next moment, an old figure appeared in the direction of the cave entrance.

He was an old man with white beard and hair, but his back was as straight as a pine tree, and his eyes were bright and shining.

This old man is the ancestor of the Long family!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He had seen the old man once when Mu Shenjun led him to raid the Long family at night.

Unexpectedly, I would see this person again here today!

Without the Shepherd God to protect him, Ling Feng's heart sank slightly when he felt the terrifying aura of the ancestor of the Long family.

Is this the veteran great saint-level powerhouse?

Even though his strength is not as good as those monsters like Mu Shenjun, he is probably several times stronger than Xuanyuan Longteng!


Long Guihai's face was filled with joy. He didn't expect that this ancestor would actually show up in person!

The gaze of the ancestor of the Long family swept across Long Guihai, and then directly passed Ling Feng, staring straight at Ming Xie.

"Junior, I am qualified to cooperate with the people behind you?"

The voice was calm and powerful, like the roar of rolling thunder, making Ming Zhi's expression change again and again.

He is definitely not able to deal with such strong men.

Even if its body is an ancient miraculous insect, if it hits the hands of such an old monster, it will have no choice but to give in.

"This...this is not something I can decide. Everything depends on the Lord...the master's wishes..."

Ming Zhi had a slight trembling sound, and the aura of the ancestor of the Long family almost suppressed him to the point where he couldn't lift his head, and he was almost knocked back to his original shape.

After all, although he occupied Xiao Hen's body, he did not perfectly integrate the origin of Xiao Hen's soul.

"Go and call your master!"

The ancestor of the Long family had no expression on his face and said coldly: "Since I am here today, I will explain the matter clearly! First, the antidote must be handed over, otherwise, everything will be done without anyone seeing the truth!"

When Long Guihai heard this ancestor's words, he immediately felt reassured.

My life should have been saved!

As expected of an ancestor!

The ancestors are mighty!

"Haha, old Daoxuan, I haven't seen you for a hundred years, but you still have such a hot temper!"

At this moment, another suffocating breath suddenly appeared in the cave.

Different from the appearance of the ancestor of the Long family, this aura seemed to appear out of thin air, actually tearing the void directly and derived from the void.

But when he looked carefully, Ling Feng realized that this was just a wisp of spiritual thought!


Ming Zhi hurriedly knelt on the ground, with excitement on his face, "Master, are you out of seclusion?"

The void shadow ignored Ming Zhi, his eyes swept over Ling Feng, and then fell on the Long family ancestor.

Ling Feng's heart beat. What kind of day is today? One great sage appears after another. When did the powerful great sages become so worthless?

"Old Daoxuan, you are so majestic!"

The ancestor of the Long family, named Long Daoxuan, is also known as "Ancestor Daoxuan", but the other party's repeated "Old Daoxuan" is obviously a great disrespect for him.

However, the ancestor of the Long family did not get angry. He just stared at the phantom of the spiritual thought, his expression uncertain for a while.

It seems that he cannot be sure who this spiritual thought belongs to.

After a while, the expression of the ancestor of the Long family suddenly changed, "You... you are Xiao Tianji!"

"Xiao Tianji, how many years have passed and no one has mentioned this name again."

The empty shadow laughed loudly, "Now I am more accustomed to my new name, Guiwu!"

"Ghost Mist Demon Saint?"

The face of the ancestor of the Long family changed, showing a look of extreme horror, "No wonder no one has seen you for hundreds of years. It turns out that you have become the Ghost Mist Demon Saint under the command of the Golden Dragon Great Sage! Unexpectedly, you were so powerful back then. Xiao Tianji, the number two figure in the Valley of the Evil, who is proud of the heroes of the Western Sword Region, turned out to be the Demon Saint of Ghost Mist today after betraying the Valley of the Evil!"


Valley of the Wicked second?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. The person behind the planning of all this was actually the second in command in the Valley of Evil!

Eight of the top ten evildoers stayed in the Valley of the Evildoers. Although Hai Qinglan, the other one, had been hiding incognito, he had met him several times in the Bloody Inn before.

And the last one, the second child that no other villain wants to mention, actually appears here!

Rebellion from the Valley of the Wicked?

What does this mean?

Most of the ten evil people were rescued by the Shepherd Lord to the Valley of the Evil Ones. Firstly, it was to give them a place of refuge. Secondly, it was actually to change these people and give them a new life.

But, what is the situation with this Xiaotianji?

"Why do you bring up these old sesame seeds and rotten millet matters, Daoxuan?"

The voice of that void shadow was still calm, and did not seem to have any emotional fluctuations. "I made some predictions for myself today on a whim. The first hexagram said that I will get a powerful ally today. No, Daoxuan, you are here!"

The ancestor of the Long family snorted, "I don't know who has such ambitions, but it turns out it's you Xiao Tianji. Well, you can be considered an outstanding person in the world. In terms of talent, you are among the tens of millions of cultivators in the West Sword Region. Under the Shepherd God, It’s your Xiaotianji, it would be nice to cooperate with you.”

(PS: Someone guessed before that Shen Buliang is the second son of the Valley of Evil. If you guessed it, then you are great, and I will reward you with a little red flower~)

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