Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2362 Old things! (2 updates)


Chu Chaonan only felt a bolt from the blue exploding in his mind.

Crazy Goro, dead?

"Are you...are you kidding me?"

Chu Chaonan looked in disbelief. In his heart, the evil uncles in the Valley of the Evil were all invincible.

Crazy Wulang, how could he die?

"Okay, Senior Brother Chu, no one will joke about this matter. Senior Wulang has indeed gone..."

Ling Feng reached out and patted Chu Chaonan's shoulder.

Compared with himself, Chu Chaonan grew up in the Valley of the Evil People, and his relationship with these evil people was even deeper.

Chu Chaonan was completely stunned. He was filled with grief at first, and then became extremely angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who did it? People from the Long family? How dare they provoke me in the Valley of Evil?"

"Let's talk about it when we get back!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, and several people entered the inn, booked a separate courtyard, and stayed temporarily.

The injuries of the Blood Demon Hands and others need to be dealt with urgently, otherwise it will only become more and more serious.

After working hard for a long time, Ling Feng finally stabilized the injuries of Blood Demon Shou and others.

However, he could heal the injuries on his body, but there was nothing he could do about the pain in his heart.

It can be seen that whether it is Shura Kitchen Saint, Blood Demon Shou or Xiaoxiaoer, they are all feeling very heavy and depressed.

Even Xiaoxiao'er didn't smile or talk about killing three people every day.

What they want most in their hearts is probably to avenge Crazy Wulang.

After closing the door, Ling Feng slowly walked out of Shura Kitchen Saint's room and let out a long breath.


Ling Feng sighed softly. Unexpectedly, Shen Wuliang was Xiao Tianji, the second child in the Valley of Evil.

Moreover, it seems that he is still the Ghost Mist Demon Saint under the command of the Golden Dragon Great Sage.

This Xiaotianji was able to hide from the eyes of the Great Sage Jin Jiao and lurked beside him. The fact that he had reached such a position showed how deep his city was and how thoughtful he was.

And he is obviously not the kind of guy who is willing to live under others. The reason why he is dormant beside the Golden Dragon Monkey King is just to use the Golden Dragon Monkey King.

I was unintentionally involved in this whirlpool and conspiracy. Although I was helpless, since the matter was unavoidable, I could only find a way to solve it.

"Senior Brother Ling, what's going on?"

Chu Chaonan clenched his fists. Shura Kitchen Saint and the others were very depressed. He couldn't ask them directly, so he could only ask Ling Feng.

"Yes, Shura Cooking Saint and the others are so powerful, how come there are still people who can kill Crazy Wu Lang under their noses? Also, you are all injured."

Yu Junyao also looked puzzled. How could an ancestor of the Long family really be that strong?

Jun Jiuyou and Lan Yan also looked at Ling Feng. Although they didn't speak, they were obviously very curious.

The top ten villains are notoriously evil in the West Sword Territory.

Now, with the four evil men acting together, even the mighty Great Sage did not dare to take the lead lightly. How could he be beaten so miserably?

This is not something that just an ancestor of the Long family can do.

Otherwise, the two major divine clans, the Nine Nether God Clan and the Azure Fire Clan, would not be so afraid of the Valley of the Wicked.

Ling Feng shook his head and said slowly: "Let's go out and talk."

Immediately, the group of people walked outside to the yard, found a pavilion, and then sat down.

"what's going on?"

Chu Chaonan was already impatient.

"It's the second Xiaotianji in the Valley of the Evil!"

Ling Feng said slowly.

"The second son of the Valley of Evil? Xiao Tianji?"

Chu Chaonan was stunned. Although he grew up in the Valley of Evil, he had never heard of this name.

Perhaps, this name is a taboo in the Valley of the Wicked.

"Laughing Tianji!"

On the other hand, Lan Yan and Jun Jiuyou's expressions changed at the same time.

The reason why the Valley of Evil is so powerful is actually mostly due to the secret of Xiao Tian Ji, except for the fact that Lord Mu Shen fought one against nine against the nine ancestors of Du Yue Tiangong, and only lost the battle that made Bao Zhao famous.

Xiao Tianji, the "Divine Destiny", has the most ruthless methods and kills the most people. He can be regarded as bloodthirsty and crazy.

But later, Xiao Tianji suddenly disappeared. There were legends that he betrayed the Valley of the Wicked, and there were also legends that he and Lord Mu Shen fought over a certain treasure and killed each other.

But no matter what the reason was, Xiao Tianji suddenly disappeared as if he had evaporated from the world.

On the day Xiaotianji disappeared, the activities in the Valley of the Evil began to converge.

It seems that the entire Valley of the Wicked has faded out of people's sight, leaving only countless terrifying legends about the Valley of the Wicked.

"It's actually Xiao Tianji!"

Jun Jiuyou said in a deep voice: "Among the top ten evil people, Xiao Tianji ranks second, and his cultivation level is only lower than that of Mu Shenjun. If it were him, it would make sense. Unexpectedly, Xiao Tianji actually and The Valley of the Wicked is broken.”

Immediately, Ling Feng recounted what happened in the cave truthfully.

"It turns out that what Xiao Tianji covets is also the Shenhuang Picture Book, and he even hides his identity and lurks in the demon clan! This person's scheming is so deep that it's simply terrifying!"

Jun Jiuyou folded his hands in front of his chest, with a look of deep fear on his face.

Lan Yan couldn't help but shiver, not expecting that he would actually wade into this muddy water.

I just want to be a dandy young man!

"No matter what secret you have, whether it's heaven or earth, if you dare to kill my fifth uncle, you must pay with your life!"

Chu Chaonan didn't think much about it. It didn't matter what his identity was or how strong he was. In his eyes, Xiao Tianji was just an old bastard who killed his relatives.

"I will definitely make Xiao Tianji pay the price!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, thought about it, and with a thought, he directly released a person from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

With a flash of purple light, a figure tied into a rice dumpling by a fairy-binding rope appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Hen?"

Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched. He had met Xiao Hen a few times, so he naturally recognized Xiao Hen at a glance.

"Ling Feng, don't you have a good relationship with this guy? Why did you tie him up?"

Yujunyao was also confused.

"The Xiao Hen now is no longer Xiao Hen."

Ling Feng sighed softly and pulled out a silver needle from Ming Zhi's eyebrow.

As soon as the silver needle was pulled out, Ming Chi suddenly opened his eyes and cursed loudly, "Boy, let me go quickly. I am the master's first general, how dare you touch me?"

"I want to see what you are!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold and he stared at Ming Zhi coldly.

It was this guy who swallowed the origin of Xiao Hen's soul, and it was he who directly caused him to be besieged by disciples of the two major sword houses.

"What are you going to do?"

When Ming Zhi saw Ling Feng's eyes, he suddenly felt excited and had a bad premonition in his heart, "Boy, you must think clearly. If I die, your good friend will not survive either!"

"I'll release the poison now!"

Ming Xie gritted her teeth, her face suddenly darkened, and Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "If you dare to touch me even a little bit, I will immediately activate the poison, and even if I die, I will have to help you!"

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