Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2363 Pay with your life! (3 updates)

Ling Feng frowned, this guy is really a cruel person!

"What the hell are you!"

Ling Feng retracted his palm and stared at Ming Zhi coldly.

"Hmph, you ignorant ant, you don't even know about the ancient mysterious insects!"

Mingzhi said with a proud look on his face: "I am an extremely poisonous strange insect in the world, and I am also the most intelligent strange insect in the world. Hum hum, boy, if you are sensible, just let me go. Otherwise, if you wait for the master If we find you, you will all be dead!"

"Netherworldly insect?"

Lan Yan on the side suddenly shouted, "I've heard of it! I've read an ancient book before, and it seems that this kind of strange insect has been recorded. Oh my god, I didn't expect that there is such an insect in the world, and it is not extinct!"

"Extremely poisonous? Extremely smart?"

Ling Feng sneered. In terms of shamelessness, this bug is as good as a cheap donkey!

"Why, you don't accept it!"

Ming Zhi said coldly: "If it weren't for those two losers Long Guihai and Sun Guangyi, one made his own paper and the other was cowardly, my plan would have been successful long ago!"

"It's quite insidious, but it's extremely poisonous?"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, "Your poison is just that, it can't hurt me at all!"

Ming Zhi glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and when he recalled that the white light around Ling Feng was born to be his nemesis, he suddenly became angry and itched his teeth.

"You are obviously just a half-saint, how can you resist my poison!"

"Because your poison is so rubbish!"

Ling Feng's words immediately made Ming Zhi scream in anger, "You fart, my poison can kill you in minutes!"

"It seems there is no use keeping you!"

Ling Feng shook his head and summoned Xiaodie with a thought.

"Wow, we haven't seen each other for a few days. Why has Xiaodie become so big?"

Yu Junyao was shocked when she saw Xiaodie's change. If Xiaodie was originally just a seven or eight-year-old girl, she is now at least eleven or twelve years old.

"She also retains the characteristics of the Vermilion Eye Ice Silkworm, which can absorb poison and grow."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "She absorbed the poison from your body last time, so she evolved again."

Before she finished speaking, Xiaodie had already consciously shrunk into Ling Feng's arms.

Obviously, Xiaodie is quite affectionate towards Ling Feng, her master.

Ling Feng gently touched Xiaodie's little head and said calmly: "Xiaodie, go and suck out all the toxins in his body."

Since the underworld fly possessed Xiao Hen's body, it itself was the source of toxins. Xiaodie washed away the toxins from the underworld fly, and all its abilities were naturally gone.

"Red Eyed Ice Silkworm!"

The eyes of the underworld insect twitched, "How is it possible? How can the lowly Zhu-eyed Ice Silkworm evolve to this level!"

Ling Feng sneered, it would be impossible for an ordinary Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm to have such an opportunity.

However, Xiaodie is a red-eyed ice silkworm who has swallowed the scorpion fruit.


Xiaodie's big jewel-like eyes blinked, and then she walked in front of Xiao Hen very obediently.

The next moment, she saw streaks of holy white light shining around her, completely covering Xiao Hen.

The white light shone on Xiao Hen's body, and for a moment, Xiao Hen's body made a "sizzling" sound, as if it was being corroded, and black smoke came out of his body.

Mingzhi screamed in pain, "Ah! No! How is this possible? My poison, my poison!"

The whole body of Netherfly was twisted. Because its body was bound by the Immortal Binding Rope, it fell directly to the ground and rolled all over the ground. The black smoke rising from its body became more and more intense.

Under Xiaodie's holy light, the toxins in his body were being purified bit by bit.

When the poisonous mist gathers together, it is swallowed by Xiaodie's mouth. After absorbing these toxins, Xiaodie will inevitably have the opportunity to evolve again.

After all, this is an ancient strange insect.

Xiaodie's body is also a vermilion-eyed ice silkworm, and worms eat worms, which is just right!

"That's awesome!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyelids twitched. He didn't expect that Ling Feng would have such a spiritual pet beside him.

This Xiaodie is simply the nemesis of any poison in the world!

Lan Yan showed an extremely excited expression. He usually liked to study all kinds of strange insects, but he didn't expect to see two big insects all at once, which was a huge profit.


Mingzhi rolled on the ground in pain and finally began to beg for mercy, "Stop refining my poison, I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy!"


Ling Feng sneered, raised his hand to signal Xiaodie to stop, glanced at Mingchi coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Get out of Brother Xiao's body quickly!"

Ming Zhi was still trembling all over. He glanced at Ling Feng with great hatred, gritted his teeth and said, "You... you sealed this guy's sea of ​​spirit. I can't get out!"

If not, he would have shed his golden cicada shell long ago, abandoned this body and left.

"You can figure it out. Let's release the origin of his soul first!"

Ling Feng stared at Ming Xie coldly. Xiao Hen's soul source had only the last frail part left, like a candle in the wind, which was about to be completely extinguished at any time.

"I let it go, I let it go!"

How could Ming Xie dare to bargain? He gritted his teeth and released the source of Xiao Hen's soul.

With only the last bit left, he could completely refine the origin of Xiao Hen's soul and perfectly integrate it with this body.

Unfortunately, the success fell short.

Seeing that Xiao Hen's soul had returned to its original place, Ling Feng took out the silver needle from Xiao Hen's body. He saw a black mist floating out from Xiao Hen's eyebrows, and then condensed into a black insect the size of a palm, beating Lifting his wings behind him, he stared at Ling Feng coldly.

He didn't dare to run away, otherwise if he was caught by Ling Feng, he would probably die.

"You know what's going on!"

Ling Feng glanced at Ming Xie, "You refined the origin of his soul, and now I order you to return it all!"

" do I pay back this?"

Ming Ling flapped his wings and buzzed: "This is an irreversible process! Don't say I didn't remind you, this kid is already useless... You... what's your expression, you don't think Can the soul be restored to its original level after being devoured like this? I...I am just following orders, and I want to find you to find my master..."

The more Ming Zhi talked, the more guilty he became, and finally he flapped his wings and tried to escape.

Ling Feng grabbed Ming Zhi with his big hand and glanced at it coldly, "Since you won't go back, then I'll pay with your life. It's reasonable!"

"You...what are you going to do?"

Mingzhi panicked for a while, but he met Xiaodie, his nemesis. Its poison was useless.

"Xiaodie, take it and eat it."

Ling Feng had no expression on his face and handed Mingchi to Xiaodie.

This underworld fly is undoubtedly an excellent tonic for Xiaodie. After swallowing the underworld fly, Xiaodie will naturally reach a higher level.

"Thank you, Master!"

Xiaodie smiled sweetly at Ling Feng, took the worm with both hands, and then swallowed the whole worm in one breath.

The ancient strange insect, the dark fly, died!

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