Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2367 Thunder Pool! (1 update)

Wancang Mountain Range is just as its name suggests, with green mountains stretching endlessly.

Under the leadership of Jun Jiuyou and his sister, the group soon arrived at the foot of a very tall and majestic mountain.

Jiuyou City was originally a mountain city.

This majestic ancient city was built on the mountain. Starting from the middle of the mountain, you can see some very ancient buildings, which are embedded in the mountain, but very harmonious, as if they were natural.

And the higher you go, the more magnificent palaces you can see, like castles in the sky.

There, the main line of the Jiuyou God Clan lives.

"This is our Jiuyou God Mountain, and Jiuyou City is located in the God Mountain."

Jun Jiuyou introduced lightly.

There are not many buildings in the entire God Mountain, which is why most of the God Clan hides from the world.

Their people are really too few.

And compared with other forces, although the God Clan has higher talents than ordinary people, as the bloodline continues downward, the descendants who can obtain the divine power of the ancestral bloodline are getting fewer and fewer.

Living in harmony with the world may be a means of self-preservation.

Before approaching the Jiuyou Mountains, Ling Feng felt a faint breath, as if it was a barrier, or some other barrier. In short, everything in front of him gave people a very illusory feeling.

It was like a mirage.

Ordinary people who came here might mistakenly think that the scene in front of them was just a mirage.

"Come with me."

Jun Jiuyou took the lead and walked forward. He was surrounded by a flash of light, and the space in front seemed to be torn apart, revealing a plank road up the mountain.

Ling Feng and Yu Junyao looked at each other and followed. After a while, they arrived at a very special place.

As soon as he approached that area, Ling Feng felt that the air seemed to be filled with an extremely violent force.

It was violent and domineering, and it made people feel like every hair was counting down.

Looking from a distance, it turned out that there was a quiet deep pool in front.

The sound of "sizzling" continued to burst out on the water surface, as if there were thunder dragons stirring on the water surface.

"Is that Ji Lei Tan over there?"

Ling Feng looked at the deep pool in front of him and couldn't help asking.

That day, Lan Yan pointed out three places where the Shenhuang Atlas might be buried, one of which was Ji Lei Tan.

"Brother Ling, do you also know Ji Lei Tan?"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng, and then smiled faintly, "This is indeed Ji Lei Tan, but..."

Jun Jiuyou pointed upwards and laughed, "But this is just the water flowing down from the real Ji Lei Tan. The real Ji Lei Tan is still above."

Ling Feng looked up and saw that in front of this pool of water, there was a place like a pillar of heaven, connecting the sky and the sun, and reaching the sky.

And this pool of water flowed down along this "pillar of heaven", and then accumulated little by little to form a pool of water.

"The real Jileitan is at the top of Tianzhu Peak. The entire Tianzhu Peak is actually equivalent to a container, which is full of water from Jileitan. It is said that Tianzhu Peak is nine thousand feet high, and there are another nine thousand feet below Tianzhu Peak. Three thousand feet below, it is full of the legendary Immaculate Divine Thunder."

After a pause, Jun Jiuyou continued: "Our Jiuyou clan actually has not only wind talents, but also wind and thunder talents. This pool of water below is where our ordinary disciples practice on weekdays. Although the power of thunder has been weakened a lot, it is not something that ordinary people can bear."

"As for the top..."

Jun Jiuyou pointed to Tianzhu Peak and said lightly: "The truly powerful beings in our clan all practice body tempering in Jileitan. However, to this day, no one dares to enter the three thousand feet below Jileitan. The Immaculate Divine Thunder there is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist."

Ling Feng looked up, even if he raised his neck to the highest point, until it was sore, he could not see the end of Tianzhu Peak.

Blinking his eyes, Ling Feng couldn't help but ask: "Brother Jun, with your strength, how deep can you go?"


Jun Jiuyou raised three fingers a little embarrassedly.

"Three hundred feet?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Three hundred feet, not bad."

"Ahem..." Jun Jiuyou's old face blushed, "It's thirty feet..."


Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. With Jun Jiuyou's strength, he could only go about thirty feet deep?

This Jileitan is really a terrifying place!

"Brother, you are so weak!"

Jun Wanyi, who was standing by, finally found an opportunity and couldn't help but mock Jun Jiuyou, "Third Grandpa can go deeper than 500 feet!"

"Why compare me with Third Grandpa?"

Jun Jiuyou said unhappily, "When you exceed 30 feet, tell me again!"

"Tsk!" Jun Wanyi pouted, "I'm still a child!"

"Oh, now you think you are still a child?"

Jun Jiuyou rolled his eyes and recalled a time when his little sister patted her chest and said with confidence: Brother, take me out to play... ahem, travel, I'm not a child of fourteen or fifteen years old! I'm sixteen!

And now...

Tsk tsk tsk, a woman's mouth is a lie!


Jun Wanyi turned around angrily, obviously feeling guilty, but she tightened her face, as if if you don't apologize to me, I will ignore you!

Ling Feng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and smiled. He had been wandering around outside with his grandfather since he was a child. He had no playmates, no brothers and sisters, and he saw that Jun Jiuyou had such a cute little sister. , but I felt a bit envious.

"Ouch! Alan!"

Suddenly, Jun Jiuyou slapped his thigh, quickly accelerated and ran towards the mountain.

I introduced Ji Leitan here for a long time, which almost delayed the business!

"Hey, brother, wait for me!"

When Jun Wanyi saw Jun Jiuyou running away, she quickly chased after him.

Ling Feng and Yu Junyao looked at each other, smiled at each other, unfolded their movements, and flew towards the mountain.

Starting from the mountainside, sure enough, in this deep mountain, there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

Different from the lantern festivals and garden parties that Ling Feng had seen before, the Jiuyou Divine Clan's Qiao Qiao Festival was more like a bonfire party.

On this night, all the boys and girls of the Jiuyou Divine Clan will gather at Youyun Ping on the top of the mountain to start a bonfire party.

And this night will undoubtedly be a night of "fire".

Seeing the twilight approaching, Jun Jiuyou's speed became faster and faster.

Although he was usually careless, the thought of Han Ruolan being harassed by other men made him feel uncomfortable.

After all, how could a guy like him talk about love so much, but he only cares about it in his heart, but never expresses his feelings.

But sometimes, if some words are not spoken, they may be missed forever.

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