Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2368 Jun Wuwu! (2 updates)

On the top of the sacred mountain, Youyunping.

In this huge empty flat, there was a large amount of firewood piled in the middle, and hundreds of tribesmen were gathered around this huge bonfire.

Tonight, the Jiuyou Divine Clan was extremely lively.

Today is officially the annual Qiqiao Festival, and the most important part, the bonfire event, is about to begin.

And the sky-burning fireworks that are about to soar into the sky will announce to the entire night sky: Today, there is no night!

Watching the sunset, the dusk finally sinks below the horizon, and night falls.

What replaced it was the blazing fire.

The huge bonfire in the center of Youyunping was blazing, and the dazzling and scorching fire light almost illuminated the entire night sky.

Yes, the firelight all over the mountain seemed to drive away the night, and the crazy men and women of the Nine Nether God Clan were restless and couldn't wait to enter the most anticipated part of the Qiqiao Festival.

After the elders and other important figures in the clan gathered, the Qiqiao Festival officially kicked off.

On a high platform about three feet high, there are seven deerskin thrones and a tiger skin main seat.

The main seat is naturally reserved for the patriarch of the Jiuyou Divine Clan. The remaining seats are reserved for the clan elders.

Unfortunately, the clan leader still did not show up today.

Since the clan leader announced his seclusion seven or eight years ago, he has not been seen again.

Therefore, after seven or eight consecutive years, the tribesmen have become accustomed to it.

The person who hosted this bonfire event instead of the clan leader was the clan leader's younger brother, Jun Jiuyou's clan uncle, Jun Wuwu.

Jun Wuwang sat on the main seat as if there was no one else around, while the faces of the clan elders beside him changed slightly.

"This Jun Wuwu is becoming more and more unscrupulous!"

"Hmph, the clan leader has not left seclusion for many years. Jun Wuwang, does he really think of himself as the clan leader?"

"The acting patriarch is the acting patriarch. If the patriarch is not dead for a day, he is just a substitute!"

The elders of each major clan had their own thoughts, but none of them showed it on their faces.

Since the patriarch of Jiuyou went into seclusion, things were going well at first. However, the patriarch did not come out of seclusion for six or seven consecutive years, and some began to wonder if something had gone wrong with the patriarch's practice.

It is precisely because of this that some people gradually have different intentions.

Among them, Jun Wuwu is the strongest and most famous.

As for Jun Jiuyou, although he is the number one genius in the clan and the eldest son of the clan, he is still fledgling.

If it weren't for the strong support of Jun Jiuyou from the Third Elder's lineage (that is, the Third Grandpa in Jun Wanyi's words), it would have been possible for Jun Wuwu to seize power directly.

At the moment, among the high-level officials of the Jiuyou God Clan, there are various factions and factions. Although they all have smiles on their faces, they actually have their own agendas.

However, these people's intrigues did not affect the holding of this bonfire event.

After some young and beautiful girls in the clan finished dancing the flames around the bonfire, the head of the clan, Jun Wuwu, held a torch high and lit a pile of firewood on the high platform.


In an instant, fire shot into the sky.

Wrapped around a giant pillar of flame, a divine light flickered, condensing into an ancient beast high in the sky.

Nine Netherworld Bird!

This is the ancestor of the Jiuyou Divine Clan and the totem they believe in.

"Young men of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, it's another annual bonfire event. Young men, I also know that you have been waiting for a long time. To make a long story short, the ceremony of worshiping the heavens begins!"

Following Jun Wuwang's order, all the members of the Jiuyou Divine Clan closed their eyes, raised their hands high, and murmured their supreme faith in their ancestors.

The power of faith gathered together into a thick force of will, and the milky white luster seemed to cover the night sky with a hazy veil.

About thirty breaths later, Jun Wuwu was the first to open his big copper bell-like eyes, and a rough voice sounded, "Boys, tonight, boldly confess your love to the girl you love!"

For a moment, the crowd was excited.

Among the restless crowd, stood a girl in red, wearing gorgeous clothes.

This girl was the lead dancer in the Dance of Fire just now. Among all the beautiful girls, she was like a focus, attracting countless eyes no matter where she went.

Looking at the passage leading up to Youyunping, he bit his silver teeth lightly.

"He still hasn't come back after all..."

The girl clenched her fists, "He obviously agreed..."

But it turns out that this girl in red is the one Jun Wanyi mentioned, Sister Alan.

"Oh no, no, no, the bonfire has been lit!"

Jun Jiuyou looked up and saw the blazing fire on the horizon, lighting up the night sky, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Hey, I'm still late."

Jun Jiuyou sighed, turned around and left.

"elder brother!"

Jun Wanyi quickly grabbed Jun Jiuyou's arm, "Hey, where are you going? Sister Alan is still waiting for you!"

"It's already late anyway..."

Jun Jiuyou shook his head, "Next year, it will be the same next year."

"Next year, next year!"

Jun Wanyi put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "Sister Alan has been waiting for you for three years! You, you are going to make me mad!"

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head. When it comes to practicing fighting, he must be very clear-headed, but when it comes to dealing with this aspect of the problem.

Sorry, when Hanhan meets Hanhan, it's like two blind men discussing what an elephant looks like. It's pure nonsense.

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, frowned and glared at Jun Jiuyou fiercely, "You stinky man, don't you know that endless waiting can make a woman sad, disappointed, and then desperate?"

"That's right!"

Jun Wanyi also nodded repeatedly and said: "Every year I go to comfort An Lai to pick her up, but Sister Alan always comforts me and says it's okay, but I can feel that Sister Alan is very sad!"


Jun Jiuyou clenched his fists and couldn't hold it in for a while.

"I, I, I, I, what, I, get up the mountain!"

Yu Junyao glared at Jun Jiuyou. Jun Jiuyou shrank his neck, sighed softly, and had no choice but to continue going up the mountain.

"This is right!"

Jun Wanyi narrowed her eyes and smiled, giving a thumbs up to Yu Junyao, "Sister Yu, you are still awesome!"

Yu Junyao raised her eyebrows and smiled, "This guy is just like a donkey, he has to kick his feet twice to move!"

As she said that, she couldn't help but look back at Ling Feng, and silently added in her heart: As for this guy, he is more stubborn than a donkey. He probably won't be able to move even if he kicked him ten times, let alone two!

"Endless waiting..."

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, looking at Jun Jiuyou's back, his heart was slightly touched. Did he make those good women sad and disappointed again?

Maybe there is...

Several figures flashed through Ling Feng's mind, and he left in a hurry, like a passer-by in their lives, without even having time to say a unnecessary goodbye.

Wei Wei shook his head, now he was not qualified to think about these issues.

Take a deep breath and put all distracting thoughts behind you.

Be strong! Only with the power to compete with the immortal gods in the immortal realm, and even the gods at the source of the world, can he truly control his own destiny.

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