Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2369 Grandma Ni! (3 updates)

After a while, the group of people boarded Youyunping.

Jun Jiuyou's eyes scanned the crowd.

In fact, he rarely attends such parties, or in other words, since he became an adult, on this day, he is either practicing or traveling.

Although he is the young patriarch of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, this is his first time to participate in the bonfire party of the Qiqiao Festival.

"Young patriarch!"

Many people saw Jun Jiuyou and quickly greeted him. As the most outstanding genius of the Jiuyou Divine Clan and the eldest son of the clan leader, there is no problem in describing Jun Jiuyou as a dragon among men.

Many girls from the Jiuyou Divine Clan secretly expressed their love for Jun Jiuyou. Seeing him appear, there were many women who came forward to express their love.

However, Jun Jiuyou's goal is very clear.


Jun Jiuyou was chanting Han Ruolan's name in his heart. Suddenly, his eyes focused on a girl in red.

is her!

A smile appeared on Jun Jiuyou's lips.

Counting it all together, it seems that the last time I saw Han Ruolan was more than a year ago.

After not seeing her for a year, she seemed even more beautiful.

"It's Sister Alan!"

Jun Wanyi also saw Han Ruolan, pointed in her direction and jumped up and down.

Ling Feng and Yu Junyao looked in the direction pointed by Jun Wanyi. Sure enough, the beauty was as beautiful as jade.

That Han Ruolan is indeed a rare beauty.

However, there seemed to be several other men surrounding Han Ruolan.

The one at the head looked quite handsome, with a divine pattern flashing between his eyebrows. The pattern was complex and almost as good as Jun Jiuyou's divine pattern.

Apparently, he is also a direct bloodline of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

The divine pattern on Han Ruolan's forehead is relatively simple.

This is the pressure that high-level divine patterns will naturally release when encountering low-level divine patterns.

Han Ruolan was invisibly inferior to that man.

"It's that bad guy Jun Annan!"

Jun Wanyi put her hands on her hips and glared at the man angrily, "He has harassed Sister Alan many times!"

"That's my second uncle's eldest son. He's a few years older than me. He's my cousin in terms of seniority."

Jun Jiuyou clenched his fists. When he was a child, Jun Annan often bullied the children of other branches, including Han Ruolan.

And now, he actually still has the nerve to pursue Han Ruolan?

Or to put it another way, he simply wanted to get Han Ruolan.

"Brother, what are you waiting for!"

Jun Wanyi was so angry that her teeth itched, "Go up and beat that bastard for how dare you take advantage of Sister Alan!"

Jun Jiuyou frowned and looked at the clan elders sitting at the main table.

Jun Wuwu, Jun Annan's father, actually overstepped his authority and occupied his father's throne.

It stands to reason that the father is the patriarch of the clan, and Jun Wuwang, even if he acts as the clan leader, he can only sit on the deputy seat next to him, which is in line with the rules.

This Jun Wuwu seems to be paying less and less attention to the clan leader.

Clenching her fists, Jun Jiuyou quickly walked towards Han Ruolan and shouted, "Alan!"

Han Ruolan was being pestered by Jun Annan and the others when she suddenly noticed that Jun Jiuyou was coming, and a smile suddenly appeared on her sad face.

Just like lotus blooming in spring, it gives people an extremely stunning feeling.

"Young...young patriarch."

Han Ruolan stepped forward and ran to Jun Jiuyou's side, her pretty face slightly flushed.

"Hehe, sister Alan, I brought my brother back!"

Jun Wanyi hugged Han Ruolan's arm and said with a smile: "As long as my brother is here, sister Alan, you don't have to be afraid of anyone!"

"Yes." Han Ruolan nodded and glanced at Jun Jiuyou again. The two looked at each other, and she lowered her head shyly.

With this shy posture, even a blind man could see her thoughts.

"It turns out to be Jiuyou's cousin!"

Jun Annan frowned, "Everything has to be done on a first-come, first-served basis. I found Sister Alan first. It's a bit unjustifiable for you to steal love with a knife!"

Jun Jiuyou had no expression on his face and just said coldly: "Jun Annan, Alan is my woman. If you dare to lay a finger on her, I will destroy you! If you touch her with your left hand, I will destroy you with your left hand. If you touch her with your right hand, I will destroy your right hand!"


The expression on Jun Annan's face suddenly changed. Others may not be qualified to say this, but Jun Jiuyou is different.

He is the most outstanding genius of the Jiuyou Divine Clan and the young patriarch.

When he said this, it was quite intimidating.

"Young patriarch..."

Han Ruolan's beautiful eyes were filled with happiness, and Jun Jiuyou finally said those words!

Did he always regard herself as his woman?

"Hmph! It's just a low-level bloodline from a collateral line. I'll leave this kind of thing to you!"

Jun Annan knew that he was no match for Jun Jiuyou, so he cursed and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yu Junyao had a bad temper. When she heard Jun Annan's dirty talk, she immediately jumped out and said: "It's disgusting for a bitch like you to look at yourself. You don't know what you are, trash! Trash!" ! "Coward!"

After a series of scoldings, Jun Annan was about to leave, but when he was scolded by Yu Junyao, he suddenly became angry.

"Who are you?"

Na Jun Annan was originally furious, but when he saw Yu Junyao's appearance, he immediately narrowed his eyes, showing a squinting look.

"It turns out there is still a beauty!"

Jun Annan swallowed. In terms of appearance, Yu Junyao was better than Han Ruolan, but in terms of temperament.

Yu Junyao is a direct descendant from the Jiuli Divine Clan. She is like a little princess and has a noble temperament that cannot be compared to Han Ruolan.

When he saw Yu Junyao's beautiful face, Jun Annan still remembered what Yu Junyao had scolded him before, and smiled seductively: "Beauty, which branch of the family are you from? How come I haven't seen you before? !”

After a pause, he looked at Jun Jiuyou warily and said in a deep voice: "Jun Jiuyou, you already have Han Ruolan, you won't argue with me anymore, right?"


Jun Jiuyou snorted coldly, grabbed Han Ruolan's jade hand and walked aside, meaning: This woman has nothing to do with me, you can do whatever you want.


Several black lines suddenly appeared on Yu Junyao's forehead, and she cursed in her heart, this damn Jun Jiuyou is still a man, and he actually holds a grudge like this!

"Hey hey hey..."

Seeing Jun Jiuyou's statement, Jun Annan immediately rubbed his hands excitedly, "Little beauty, what's your name!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she glared at Jun Annan and said coldly: "My surname is Ni!"

"It turns out to be Miss Ni, what a good surname! What a good surname!"

"I haven't finished speaking yet!" Yujun Yao Fengmu stared at Jun Anan and said coldly: "My surname is Ni, my name is Lao Mu, and my full name is your grandma!"

"Ni...Grandma Ni!"

No matter how stupid Jun Annan was, he should have heard Yu Junyao's sarcasm. He frowned and suddenly became furious, "You stinky bitch, you are so shameless!"


At the right moment, Jun Annan raised his big hand and slapped Yu Junyao hard.

However, the next moment, Jun Annan felt as if his wrist was being tightly grasped by an iron pliers. When he looked up, he saw an unusually handsome young man grabbing his wrist tightly.

How could it happen, so quickly?

Before Jun Annan could react, he heard a "pop" and a crisp slap on his face, which resounded...

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