Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2370: Not three or four! (1 more)


A slap in the face made Jun Annan dizzy. He spun around in circles several times like a spinning top. Then he looked ahead with stars in his eyes, covered his cheeks and started yelling.

"What a fool, who dares to attack me!"

Jun Annan is a direct bloodline of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, and his status is so respected. Although he is not as good as Jun Jiuyou, he is still an outstanding one among the younger generation of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

However, before he could see clearly what was going on, he was slapped hard!

"I hit you!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at Jun Annan, and said in a cold voice: "Some people are unworthy of punishment, so I will teach you a lesson for you!"

"It's you?"

Jun Annan came back to his senses, refocused his eyes on Ling Feng, and suddenly became furious.

Imperial realm?

He was just an emperor, but he dared to slap himself!

"It's good, it's seconds, it's so good! Haha!"

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, looked like she was worried that the world would not be in chaos, and she was still clapping her hands aside.

Ling Feng's head darkened. If this woman hadn't caused trouble, why would he have taken action to deal with the aftermath and create complications?

However, this Jun Annan was arrogant and had a dirty mouth. This kind of guy who deserves a beating should be beaten as soon as possible.

"You little bastard, you dare to slap me?"

Jun Anan's eyes were filled with anger, and he glared at Ling Feng with bared teeth. His originally handsome face was distorted by anger.

"What, you still want to try again?"

Ling Feng met Jun Annan's angry gaze without taking it seriously at all.

Although this is the territory of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, it doesn't mean that I have to keep a low profile.


So what?

In front of the Tiandao Clan, the Jiuyou God Clan is nothing.

What's more, since he followed Jun Jiuyou to treat his father, Jun Jiuyou would not let himself suffer.

As a young patriarch, he still has some real power.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, where does this kid dare to fight against Young Master Annan?"

"Oh my God, this kid is too brave, isn't he?"

For a time, many disciples of the Jiuyou God Clan gathered around him. Jun Annan was running rampant in Jiuyou City for more than a day or two.

But given his identity, even the elders in the clan would turn a blind eye most of the time.

After all, the clan leader had been in seclusion for seven or eight years, and during these seven or eight years, Jun Anan's father, Jun Wuwu, had almost taken over all the power.

With this "acting patriarch" father protecting him, Jun Annan naturally became even more serious.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to teach Jun Annan a lesson today, and moreover, in full view of everyone!

On the high platform.

Na Jun Wuwu was holding a cup of ginseng tea, enjoying the tea leisurely and contentedly, when he suddenly noticed what was happening at the bonfire party and frowned.


The tea cup was slammed down on the table by Jun Wuwu, and the tea spilled all over the floor.

He could clearly see that the boy who beat his son was brought back by Jun Jiuyou.

Could it be that this listed young patriarch also wants to resist him?

Hum hum, a fledgling bird, just stay outside honestly, if you dare to resist!

A cold light flashed in Jun Wuwang's eyes: Then don't blame me for being a cruel uncle.

Among wealthy families, family ties have always been weak. And an ambitious guy like Jun Wuwu would naturally not care about the relationship between uncle and nephew.

"Wuwang, don't you have to intervene in the affairs between the juniors?"

Seeing Jun Wuwu's angry look, an old man with white beard and hair next to him stroked his long beard and said lightly with a hint of teasing in his eyes: "I think back then, when you and Wu Feng were young, When it comes to fighting over girls, they are no less angry than them. It is better for the juniors to resolve matters themselves, as long as they don't cause any big trouble. "

The person who spoke was none other than the third elder of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, the "Third Grandpa" that Jun Wanyi had previously referred to.

And the "Wufeng" he refers to is Jun Wufeng, the leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

"That's what Third Uncle said."

In front of the third elder, Jun Wuwang still wanted to give him some face, but he just smiled and said, "How can I interfere in the junior's affairs?"

"Hey hey hey!"

Next to the third elder, another old man said with a smile: "You have spilled the tea, and you still say you don't want to interfere? Tsk, tsk, tsk, some people's words are just like farting, and it won't be counted after they are done!"

This old man is the fourth elder of the Jiuyou Divine Clan. He is about the same age as the third elder, but he has black hair. Standing side by side with the third elder, one has white hair and white clothes, and the other has black hair and black clothes, which looks quite strange.

In fact, these two elders are quite famous within the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

The third elder is named Jun Bu San, and the fourth elder is named Jun Bu Si. When the two are added together, they are Bu San Bu Si.

The fourth elder's words made Jun Wuwang's face turn red, and he cursed in his heart: No matter what, you two old guys, when I ascend to the position of clan leader, I will be the first to attack you!

This is neither three nor four, usually one singing and one harmony, one positive and one negative, which always makes people unable to get off the stage.

Similar conversations happened not once or twice.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Wuwu forced it back, "Haha, fourth uncle is really good at joking."

the other side.

Jun Annan stared at Ling Feng and saw more and more people gathering around him. In other words, more and more people knew that he had been slapped.

This guy has always had a good reputation. If he doesn't regain his reputation today, how can he still hang out in Jiuyou City in the future?

"You little bastard, I'll give you a chance!"

So how much Jun Annan was afraid of Ling Feng's strength? After all, even though he was a little obsessed with lust just now and his reaction was a beat slow, Ling Feng's speed was still a bit exaggerated.

If he really took action, he might still suffer a loss.

"Kneel down and kowtow eighteen times in front of me, and then shout three times, Grandpa, I was wrong, and I will let you go!"

Jun Annan stared at Ling Feng angrily and gritted his teeth.

Of course, he couldn't really let Ling Feng go, so he would naturally play dirty tricks behind his back to make Ling Feng's death ugly.

But on this occasion, he didn't dare to take risks, lest he lose more face.

"What are you yelling? I didn't hear you clearly just now!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and asked with a frown.

Jun Annan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "Listen clearly to me, grandpa! I was wrong!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and grinned: "Hey, good grandson, I forgive you, grandpa!"


A cool breeze blew across the top of the mountain, and the scene became very quiet for a while.

Then, there was a "puff" sound, but it was Yu Junyao who couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Then, Jun Wanyi also burst out laughing, "Oh, you really laughed me to death! Jun Annan, when did you recognize him as your grandfather!"


Soon, laughter seemed to be contagious, and the surrounding disciples of the Nine Nether God Clan couldn't help laughing.

Jun Annan suddenly blushed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. His eyes turned red and he stared at Ling Feng.

This damn little bastard actually dared to make a fool of himself in public like this.

If I’m not going to destroy you today, I’ll just read my name backwards!

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