Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2371 Are you a couple? (2 updates)

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Jun Annan felt like he was about to explode with anger, "You are dead. You will definitely die today. As I said, even if the King of Heaven is here, I can't save you!"

"I can't save the King of Heaven, can I save it?"

At this moment, a slow and slightly lazy voice came.

Jun Annan looked back, his eyelids suddenly twitching.

Jun Jiuyou!

How could I forget this?

This kid was brought back by Jun Jiuyou!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and Jun Jiuyou stepped forward.

However, Jun Jiuyou was not afraid that Ling Feng would suffer a loss, but that he was afraid that Ling Feng would make things worse, which would end badly.

After all, Jun Annan is Jun Wuwang's son.

At least, before his father comes out of seclusion, it is not appropriate to have too intense a conflict with Jun Wuwang's lineage.

"Jun Jiuyou!"

Jun Annan stared at Jun Jiuyou, gritted his teeth and said, "Jun Jiuyou, do you have to go against me?"

"Go against?"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Jun Annan, "Are you worthy? I will only say this once, Ling Feng is my guest, if you dare to touch him, I will destroy you!"

Jun Annan felt like he was going crazy. Why did these words sound so familiar?

It seemed to be the same when Jun Jiuyou protected Han Ruolan just now.

And now, he actually wants to protect the boy who slapped him in public again!

Do you really treat me, Jun Annan, as a soft persimmon?

"Damn it!"

Jun Annan was furious, but when he saw Jun Jiuyou's cold eyes, he immediately calmed down.

Over the years, he has been domineering and provoked countless people.

But there is one person who is his shadow, his shadow for life.

That is Jun Jiuyou.

It could be said that he had long been frightened by Jun Jiuyou.

"Get out of my sight within three breaths!"

Jun Jiuyou said coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, which immediately made Jun Annan shiver.

If Ling Feng takes action against him, he can still ask his father to take action.

But if Jun Jiuyou took action, his beating would be in vain.


Jun Annan gritted his teeth with hatred, but in the end he did not have the courage to confront Jun Jiuyou, so he had to take a few losers and left in despair.

"Didn't I say that even the King of Heaven can't protect me?"

Ling Feng shrugged and gave Jun Jiuyou a thumbs up, "It seems that Brother Jun, you are more powerful than the King of Heaven!"

Jun Jiuyou shrugged, "This guy is just a idiot, just his father...hey, that's all, let's not mention that."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In any big family, there would be more or less conflicts of one kind or another. Anyway, he was just here to treat Jun Jiuyou's father in exchange for the Fountain of Youth.

Other things have nothing to do with me.

"Brother Ling, that me..."

Jun Jiuyou coughed dryly, then turned to look at Jun Wanyi, and said calmly: "Xiao Qi, help my brother greet Brother Ling and the others, I have something else to do..."

When Han Ruolan next to her heard this, her pretty face turned red and she was almost bleeding.

As for what happened...

On this day, do you need to think too much?

"Brother Ling, I'll come see you tomorrow!"

After saying that, Jun Jiuyou's old face turned red, and he took Han Ruolan and flew away.

"What's the rush!"

Yu Junyao didn't know what was going on and couldn't help turning her head to look at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng also shrugged, "You ask me, who should I ask."

Regarding the customs of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao were two outsiders after all.

But Jun Wanyi said with a smile: "I know, I know!"

As she spoke, Jun Wanyi stretched out her two small hands, making a fist with one hand and raising an index finger on the other hand, and then


Jun Wanyi raised her head, smiled at Ling Feng and Yu Junyao and said, "Understood?"


Ling Feng and Yu Junyao looked at each other, their faces turning red at the same time.

"Xiao Qi, you know too much, don't you?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, what exactly did Jun Wanyi experience in her growth process?

Could it be that, like Feng Mo, she is a studious person and likes to read some very in-depth books. (PS: For details on Feng Mo’s favorite books, please see "Chapter 221: Your research is very in-depth!")

"Tch, I'm not a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old girl anymore!"

Jun Wanyi patted her chest, "I'm already sixteen years old!"


Ling Feng's forehead went dark. Not long ago, someone seemed to have said that he was just a child. When he turned around...

Okay, okay, it seems that whether a girl is still a child or not is probably an unsolved mystery in the world.

It's getting darker.

The boys and girls of the Nine Nether God Clan have found their significant other one after another.

Jun Wanyi looked here and there on the top of the mountain, but finally her interest waned, so she took Ling Feng and the others down the mountain and arranged accommodation for them.

Suddenly, the little girl seemed to remember something, turned back mysteriously, suddenly covered her mouth with her palm, mysteriously came to Yu Junyao's ear, and asked in a low voice: "Sister Yu, you and that Ling Feng Are they a couple?"


Yujunyao was stunned for a moment, this girl's question was a little bit sharp.

"Isn't that right?"

Jun Wanyi urged impatiently.

"what the hell!"

Yu Junyao stole a glance at Ling Feng, looked at Ling Feng's back, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she spat lightly: "No!"

"So it's not, then I have to find two guest rooms for you, so annoying."

The little girl frowned and said: "But where can I find two rooms at this time, it's really worrying! Stinky brother, so unreliable!"


Yu Junyao saw Jun Wanyi's angry look, and couldn't help saying: "One room is also fine, anyway, it's not like I haven't lived in it before."

"Oh, I understand, I understand!"

Jun Wanyi was a little kid, and immediately showed an ambiguous smile: "Is your relationship called a relationship of irresponsible bed partners? Um, Sister Yu, this kind of relationship is not recommended!"


Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, stretched out a white jade finger and touched Jun Wanyi 's head, "Girl, what are you thinking about! I really don't know who you learned all these messed up things from! I mean, that guy won't do anything to me anyway!"


Jun Wanyi glanced at Ling Feng, blinked her bright eyes, couldn't help but glance at Ling Feng's crotch, and then shrank her neck, "Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that Brother Ling Feng looked quite handsome, but he turned out to be a eunuch! So pitiful."


Yu Junyao almost burst out laughing, and seeing Jun Wanyi's sympathetic look, she took a deep breath and nodded seriously, "Well, he is a eunuch, so he can't do anything, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand!"

Jun Wanyi nodded, "Since he is so pitiful, I will treat him better."

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