Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2372 Fight! (3 updates)

Because Ling Feng was a "eunuch", Jun Wanyi arranged for Ling Feng to live with Yu Junyao, and she left happily.

When she left, she called out very gently, "Brother Ling Feng"!

But Ling Feng always felt a little creepy.

What's wrong with this girl?

Why is her eyes full of sympathy?

And why did she arrange for him to live with Yu Junyao?

What the hell!

"Miss Yu, did Xiao Qi misunderstand something?"

Ling Feng was confused for a while. Are none of these women normal?

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding!"

Yu Junyao coughed dryly and said with a stern face: "Xiao Qi said that there are not enough rooms, so we can only live in one room. Well, it's not like we haven't lived here before, why are you being so pretentious? The old rules, I'll sleep inside, and you, go wherever you want!"

After that, there was a "bang", and Ling Feng was locked outside the house.


Ling Feng was speechless.

What the hell, the God Clan, they don't even have a room, what the hell are the God Clan!

Helplessly, Ling Feng had to sit cross-legged outside the yard and meditate.

Not to mention, the God Mountain is the God Mountain after all. The Jiuyou God Mountain is filled with extremely pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth. It can be regarded as a paradise.

No wonder the warriors of the God Clan grow much faster than those outside. If you grow up here, you have already won at the starting line.

"Dad! Dad! Dad!"

Jun Annan hugged his father's thigh tightly and cried loudly, "Dad, you must make the decision for me! Jun Jiuyou, that little bastard, and that kid called Ling Feng, he actually dared to slap me in public! Can you bear this!"

As soon as he returned to the mansion, Jun Annan pestered Jun Wuwang for more than half an hour.

"Nan'er, you too, you know that Jun Jiuyou is powerful, but you still go and provoke him!"

Jun Wuwang frowned, looking at his son, really disappointed.

"What's so great about Jun Jiuyou? He still relies on his father being the clan leader!"

Jun Annan cursed, "Dad, if you were the clan leader, I don't think Jun Jiuyou would be able to jump around!"


Jun Wuwang frowned and glared at Jun Annan, "Walls have ears, some things can't be said casually."

Jun Annan snorted, "Dad, what are you afraid of? The clan leader hasn't come out for so many years. It's probably because something went wrong in his cultivation. You are the clan leader that everyone wants! Those two old guys, Bu San Bu Si, don't know what it means to judge the situation. They have to go against you, dad. Sooner or later, they will die ugly!"

Jun Wuwang's eyes flashed with cold light, "Bu San Bu Si, these two together are very powerful. Even though I have secretly won over many elders, I still have to give them face!"

In the Jiuyou Divine Clan, the eldest elder died suddenly while cultivating. The second elder has always been moderate and never intervened in any fights. He was devoted to cultivation, so both sides didn't care.

The third and fourth elders are the two strongest elders in the clan.

If they do not agree to establish a new master, then Jun Wuwang, no matter how powerful he is, can only be given the title of "Acting Patriarch".

There is only one word difference, but it is a world of difference.

"Now Jun Jiuyou has come back at this time and let his people embarrass me in public. It is obvious that he is doing it for you, Dad. This kid, he probably wants to compete with you for the position of Patriarch!"

Although Jun Annan is a straw bag, he is full of bad water. With a few words, he immediately intensified the conflict between his father and Jun Jiuyou.

After all, even if the current Patriarch has a problem in his cultivation, the first successor is still Jun Jiuyou.

And Jun Jiuyou is gifted. At a young age, he has the strength comparable to the Great Sage, and he has many supporters in the clan.

If Jun Jiuyou is determined to compete for the position of Patriarch, I am afraid that a fight is inevitable.

"Just him? He's still young, why would he fight with me?"

Jun Wuwang sneered, "Okay, Nan'er, I know your thoughts very well, but your father naturally has his own plans. Don't worry, your father will take revenge for you sooner or later! But you can't act rashly, understand?"

"When do we have to wait!"

Jun Annan gritted his teeth, wishing he could step on Jun Jiuyou and Ling Feng immediately.

"A little impatience will ruin a big plan!"

Jun Wuwang patted Jun Annan's shoulder and said lightly: "A gentleman's revenge is never too late. If you really have nothing to do, go to Jileitan to practice!"


Jun Annan was so angry that his teeth itched, but he didn't dare to disobey his father's wishes. He could only nod his head in dissatisfaction, "Yes, father!"

However, he secretly made up his mind not to provoke Jun Jiuyou, no problem, but I'll start with that kid named Ling Feng, the same thing!


The sky gradually brightened, and the east vomited a fish belly white.

The morning dew was slightly cold, dripping from the leaves and falling on Ling Feng's cheeks. The cool and wet feeling made Ling Feng slowly open his eyes.

After a night of meditation, Ling Feng's vitality became stronger.

However, he was already in the semi-saint realm. If he didn't break through that threshold and advance to the saint level, his realm would not be able to improve at all.

For ordinary people, the threshold of the saint level is already extremely difficult.

And for a freak like Ling Feng, who practiced three paths at the same time and had an extremely deep foundation, this threshold is undoubtedly a hundred times more difficult.

This point can be seen from the time when he knocked on the three emperor gates.

Ling Feng knew that without a huge enough opportunity, it would be difficult for him to break through to the Saint level.

But if he doesn't break through to the Saint level, his current strength has reached the limit that can be achieved in the Imperial realm, and it is almost impossible to make any progress.

Suddenly, Ling Feng noticed a cold aura that locked onto him. The next moment, a burst of energy burst out, cutting towards him like a blade.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he jumped up suddenly, turned sideways to get out of the way, frowned, and shouted softly: "Who dares to stab someone in the dark!"

"Hehe, good response!"

An old voice sounded, and the next moment, an old man with black hair and black robes and an old face walked over slowly, with his hands behind his back.

"Who is the senior?"

Ling Feng stared at the old man. Although the blow just now was murderous, there seemed to be no killing intention.

It can be seen that this old man does not want to kill himself, but is a temptation.

"Jun Bu Si!"

The old man narrowed his eyes, looked Ling Feng up and down, and said with a smile: "You are the boy Jiuyou brought back, right? You beat Jun Annan as soon as you came. He is a ruthless person. Haha, I like it very much!"

"Jun Bu Si?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. How could anyone give him such a name? However, this old man was indeed very powerful.

At least, it should be at the level of Shura Cooking Saint!

Even stronger!

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