Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2373 You are in good health! (1 update)

Ling Feng glanced at Jun Busi with some caution. After all, he was new here and was not familiar with the situation of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

He had no idea which side this Jun Busi was on.

"It's rare to find a boy with your talent in the outside world. It's really interesting!"

Jun Busi stared at Ling Feng and looked up and down, "There is a vague aura of the Gods, but it is very weak. Could it be that you are also from other Gods?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that when his cultivation level was still relatively low, he was injured in the Holy Land of the Monster Clan. It was Mu Qianxue who poured his own divine blood into his body, which allowed him to recover quickly. .

It is precisely because of this that he has a hint of the Jiuli Divine Clan in his body.

"Senior has misunderstood. I am just an insignificant and ordinary boy."

Ling Feng bowed to Jun Busi, "I wonder why senior came to me?"

"The old man is no better than you young people. He likes to take a walk early in the morning. I happened to be walking here. Why don't I stop by and take a look?"

Jun Busi stroked his long beard and said with a smile.

Ling Feng cursed in his heart: Take a walk? I believe you, you damn old man is very evil!

"What's your little brother's name?"

Jun Busi didn't have the airs of a master, so he came up to him with a smile and put his hand on Ling Feng's shoulders, just like an old gangster.

However, this kind of temperament reminded Ling Feng of his cheap master Mu Shenjun, and he felt a certain affinity for him.

They are both old naughty boys, but Mu Shenjun is obviously more deviant.

After all, he can do shitty things like digging up people's ancestral graves.

"Ahem, kid Ling Feng."

Ling Feng did not hide anything. In front of such masters, there was no point in hiding anything.

"It turns out to be little brother Ling Feng."

Jun Bu's four eyes flashed, "You were brought back by the Jiuyou boy, right? That boy has been traveling for more than ten years, and he has never brought anyone back. Little brother, if you come to our Jiuyou City, what might happen to you? Something else? Don’t lie to me!”


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Even though Jun Busi looked old and dishonest, he didn't expect that his thoughts were so meticulous.

However, the matter about Jun Jiuyou's father is a top secret among top secrets, so naturally it cannot be disclosed casually.

Just when Ling Feng was in trouble, a petite figure jumped in from outside the yard.

If it’s not Jun Wanyi, then who is it?

"Sister Jade! Sister Jade!"

Jun Wanyi rushed into the courtyard excitedly. Although she had only known Yu Junyao for a day, Jun Wanyi already regarded Yu Junyao as her "idol".

These two women are not very economical, so it is no wonder that they have a feeling of sympathy for each other and regret meeting each other too late.


Suddenly, Jun Wanyi saw the two people in the yard. She was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Fourth Grandpa, why are you here?"

"Little Qi girl!"

As soon as Jun Busi saw Jun Wanyi, he immediately walked up to Jun Wanyi with a smile and touched the back of her head lovingly, "Why, grandpa can't be here?"

"That's not true."

Jun Wanyi pouted, "It's just that Grandpa has so many grandmothers to take care of on weekdays, so how can he find the time?"

As she said this, Jun Wanyi counted her fingers carefully, "There are Grandma Huahua, Grandma Qingqing, Grandma Rongrong..."


Jun Busi's old face turned red, and he quickly interrupted Jun Wanyi and said: "You girl, how can you have so many grandmas? Your grandma Rongrong has long since left Jiuyou City in anger. Fourth Grandpa, I have to shamelessly beg her every year. Yue, she will never come back!"

"a ha ha ha!"

Jun Wanyi laughed heartily, "You deserve it, you carefree Fourth Grandpa!"


After hearing these words, Ling Feng was completely convinced.

This Jun Bu Si is really...

You are in good health!

No wonder her hair is still jet black despite her age. Well, if nothing else, her kidneys must be great!


Jun Busi seemed to realize that he had said too much. He quickly covered his mouth and rolled his eyes at Jun Wanyi. He never expected that he would be led into trouble by this ghost girl.

"You ghost! Forget it, let me continue walking!"

Jun Busi groaned angrily and stretched out a finger to poke Jun Wanyi's forehead. Then he turned around, put his hands behind his back, and left leisurely.


Jun Wanyi spat lightly and said to Jun Busi's back: "Fourth Grandpa, your Hanjian Peak is at least four or five hills away from me. Can you get here for a walk?"

However, before Jun Wanyi could finish her words, Jun Busi's figure had already disappeared in the distance.

It seems that even this old naughty boy is quite afraid of Jun Wanyi, the "little witch".

"Your Fourth Grandpa is an interesting old man."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, smiled, and said lightly.

"Brother Ling Feng, please don't ever say he is old to his face. Grandpa Fourth hates it when others say he is old."

Jun Wanyi said with a mysterious look on her face: "This stinky grandpa has an old heart! But the third grandpa is different."

"Third Grandpa?" Ling Feng blinked, "Is he the senior you mentioned yesterday who can practice under 500 feet of Ji Lei Pond?"


Jun Wanyi nodded, "The third grandpa and the fourth grandpa are very different. The third grandpa is an old C man who has been a bachelor all his life!"


Ling Feng's forehead darkened. Did anyone say that about his grandfather?

Jun Wanyi still smiled and said: "But the relationship between Third Grandpa and Fourth Grandpa is very good. They also have a very powerful combination called Bu San Bu Si!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. He had never seen the Third Grandpa, but he could be considered an expert on this Jun Busi.

Well, it is indeed neither three nor four!

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about Third Grandpa and the others!"

Jun Wanyi rushed into the courtyard with an eager look and said with a smile: "Sister Yu, I'm here!"

Soon, there was a sound of play inside, and after a while, Yu Junyao finished dressing and walked out.

Jun Wanyi jumped up to Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Brother Ling Feng, did you really stay out all night last night?"

"What if?"

Ling Feng said angrily.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Jun Wanyi glanced at Ling Feng with sympathy again. She had some doubts yesterday about whether Ling Feng was an eunuch, but today, she was sure!

Ling Feng must be 100% a eunuch, otherwise, how could a hot-blooded man have no idea about a beauty like Yu Junyao!

Well, it’s definitely a eunuch!

"Hey, a handsome young man, but it's a pity that he is a eunuch!"

Ling Feng didn't know that Jun Wanyi had branded herself a "eunuch". If she had known about it, she would probably be so depressed that she vomited blood.

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