Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2375 The leader of Jiuyou Clan! (3 updates)

"Let's go!" Jun Annan hummed coldly, and knew that he kept staying. He would only take his own humiliation. When he dumped his big sleeves, he left with a few dog legs and left. "He has to hit it, I can't help it!" Ling Feng shrugged, his face was helpless, is he really born with a mocking face, will he be jealous everywhere? Handsome and talented, not his own fault! "Brother, you can't blame Brother Lingfeng this time. He was just trying to help me vent my anger."

Jun Wanyi said angrily: "Just now, Jun Annan almost hit me!"


Jun Jiuyou was furious, "What a big guts, Jun Annan, this bastard, actually dared to hurt my sister! No, I can't swallow this breath!"

After saying that, Jun Jiuyou disappeared in front of everyone.

Then, a pig-like scream came from not far away.

You can tell with your toes that Jun Annan is unlucky!

After a while, Jun Jiuyou came back with satisfaction, clapped his hands, and snorted: "This is a bastard. I didn't want to hit him, but he had to provoke me!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This big guy, wouldn't he still be a sister-con...

"Brother Jun, didn't you say not to make a big deal? You broke more than a dozen bones just now?"

Ling Feng looked at Jun Jiuyou and asked.

"Hmph, he deserves it!"

Jun Jiuyou snorted. Although he felt a little regretful after the fight, it was useless to regret after the fight.

Besides, after Ling Feng cured his father's hidden injury, let's see how Jun Wuwang and his family can still jump around.

"Hmm, let's go to my villa first."

Jun Jiuyou shrugged and brought Ling Feng and his party to his villa.

After all, it was the residence of the young patriarch of the Jiuyou God Clan, and it was so magnificent and luxurious.

As soon as Ling Feng and his party sat down, Han Ruolan served tea and snacks very obediently, as if she was already a hostess.

It seems that Jun Jiuyou should have opened his heart and expressed his feelings last night.


Jun Wanyi was sharp-eyed. She saw some red bruises on Han Ruolan's neck and frowned. "Sister Alan, what's going on? Did someone bully you?"


Han Ruolan was slightly stunned, then raised her hand and touched Jun Wanyi's little head, smiling and said, "How could it be? No one bullied me!"

"Then why is your neck red, sister? Did someone pinch you?"

Jun Wanyi looked like a curious baby.


Han Ruolan's teapot shook suddenly. This red mark...

What can I say about this!


Jun Jiuyou's old face also turned red, and he glared at Jun Wanyi fiercely, "Little kid, why are you asking so many questions!"


Jun Wanyi stuck out her tongue, "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Brother, if you dare to bully Sister Alan and treat Sister Alan badly, I will ask the third grandfather and the fourth grandfather to beat you up!"


Jun Jiuyou rolled his eyes. Speaking of it, the degree of pampering of Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si to this little witch has simply reached the level of "crazy". As long as Jun Wanyi opens her mouth, the two elders will definitely not hesitate at all and will definitely teach him a lesson.

When Jun Jiuyou thought of this, his back felt cold.

I can't afford to offend, I can't afford to offend!


On the other side.

Inside Jun Annan's villa.

"Ah! I'm so angry! I'm so angry!"

A pig head, oh no, a guy who was beaten into a pig head, was furious and crazy, and smashed almost everything that could be thrown in the house.

This pig head was Jun Annan.

He was slapped by Ling Feng, and a few front teeth fell out, but then Jun Jiuyou rushed up again for no reason, and beat him up without saying anything.

This beating directly broke seven or eight of his ribs, and one of his right legs!

If he was not a Saint, he would have been tortured to death by Jun Jiuyou.

"Jun Jiuyou, you are going too far!"

Jun Annan's eyes could almost spit out flames, too much bullying!

Damn, don't I have face?

"Nan... Young Master Nan..."

The lackeys around Jun Annan trembled and said, "Otherwise, you should just hold back and don't go out these days? Anyway, the young patriarch... He can't stay in the mountains for a few days a year!"

"Bullshit, what do you mean by that? Do you think I'm afraid of him?"

Jun Annan stared at the younger brother angrily and cursed.


The younger brother thought to himself: Are you afraid or not? Don't you have any idea? You've been beaten up like this, and you're still being stubborn?

However, he didn't dare to say such words, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Nan, you are of such status, why bother to argue with such a rough guy."


Jun Annan snorted lightly, but the anger in his chest still couldn't be calmed down, "If I don't teach those two bastards a lesson this time, I won't be named Jun!"


Jun Jiuyou Villa.

After chatting for a while, Jun Jiuyou asked Han Ruolan and Jun Wanyi to take Yu Junyao around. With the three women together, they naturally had endless topics to talk about.

As for Ling Feng and Jun Jiuyou, it was time to do some serious business.

After sending away the three girls, Jun Jiuyou's expression darkened and he took a deep look at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, this time it's all up to you!"

"Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty."

Ling Feng nodded, "Don't worry, Brother Jun, I will do my best. As for the Fountain of Youth..."

"Brother Ling, don't worry. I, Jun Jiuyou, have said what he said, and it's hard to chase him!"

Jun Jiuyou patted his chest, "If Brother Ling can't trust me, I can swear on my martial arts heart."

"I can certainly trust Brother Jun's character."

Ling Feng calmly said, "There's no need to swear or anything. Brother Jun, please lead the way."


Jun Jiuyou nodded. For so many years, no one else had seen his father except him.

Although the patriarch temporarily stabilized the situation in the name of seclusion and practice, as time went by, some young people would inevitably start to have their own thoughts.

The most ambitious person among them is naturally Jun Wuwang.

After a while, Jun Jiuyou led Ling Feng to a secret passage. From this passage, you could directly lead to Jun Wufeng, the quiet room where the leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan practiced.

The place where the clan leader practices is a forbidden place for others.

Therefore, although many people speculated that the clan leader might have a problem with his cultivation, they did not dare to enter the forbidden area easily.

As for Jun Jiuyou's secret passage, he and his father worked together to open it. Only the two of them knew about it in the entire Jiuyou Divine Clan.

Finally, Jun Jiuyou led Ling Feng to a stone door, stopped, bowed deeply in front of the door, and called softly: "Father, I'm back!"

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