Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2376 Iron Rooster! (1 update)

"Come in……"

In the quiet room, a steady and thick voice came, but it was obviously weak.


The stone door in front of him slowly rose, and what came into view was the somewhat dazzling candlelight.

The entire forbidden area seemed very dark, and only in this quiet room, the light was always burning.

After his eyes adjusted a little, Ling Feng saw a white-haired old man in the center of the quiet room, sitting cross-legged. The aura in his body was extremely disordered. From time to time, some pure and vigorous Yuan Power escaped from his body. come out.

The path of martial arts is to seize the creation of heaven and earth, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and absorb it into oneself. But like this "white-haired old man", his own energy is constantly escaping, and something is obviously wrong.

Moreover, it is a very serious mistake.


Jun Jiuyou rushed forward and looked at his father in shock.

Compared with the last time they met, his father looked even older.

Based on the original cultivation level of this Jiuyou Clan leader, at his age, in the prime of life, he has aged like this.

Jun Jiuyou quickly supported the leader of the Jiuyou clan, his eyes full of concern, "Father, how do you feel?"


Jun Wufeng sighed softly, then shook his head, "As a father, I'm afraid... my time is running out."

"You came back just in time..."

Jun Wufeng slightly raised his trembling hands, "Child, from today on, you... you are the new leader of the Nine Nether God Clan!"

"No, father!"

Jun Jiuyou shook his head repeatedly, "Father, I brought back a friend. He has a way. He will definitely be able to cure you!"

Jun Wufeng's eyes were startled at first, then he raised his eyes slightly and landed on Ling Feng, and immediately showed a hint of disappointment.

At such a young age, how much knowledge can he have?

Shaking his head, Jun Wufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Father himself knows the extent of his injury, so why should you..."

"Let him try it!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Father, he came from the Valley of the Wicked, and his medical skills were taught by ghost doctors!"

"Ghost doctor..."

Jun Wufeng's eyelids twitched. He had naturally heard of the name ghost doctor.

If there is one person in the Western Sword Region who can cure him, it must be the ghost doctor.


This boy is so young. Even if he studies under the ghost doctor, how much can he learn from the ghost doctor?

How did he know that Ling Feng was still above the ghost doctor if he was talking about medical skills alone.

After all, even the cold poison in the ghost doctor's body was cured by Ling Feng.

"All right."

Seeing Jun Jiuyou's insistence, Jun Wufeng himself did not want to give up his last hope. He finally nodded, looked at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "In this case, I will trouble my little brother."

"Brother Jun is my friend. Since you are Brother Jun's father, you are also my elder."

Ling Feng quickly walked up to Jun Wufeng, bowed to him, and said slowly: "But for a moment, I hope that senior can be patient. No matter what happens, don't use your strength to resist. Otherwise, not only will your success be in vain, but you may also be violent on the spot." shoot."


Jun Jiuyou frowned, "Brother Ling, you have never said it was so dangerous before!"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Brother Jun, you never said before that your father's injury is so serious!"

"I see!"

Jun Jiuyou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Jun Wufeng.

He knew in his heart that his injuries were very serious and he had reached the point where he was running out of fuel.

Ling Feng spoke clearly first, which proved that his medical skills were very good.

"Little brother, even if you take action, I will never resist."

Jun Wufeng looked at Ling Feng. Although he was extremely weak now, he still had the majesty of a superior in his eyes.

As the leader of a clan, it is natural that he cannot be an ordinary person.

The first time he met Ling Feng, he dared to put his life and death in the hands of a stranger. From this, it can be seen that this person does have some courage.

"In that case, I'm offended."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and took out a row of golden needles from his waist.

"Brother Jun, please step back three feet away and protect the law."

Ling Feng glanced at Jun Jiuyou, wondering if Jun Jiuyou would have any opinions. He nodded repeatedly and said, "Brother Ling, no matter what, please!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, the color was dull and the ancient well was not rippled.

As a doctor, it is your bounden duty to treat illnesses and save people. No matter what Jun Wufeng's status is, once he is in his hands, he is his patient. All he can do is try his best.

Seeing Ling Feng's calm and composed expression, Jun Wufeng felt a little more confident in Ling Feng's medical skills.

This young man is indeed unusual.

In terms of character, he is far ahead of his peers.

"Senior, I'm offended!"

After Jun Jiuyou stepped back three feet, Ling Feng sat down behind Jun Wufeng, raised his hand and patted Jun Wufeng's back gently.


There was a sound of fabric tearing, and all the robes on Jun Wufeng's upper body were shattered and scattered in all directions.

Ling Feng used his power extremely well, smashing Jun Wufeng's robe to pieces without harming Jun Wufeng at all.

Jun Wufeng was secretly surprised. This young man's control over power had reached an incredible level.

After all, the robe he is wearing is not an ordinary commoner, but a treasured garment that is comparable to a holy weapon!

That's not right, why should I praise him? This kid destroyed one of my sacred artifacts and treasured clothes!

Very expensive!

"Little brother, the shock of this hand power has begun to take shape. However, why don't you just let me take off my clothes directly and use this method? Is there some mystery behind it?"

Jun Wufeng asked.


Ling Feng was slightly stunned. He just wanted to show off his hands and show off, but he didn't think much about it.

Who knows how a dignified leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan can be so stingy about just a piece of clothing?


Ling Feng coughed twice and said, "That's right, senior, please calm down and stop thinking wildly."

Jun Jiuyou on the side was sweating secretly. Although his father was the head of the clan, he had a shortcoming that was criticized by others.

That is, stingy!

That's right, this Jun Wufeng can be called the most stingy patriarch in the history of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

There are actually ever-burning lamps outside the quiet room, but this iron-rooster-like patriarch, just to save a few yuan stones, extinguished all the ever-burning lamps outside, leaving only the ones in the secret room.

This shows how stingy my father is.

Probably, there is no normal person in their lineage except themselves.

The two grandfathers are neither three nor four, and my sister Wanyi is not very young, but she is already a "dirty demon king".

He forgot that he was an extremely narcissistic and extremely forgetful guy. From this point of view, he was not a normal person.

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