Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2377 I would rather die! (2 updates)

As the robes torn apart, Ling Feng saw that the body of the Jiuyou Clan leader had become extremely shriveled.

Although he was still in his prime, his energy and blood had been drained away very much. He seemed to be a haggard old man, and his whole body was like a skeleton.

It couldn't be seen when he was wearing a robe just now, but looking at it now, it looks like a skeleton covered with a layer of skin.

"The situation is so serious!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng calmed down the emotional fluctuations in his heart, and immediately took out the first golden needle. The first needle was inserted directly into the Fengmen point of the Jiuyou Clan leader.

Start from Fengmen, then go down immediately, walking through Pohu, Shentang, Soul Gate, Sanjiao...


In an instant, the Jiuyou Clan Leader's forehead was covered with sweat, and the severe pain seemed to have penetrated directly into his soul from the tip of a needle, making him almost twitch.

This kind of pain is simply like being on the verge of becoming possessed, with your life hanging by a thread.

Seeing his father in such pain, Jun Jiuyou clenched his fists tightly. He wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare to disturb him easily. He could only pray silently in his heart.

Similarly, large beads of sweat rolled down Ling Feng's forehead. This was the first time he encountered such a difficult situation since he obtained the lower part of "Tai Xuan Acupuncture".

First of all, the physique of the gods is different from that of ordinary people, and the leader of the Jiuyou clan went crazy while practicing and damaged the original divine pattern.

This alone is already very difficult.

Coupled with the long delay, which lasted seven or eight years, it was simply a miracle that the Jiuyou Clan leader could survive.

"Rebirth Needle!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, first used the Taixuan Golden Needle to seal the qi sea of ​​Jiuyou Clan's Dantian, and then used the Regeneration Golden Needle to arrange the Regeneration Needle Array, trying to repair the Jiuyou Clan Chief's vitality diagram.

However, no matter how hard Ling Feng tried, the speed of regeneration was far from being able to keep up with the speed of life dying.

Even if Ling Feng applied acupuncture to the Jiuyou Clan leader day and night, it would only be able to slow down his decline, but it would be impossible to cure the situation.

However, Ling Feng's current Yuan Power could only last for seventy-seven forty-nine days at most. He died of exhaustion first. How could he heal the Jiuyou Clan leader's injuries?

A long while.

Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath and opened his eyes slightly.

"How about it!"

Jun Jiuyou stepped forward and saw that his father's complexion had softened a lot, and the skin on his body didn't seem so shriveled. He was immediately happy, "Brother Ling, can father's injury be saved?"


Ling Feng sighed softly and shook his head slightly, "It's still a bit tricky. I can still use the regeneration golden needle to stabilize the clan leader's vitality map a little, but it's difficult to completely cure it!"


Jun Jiuyou clenched his fists, couldn't even Ling Feng do anything?


The leader of the Jiuyou clan, Jun Wufeng, was open-minded. Instead, he smiled and comforted: "Jiuyou, this result was also expected by my father. However, this little brother Ling's acupuncture is really powerful, although he cannot completely cure it." My injury has been cured, but I feel much better now.”


Jun Jiuyou gritted his teeth, looking at his father's pale face, his heart felt like a knife.

However, among the entire Jiuyou Divine Clan, he was the only one who could bear this pain. He did not even dare to tell his dearest sister.

"Silly boy!"

Jun Wufeng patted Jun Jiuyou on the shoulder, "You don't have to worry about your father's injury anymore! I've suffered a lot for you over the years."

"Father, I..."

Jun Jiuyou still didn't want to believe it. He turned back and stared at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and asked: "Brother Ling, do you really have no other option? If it doesn't work, I will ask the ghost doctor! Brother Ling, take me there." Find a ghost doctor in the Valley of Evil, I believe he can cure my father's injury."


Ling Feng felt troubled for a while. He really wanted to tell Jun Jiuyou that if he couldn't do anything, even if he found a ghost doctor, what would be the use?

But he didn't dare to say it, and couldn't bear to break Jun Jiuyou's last hope.

"Brother Jun, I think there is another way."

Ling Feng sighed softly and said slowly: "My father's biggest problem is that his original divine pattern has been damaged. If his original divine pattern can be repaired, there is at least a 60% certainty that our father's injury can be cured."

"Then how to repair the original divine pattern?"

Jun Jiuyou's eyelids twitched, "Could it be..."

He raised his eyes and stared at Ling Feng, "Do you mean that you can use other people's original divine patterns to repair father's divine patterns?"

"Yes." Ling Feng nodded slightly, "There is indeed this opportunity, and the closer the quality of the divine pattern is, the higher the chance of repair. Therefore, it must be the original divine pattern of the direct lineage of the Jiuyou Divine Clan."

"No, absolutely not!"

Before Ling Feng could finish speaking, Jun Wufeng immediately frowned and said: "As the leader of the Nine Nether God Clan, how could I do something to plunder the origin of other people's divine patterns for the sake of my own life and death! Okay, this matter is over. Give it up! I would rather die than take away the clan’s divine mark!”

Jun Wufeng's face was serious and his words were sonorous.

Ling Feng couldn't help but admire this Jiuyou clan elder.

He is indeed a rare good clan leader. Even if he is between life and death, he will not sacrifice his own clan members just to save his life.

"Father, there is no need to rob others!"

Jun Jiuyou didn't even think about it, and immediately gritted his teeth and said: "You can use me as you wish. I am willing to dedicate the original divine pattern to my father!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Jun Wufeng pushed Jun Jiuyou away, "Are you going to destroy your future for a dying person like me? You are my most proud son, and you want to succeed me as the leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan. How can you If you dare to mention it even more, don’t blame me for not recognizing your son!”

"Father, I am willing! Everything I have is what my father gave me! Now, it is just returned to you."

"I don't want you to pay me back!"

"Father, why are you so stubborn!"

"Hmph, I am your father, and I have the final say!"

Ling Feng looked at the father and son, who could be regarded as a loving father and a filial son, and was slightly touched in his heart.

It's a pity that I haven't seen my parents since I was a child, let alone experienced the tenderness between father and son for even half a day.

"Little friend Ling Feng, let's stop this matter right now. Even if I die, I will not take away the original divine marks from people of my clan. Since my injuries are irreparable, I don't have much time left... "

Jun Wufeng paused and sighed softly: "While I'm still in good spirits today, let's go, kid, help me up, I want to go out for a walk!"

"Father, you..."

Jun Jiuyou looked at his father. Ever since he went crazy and was seriously injured, in order to conceal his injuries, he never left the quiet room. Even his sister Jun Wanyi could only say a few words to her father through the stone door. .

Today, he actually wants to go out for a walk?

Could it be that he has really reached the last moment and can no longer delay?

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