Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2383 Destroy the Thunder! (2 updates)

"Oh My God……"

"Is this still a human being?"

"Black... black thunder can be swallowed?"

The disciples and elders of the Jiuyou God Clan were all dumbfounded. Is that really Black Thunder?

In other words, the rules of heaven and earth have failed Ling Feng. That thunder seemed to be black thunder, but in fact, it was just a jelly bean.

Otherwise, why would Ling Feng seem to be eating so easily?

However, the coercion inspired by the black thunder makes most people's souls tremble. How can this kind of real pressure be released!

Boom boom boom!

After a while, sixty!

Seventy ways!


No matter how terrifying and violent the thunder in the sky is, Ling Feng will swallow one after another, making everyone's scalp numb.

How good is this guy in swallowing!

However, what makes people feel a little more balanced is that due to swallowing too much thunder, Ling Feng's body has almost swelled into a huge rubber ball, his waistline has been enlarged by more than ten times, and "sizzling" arcs are appearing all over his body. , like a spherical arc.

However, on the Feng Lei Heng Celestial Instrument, the originally dim divine patterns lit up one after another.

Some lines that could no longer be activated were now shining with dazzling light.

The power of thunder attracted by Ling Feng was greater than that of any elder of the Nine Nether God Clan in the past thousand years, and he finally activated all the functions of the Wind and Thunder Hengtian Instrument!

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is gathering in waves!

In the entire Jiuyou Deep Mountain, the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has increased five times!


Eighty-two ways!



Watching Ling Feng swallow more and more thunderbolts, finally reaching the last thunderbolt.

There is only one step left, the task of attracting wind and thunder is successfully completed.

At this time, the black thunder in the sky changed again, from the terrifying black thunder to the weird dark green thunder!

"Green Thunder?"

"I've never seen it before. What kind of thunder is that?"

"Oh my god, why does it feel like the sky is frozen? Good guy, isn't this going to blow a hole in the sky?"

Many disciples were talking about it, obviously they had never seen such dark green thunder.

But this is the hundredth thunderbolt after all, and it is also the most terrifying and dangerous thunderbolt in the entire process of attracting wind and thunder!

No one dared to look down upon him in the slightest.

"Destroy the Nether Thunder!"

Jun Busan's eyelids twitched slightly, "Fourth, do you still remember the eighth-level ancestor in the history of our Jiuyou Divine Clan? When he overcame the tribulation, he was the Green Thunder?"

"You mean..." Jun Busi's pupils suddenly shrank, "Lao San, you mean, this thunder is comparable to the eighth-turn tribulation thunder?"

The Saint level is also called the Nine Transformation Realm, because every time you advance to a level, you must try your best to survive the Nine Transformations.

The so-called great saints are just saint-level experts who have reached level three or above and within level six.

And those who are above the sixth level can be called a saint!

As for the eighth rank, it is a completely new realm. For thousands of years in the Nine Nether God Clan, masters above the eighth rank have been extinct.

Jun Busan and Jun Busi only vaguely guessed from the classics that the last thunder attracted by Ling Feng was the legendary Death Thunder!

"Even if it's not as good as it is, it's not far behind."

Jun Busan took a deep breath, "The level of this boy is beyond imagination! However, if he really succeeds, he will be the great benefactor of our Jiuyou Divine Clan!"


Jun Busi nodded slightly, "If we can successfully attract this annihilating thunder, all the magic formations on the Feng Lei Hengtian Instrument should be able to be activated, and the richness of the spiritual energy of our Jiuyou Sacred Mountain can be increased by ten times! And, at least, at least Lasts for a period of time! This period of time is enough for our clan to cultivate many outstanding geniuses!"

"If he succeeds, he should be regarded as an honored guest of our clan!"

Jun Busan took a deep breath and looked far away in the direction of Ling Feng.

Success or failure depends on this last move!

"The last thunderbolt!"

There was a trace of bitterness on Ling Feng's face. Although he looked relaxed and relaxed, he was the only one who could appreciate the taste.

This Feng Lei Heng Tianyi is indeed very domineering. When the power of thunder is introduced into his body, it cannot be absorbed by him at all, and will be extracted by Feng Lei Heng Tianyi.

In this Feng Lei Heng Tianyi, he is just a medium that absorbs thunder. These thunders pass through his body, and at most they open up the space in his Dantian. Even before he can temper his physical body, Feng Lei Heng Tian is killed by Feng Lei Heng Tian. The instrument was plundered.

From this point of view, this Feng Lei Heng Tianyi is simply a rogue, but it is precisely because of this that Ling Feng can survive until now.

Otherwise, after swallowing so many thunderbolts one after another, and each one becoming stronger than the last, even his body would have exploded long ago.

At this time, the dark green Death Thunder finally accumulated enough power, and like a roaring thunder dragon, it swooped towards Ling Feng.

Green arcs of light flashed several times in the dark sky before approaching Ling Feng.


The ground of the Cirrus Terrace was shattered inch by inch. Ling Feng felt his legs bending slightly, and he felt like he was being pressed down by a mountain.

It was as if that wasn't a bolt of thunder coming down, but an entire ancient sacred mountain, suppressing it.


Ling Feng was pressed by this terrifying force and immediately knelt on one knee on the ground. The platform under his feet actually dented, creating a deep crack.

"It is indeed the last thunderbolt!"

"My God, this thunder is different! It's too fierce!"

"Has the boy finally reached his limit?"

Everyone's eyelids jumped when they saw Ling Feng's embarrassed appearance.

Ling Feng absorbed the ninety-nine thunderbolts in front of him without any suspense, but this last one actually made him unable to stand!

"Ha ha!"

Jun Annan had always been as dejected as an eggplant beaten by frost, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly showed a hint of joy, "That's it, chop him to death, chop him to death! Haha, the green color is really powerful. ! I really like green the most! Hahaha, I love green!

In order to let Ling Feng die, this guy was also crazy.

The expressions of Jun Jiuyou, Uncle Gong, and Uncle Yi all changed slightly. The ninety-nine thunderbolts in front of them had all been able to survive. Could it be that this last green thunderbolt was really Ling Feng's limit?

Yu Junyao also clenched her fists, feeling a little worried in her heart, "You brat, you really can't stand it, can you?"

However, before everyone could finish worrying, Ling Feng stood up again and cursed a few times.

If others could hear what he said, they would be instantly petrified.

What this guy actually said was, "I wiped it, I can't eat anymore! Burp..."

That's right, he burped hard, then opened his mouth again and took a breath!

The dark green death thunder, I will swallow it without fail!

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