Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2384 Holy Lord! (3 updates)

"Fuck, did you swallow it?"

"Nima, can you swallow this too?"

"It's great!"

Countless people were once again dumbfounded, everyone showed a bitter smile.

Just swallow the Netherworld Thunder of Death, which is comparable to the Eighth-Rank Tribulation Thunder?

Well, when ordinary people reach the ninth level, they must be trembling with fear every time they advance to a higher level, for fear that they are not perfect enough and will not be able to survive the tribulation thunder of the next level and die.

This kid, I'm afraid, is eager to survive the tribulation every day and swallow a few more thunderbolts so that his realm can be improved faster.

And as Ling Feng swallowed up the last of the annihilating thunder, thousands of miles of dark clouds dispersed in the sky.

Instead, there is a vast glow!

All the inscriptions on the Feng Lei Heng Celestial Instrument were activated, and the entire Jiuyou Sacred Mountain was filled with rays of light and overwhelming aura.

Ten times the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Jiuyou Mountain has almost been transformed into a fairyland on earth!

And at the moment when the last inscription on the Feng Lei Heng Celestial Instrument lit up, the inscriptions seemed to come alive, rising into the sky and hovering high in the sky.

In the end, those inscriptions circled around Ling Feng for several weeks, and all converged towards Ling Feng's eyebrows.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, mysterious inscriptions were imprinted on Ling Feng's spiritual sea. Finally, an extremely complex and cumbersome divine pattern was condensed between Ling Feng's eyebrows!

"That is……"

Jun Busan's eyelids twitched suddenly, "The highest divine pattern of the Jiuyou Divine Clan! Could it be..."

Jun Busan trembled all over, and immediately flew out. The next moment, he appeared in front of Ling Feng as if he was cutting through the void.

"Senior is..."

Ling Feng took a look at Jun Bu San. The aura exuding from this old man was extremely terrifying, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Jun Bu Si.

It's just that Jun Busi is wearing black clothes and black hair, while this old man is wearing white clothes and white hair.

He should be the Third Grandpa that Jun Jiuyou talks about. Jun is no longer San.

The next moment, Jun Busi also flew down in front of Ling Feng, standing side by side with Jun Busan.

The two old men looked at each other, as if confirming something. The next moment, they all looked at Ling Feng, and with a plop, they both knelt down and worshiped on the ground.

"I am not three (jun is not four), please see the Holy Lord!"

"Holy Lord?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and then the entire warriors of the Nine Nether God Clan were also stunned.

what's the situation?

The third elder and the fourth elder actually knelt down and worshiped an outsider?

Moreover, call him directly, Holy Lord?

"Two seniors, what is going on?"

Ling Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help the two elders up, but his head was filled with confusion. Didn't he just cause a thunderstorm and become the Holy Master inexplicably?

"Holy Lord, the divine pattern on your forehead is the holy pattern of our Jiuyou Divine Clan! You are the person recognized by the ancestors of our Nine Nether Divine Clan, so you are our Holy Lord!"

Jun Busan looked at Ling Feng, then turned around, glanced at the disciples who were watching, and said loudly: "From today on, this young man is the Holy Master of our Jiuyou Divine Clan, so why don't you quickly kneel down and salute?" !”


Everyone was stunned, but given their status as the Third Elder and the Fourth Elder, they all knelt down in front of Ling Feng. How could they not kneel down?

For a time, all over the Jiuyou Divine Mountain, whether direct or collateral, all members of the Jiuyou Divine Clan knelt down and worshiped.

"See the Holy Lord!"

"See the Holy Lord!"

Thousands of disciples on various peaks and ridges paid homage to him.

"Brother Ling has actually become the Holy Master..."

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath and knelt down. The divine pattern explained everything.

The divine pattern on Ling Feng's forehead is the highest level divine pattern of the Jiuyou God Clan. There is no falsehood in that kind of natural oppressive power.

"How is that possible! I don't believe it!"

Jun Annan was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fainted.

He was just an unknown boy, but turned into a holy master in the blink of an eye?

How can I repay my tone?

"This is so damn okay!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, okay, just come to the Jiuyou God Clan to treat a disease, but end up accepting a group of God Clan's younger brothers?

Looking at the dark figures in front of him, all kneeling at his feet, Ling Feng suddenly slapped his forehead...

What is this?

In his mind, those divine patterns gathered together, but they turned out to record various lost magical powers of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, is this a blessing in disguise?

However, the next moment, Ling Feng felt his forehead feel hot. The holy pattern of the Nine Nether God Clan...



That's right, the Nine Nether Sacred Marks broke apart before they could stay on Ling Feng's forehead for too long, and were replaced by a dark red blood line.

That is a manifestation of the closed state of Shura's Eye.

Once the Eye of Shura is opened, it is not a blood line, but a ferocious vertical pupil!

Obviously, the "Eye of Shura" is very dissatisfied with the Nine Nether Sacred Marks.

What kind of thing dares to press on my Shura Eye?

Is the holy pattern of the Nine Nether God Clan great?

Just rubbish! In front of the Tiandao clan, he is not even a fart!

The only thing worthy of appearing on Ling Feng's forehead is the sacred pattern of the Tiandao clan!

Therefore, with just a little force from the Eye of Shura, the Nine Nether Sacred Patterns instantly shattered!

That’s right, it’s broken!

The bloodline of the Jiuyou Divine Clan was indeed too low-level for Ling Feng. Therefore, it could not withstand the blood of the Emperor in Ling Feng's body. It only managed to condense for a while and then directly shattered.

This sudden change immediately made the two elders, Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si, dumbfounded.

Why did the perfect holy pattern break?

Their expressions suddenly became dull...

Can this broken holy pattern still be considered the holy master?


Ling Feng smiled and said, "It seems that I am not lucky enough to be your Holy Master! You two seniors, please stand up."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Why do you want to be a bullshit Holy Master? My journey is to the stars and the sea!


Jun Busan sighed softly, "It seems that the real Holy Lord of our clan has not yet appeared. However, my little brother opened all the magic circles of Feng Lei Heng Tian Yi for our clan, which is a great kindness to our clan. , From now on, my little brother will be the highest honored guest of my Jiuyou Divine Clan, and I will be on an equal footing!"

The disciples of the Jiuyou God Clan who were kneeling on the ground originally saw Ling Feng's holy pattern shattered and thought that he, as the holy master, was no longer worthy and could probably get up.

But who would have expected that although he is not the Holy Master, he is still on an equal footing with the Third Elder.

Okay, keep kneeling!

Ling Feng shrugged. Compared to Holy Master Lao Shizi, as the highest honored guest, although he had no real power, he also had no restrictions.

The key is that he can also get support from the Jiuyou God Clan. Based on this, his visit to the Jiuyou God Clan is worthwhile.

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