Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2385 The Innocent Divine Thunder! (1 update)

"You two seniors are serious. I just wanted to be able to practice in Ji Lei Pond for a few days before I came to this Juanyun Platform to attract wind and thunder. Now, I have succeeded in attracting wind and thunder, right?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and looked at Jun Busan and Jun Busi.


The two elders looked at each other and realized that this was what happened. No wonder Ling Feng managed to run up to the Juanyuntai.

However, precisely because of this, the entire Jiuyou Divine Clan has received a great blessing.

"Of course it was successful, it was so successful."

Jun Busi laughed loudly and said: "My little friend, from now on, you can practice as much as you want in Ji Lei Pond for as many days as you want!"

"In this case, I would like to thank you, senior."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Jun Bu, "I won't be polite about that kid."

After saying that, Ling Feng leaped forward and flew directly to Tianzhu Peak.

Jun Wufeng could only survive in the state of the living dead for three days, so Feng Lei was delayed for half a day. He had no extra time to waste.

Moreover, he suddenly had an idea and continued to test it. Naturally, he was not in the mood to tangle with these two old men, Jun Bu San Jun Bu Si.

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng landed at the end of Tianzhu Peak Mountain Road. He looked at Uncle Yi, cupped his fists and saluted: "Uncle Yi, can I go up?"

"Of course... of course!"

Uncle Yi's expression changed slightly. Even the third elder and the others had just knelt down before Ling Feng. How could they bear Ling Feng's salute? He quickly bowed and said: "Young hero, please!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, glanced at Jun Jiuyou, and without further delay, used the magical power of Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou to fly thousands of miles up to the blue clouds.

After a while, Ling Feng's figure disappeared into the rolling thunder clouds of Tianzhu Peak, and then, there was only a "pop" sound. Thinking of it, he had already jumped into the Thunder Pool.

At this time, the disciples of the Jiuyou Divine Clan were still immersed in the shock just now.

There are many people who are speculating, where did this guy who can even swallow thunder from the sky come from?

Jun Busan looked at the astonished crowd around him, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Okay, let's all disperse!"

Jun Busi frowned and cursed: "You don't need to practice anymore, right? Leave it to me!"

As soon as the two elders spoke, those disciples who dared to stay immediately ran away without a trace.

On Tianzhu Peak, only Jun Jiuyou was left clenching his fists, looking at the peak, praying silently in his heart: Brother Ling, you must succeed!


In the Thunder Pool, electric arcs surged. The pool was no longer water in the true sense, but a kind of thunder liquid formed by the condensed thunder and lightning.

As soon as Ling Feng jumped into the Ji Lei Pond, he felt like every hair on his body was counting down. Unlike the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, the power of thunder in the Ji Lei Pond seemed to come from outside the world and did not belong to this world.

However, such domineering and terrifying power of thunder is indeed a good place to temper the spiritual body.

In particular, a race like the Nine Nether God Clan, which is naturally gifted with powerful wind and thunder, can benefit greatly from it.

But equally, opportunities often coexist with crises.

Ji Lei Pond is indeed a treasured place for cultivation, but there are also dangers that are difficult to predict.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng got used to the thunder liquid in Ji Lei Pond for a while, and then began to dive gradually.

With the degree of sanctification of his body, and his control over the rules of thunder, he was not weak at all. Soon, he had dived to a depth of thirty feet.

This depth is already the limit that Jun Jiuyou can bear!

Ling Feng paused for a moment, then continued to dive.

The strength of the body of chaos is fully revealed.

Although Ling Feng's cultivation level is far inferior to that of Jun Jiuyou, his ability to withstand the power of thunder far exceeds that of the top genius of the Jiuyou Divine Clan.

After a while, Ling Feng dived to about a hundred feet before he began to feel some pressure.

"No wonder even a strong man like Jun Busan can only sneak into about five hundred feet."

Ling Feng frowned slightly, the Wusu Divine Thunder in the Thunder Pool was indeed extraordinary.

No dirt...

What does it mean to be clean?

The so-called bright cave is quiet, pure and untainted, and untainted divine thunder is the pure and pure power of thunder between heaven and earth.

That is the power of thunder closest to the origin of thunder.

The so-called origin is the source of all power. For example, in Lingfeng's Five Elements Heavenly Palace, the first five floors and the five Yuan Realms rely on the power of the Five Elements Origin to open up layers of independent spaces and make the entire space. They all contain extremely pure Five Elements spiritual power.

From this point of view, the grade of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace is probably far beyond the holy weapons, and even exceeds the ordinary fairy weapons.

After all, there are ten floors in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. From the moment Ling Feng got this thing, he has only been able to open the five floors in front of it!

Just imagine, a treasure can actually forge ten kinds of original power into it. This treasure itself is a kind of heaven-shattering existence.

In the past, Ling Feng's vision was too low to understand the preciousness of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Now he understands how lucky he was to get this treasure in the first place.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng put his distracting thoughts behind his mind, dived a few times, and stopped when he reached about two hundred feet.

He is not here to break through the limits, but to find a way to repair Jun Wufeng's original divine pattern.

Therefore, this two hundred feet deep place is enough.

"The so-called divine patterns are the source of the power of the gods. The original divine patterns of the Jiuyou God Clan are actually derived from the power of wind and thunder. If you want to repair it successfully, you need to start with the rules of wind and thunder."

Ling Feng gathered his mind. Previously, he directly refined Jun Wufeng's original divine pattern and integrated it into his own body.

Because this divine pattern is incomplete, refining it would be harmful rather than beneficial to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng wanted to repair this divine pattern, but his understanding of the rules of wind and thunder was far from enough, so he could only use his own chaotic origin.

Of course, this was his original plan.

He planned to use the power of thunder in Ji Lei Pond to improvise and deepen his understanding of the rules of thunder. On the other hand, he would use the more advanced power of the origin of chaos to repair the divine patterns.

After all, the power of chaos is all-encompassing. Even the lowest level of chaos power is enough to repair Jun Wufeng's divine pattern.

But after obtaining the holy pattern of the Nine Nether God Clan, Ling Feng had new ideas.

Although the holy pattern has been broken, there is still part of it remaining in Ling Feng's body.

If this broken holy pattern is used...

The reason why Ling Feng hurriedly jumped into Ji Lei Pond was because he hoped to use these broken fragments to repair Jun Wufeng's divine patterns before they were completely destroyed by the blood of the Emperor in his body.

In any case, this is the highest divine mark of the Jiuyou Divine Clan. After repairing Jun Wufeng's divine mark, he should be able to get by.

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