Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2386 Three days later! (2 updates)

Just do it!

Ling Feng made up his mind and directly pieced together the broken divine pattern and the broken Nine Nether Saint Pattern that had been integrated into his body.

The holy pattern is, after all, a holy pattern.

Moreover, the broken holy patterns, which also originated from the Jiuyou clan, were originally in pieces. When they encountered Jun Wufeng's divine patterns, they immediately seemed to have found a safe haven and fused together very cooperatively.

Since the grade of the holy pattern is much higher than Jun Wufeng's divine pattern, the power of rules contained in it can easily repair the damaged parts of the divine pattern.

Soon, before Ling Feng could even react, Jun Wufeng's divine patterns were all repaired!

This effect far exceeded Ling Feng's imagination.

"It seems that brother Jun's father really didn't deserve to die."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Originally, he was only about 50% sure, but now, because of his good luck, he got a Jiuyou Sacred Mark, which made Jun Jiuyou's father have a great fortune in vain.

Although the sacred pattern has been broken, the integration into his divine pattern has greatly improved the level of the divine pattern.

The achievements of this clan leader Jun Wufeng will probably improve a lot in the future.

"It's still early, it's better to..."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, Jun Wufeng's life was saved anyway, just in time, using the thunderous spiritual power of Ji Lei Pond, and when the previous holy pattern was integrated into his own spiritual sea, it seemed to be passed on to him Some powerful techniques.

These are all secret techniques of the Nine Nether God Clan that have been lost or kept secret!

Now, Jun Wufeng's divine mark is still in Ling Feng's body for the time being. However, he can use this divine mark to practice the secret skills of the Jiuyou God Clan, which will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

"Nine Nethers Leading to Thunder Chapter!"

"Nine Nether Wind and Ming Chapter!"

"Nine Nether Blinking Technique!"

A series of skills and secret techniques emerged in Ling Feng's mind. These ancient secret techniques that had been lost undoubtedly made Ling Feng feel like a treasure.

For a moment, Ling Feng was immersed in it, almost unable to extricate himself.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was the third day!

On this day, early in the morning, Jun Jiuyou was waiting at the foot of the mountain.

This was his father's last deadline. If Ling Feng couldn't come out on time, his father would definitely die.

But he was the only one who knew about this matter. He didn't even dare to tell Jun Wanyi, lest anyone else worry.

"Brother Ling, brother Ling, come out quickly!"

Jun Jiuyou felt uneasy in his heart. Although he was full of confidence in Ling Feng, after all, this was related to his father's fate.

However, as time passed by, from the dawn to dusk, Jun Jiuyou's mood became more and more solemn.

"Did Brother Ling fail? Or, did Brother Ling dive too deep? Directly... No! It can't be like this, no!"

Jun Jiuyou shook his head firmly. Although he tried his best to comfort himself and think on the bright side, there was not much time left for his father!

"Damn it, I really should have accompanied him into Ji Lei Pond and told him what's going on inside!"

Jun Jiuyou felt extremely regretful. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he could no longer hold back. He spread out his body skills and rushed up the mountain. He had no patience to wait any longer.

However, just as he was about to leave, he heard a "bang" explosion.

Then, a figure flew down from the thunderclouds in the high sky.

That familiar figure almost made Jun Jiuyou burst into tears!

He's out!

We haven't seen him for three days, but he seems to have been waiting for thirty thousand years.

"Brother Jun!"

There was a faint smile on Ling Feng's face. The robe on his upper body had been blown to pieces at some point. He was only naked and wearing a pair of trousers full of holes, just like a beggar begging along the street.

However, there were flashes of electric arcs on his body, like a thunder armor, releasing a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Brother Ling!"

Jun Jiuyou looked excited and looked at Ling Feng from a distance, but the next moment, Ling Feng's figure turned into an arc of electricity, and in an instant, he appeared in front of Jun Jiuyou.

It's like jumping through time and space out of thin air!

There was no trace of that jumping feeling, and even Jun Jiuyou couldn't feel the rhythm of the wind.

"Brother Ling, you..."

Jun Jiuyou looked surprised. After not seeing him for a few days, Ling Feng seemed to have something different.

"This is called Jiuyou Instant Body Technique!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I'll tell you more in detail later. Let's go, I've prepared everything."


Jun Jiuyou nodded repeatedly, "Follow me!"

Seeing Ling Feng's confident expression, Jun Jiuyou's heart finally went back to his stomach.

Father, there is help!

Not long after, Ling Feng and the two returned to the secret room where the clan leader practiced.

In the center of the quiet room, Jun Wufeng lay quietly on the stone platform. Because the three souls and seven souls were sealed by Lingfeng's Etaixuan Vein Sealing Needle, Jun Wufeng had no breath at this moment, as if he was completely dead.

"Fortunately, there is still the last half hour."

Ling Feng exhaled, but this was enough.

"Brother Ling, I leave everything to you."

Jun Jiuyou took a deep look at his father, and then looked at Ling Feng, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, this time, there will be no problem!"

Ling Feng nodded, "It won't take long before I give you back a complete father! Please be there to protect me."


Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath, smiled gratefully at Ling Feng, and stepped aside consciously.

Ling Feng quickly walked to Jun Wufeng and helped him up.

The next moment, he shot like lightning and retrieved all the golden needles behind Jun Wufeng.

The Taixuan pulse-sealing needle failed, and Jun Wufeng's three souls and seven souls reintegrated into his body.

However, almost all the vitality in his body has passed away, and Ling Feng must re-integrate his original divine pattern into his body in the last half hour.

The first step is to force out the divine patterns in the body.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and forced out the divine pattern. The power of the Jiuyou clan's secret technique that he had mastered was inevitably greatly reduced. However, with his talent, it was only a matter of time before he could return from practice.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Ten breaths later, Ling Feng forced the divine pattern out of his body, feeling as if his whole body had been hollowed out, feeling weak.

After all, this divine mark is already his, forcing it out of the body again is undoubtedly like cutting off flesh.


At this moment, the stone door of the quiet room exploded, and the next moment, a terrifying aura erupted.

Jun Jiuyou was the first to bear the brunt and was knocked back more than ten steps. He stared straight ahead and exclaimed: "Second uncle!"

The person who came is clearly none other than Jun Wuwu!

"Jiuyou, no wonder you brought this kid up the mountain. It turns out you want him to treat your elder brother's injuries!"

Jun Wuwu, with a cold evil look on his face, looked past Jun Jiuyou and landed on Jun Wufeng, "Brother, eldest brother, you really went wrong in your practice, which led to you going crazy. If this is the case, why bother to hide it? , Wouldn’t it be better for me to take the position of patriarch?”

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