Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2387 Self-explosion divine pattern! (3 updates)

But it turned out that Jun Wuwang had been secretly keeping an eye on Jun Jiuyou these past few days.

After all, it was a bit abnormal for Jun Jiuyou to suddenly bring outsiders up the mountain.

Therefore, even if his own son was beaten, he kept silent to avoid alerting the enemy.

Fortunately, all the forbearance was valuable. Finally, he discovered this huge secret and confirmed his suspicion.

And now, it is the critical moment for Ling Feng to treat Jun Wufeng. As long as he takes action to destroy it, humph, Jun Wufeng will definitely die today!

The position of clan leader still belongs to him after all!

"Jun Wuwu!"

Jun Jiuyou's figure flashed, stopped in front of Jun Wuwang, and said angrily: "This is the clan leader's secret room, a forbidden area, how dare you break in without permission!"

No matter how many times he calculated, he never expected that Jun Wuwu would secretly follow him!

Now that his father is about to recover, no matter what, he will never let Jun Wuwu ruin everything.


Jun Wuwu laughed loudly, "The forbidden area of ​​the clan leader? After today, I will be the clan leader, who dares to punish me? Good nephew, get out of the way, your father is already at the end of his game, why bother struggling, just let it go I'll give him a ride! If you obey, I can spare your life!"

"You're dreaming!"

Jun Jiuyou drew his weapon directly, stopped in front of Jun Wuwang, gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Ling, you try your best to treat my father, I will stop him!"

Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead. It was the critical moment and he must not be distracted at all. Otherwise, not only would Jun Wufeng not survive, but he would also suffer backlash and be seriously injured.

Now, everything can only be pinned on Jun Jiuyou.

"Just you?"

Jun Wuwu smiled coldly, "You are still young, my dear nephew, you are too naive! Even though you are the number one genius among the younger generation of the Nine Nether God Clan, your second uncle and I have not been able to cultivate for hundreds of years. Not for dry food!”


In an instant, a terrifying aura, centered on Jun Wuwu, suddenly swept across.

Indeed, although Jun Wuwu was despicable and shameless, his strength was indeed strong.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to overpower others and take the position of acting clan leader.

His strength has surpassed that of most elders, and he is no less powerful than one of them.


Jun Jiuyou was under great pressure. Before the confrontation, he had already spit out a mouthful of blood and suffered some internal injuries.

"How about it, good nephew, you should know the difference between you and me!"

Jun Wuwu sneered, "You have been the best junior in the clan since you were a child. My child has suffered countless losses in your hands. However, this is also because the boy himself is incompetent. With you beating him, how much will he do? I have also spent more time on cultivation, and I won’t settle this debt with you.”

"However, the position of clan leader belongs to those who are capable. My eldest brother is no longer qualified. You are still relatively junior, so you still have me as your uncle, who can share some of your time with you."

"You fart!"

Jun Jiuyou gritted his teeth, "My father is very good, but you are so ambitious and sabotaging, and want to kill my father! Jun Wuwang, I won't let you succeed!"

"Hey, you really chill my second uncle!"

Jun Wuwu frowned slightly, "In that case, don't blame me for ignoring the love between uncle and nephew."

"Get out of here!"

Jun Jiuyou shouted violently, swung his long sword in his hand, and struck Jun Wuwu hard.

"Hmph, you are indeed the number one genius in our clan. In less than a year, your strength has improved so much. If you continue to grow, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to handle. But..."

Jun Wuwu put his two fingers together and used them as swords. He waved his hand casually and heard a "clang" sound, and Jun Jiuyou was knocked back again.

Jun Wuwu's cultivation level and his understanding of the power of rules are all far above Jun Jiuyou.

Moreover, both of them are from the Jiuyou God Clan and share the same origin. Jun Wuwu’s moves are all under Jun Wuwang’s control.

There is no suspense in this battle.

"I don't have time to play with you anymore!"

Jun Wuwu looked in the direction of Jun Wufeng. Ling Feng had already reintegrated most of the divine patterns into Jun Wufeng's body. It wouldn't take long for Jun Wufeng to wake up again.

It would have been a long night and many dreams, so Jun Wuwu directly abandoned Jun Jiuyou, flicked his finger, and a ray of energy shot hard into Jun Wufeng's heart.


Blood splashed, and Jun Jiuyou blocked the blow with his flesh and blood. At the same time, he slashed at Jun Wuwu with his backhand sword.

"Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword!"

The power of Xuantian Sword exploded, and Jun Jiuyou also received part of the inheritance of Xuantian Poyun Sword in Taihua Immortal Palace. Although it was not as complete as Ling Feng's, it was still the swordsmanship of the Immortal Realm.

How could the swordsmanship in the Immortal Realm be ordinary? Jun Wuwang's eyelids twitched and he did not dare to resist. He quickly stepped back to get out of the way of this prepared blow.

"Boy, do you have to force me to kill you first?"

Jun Wuwu frowned, murderous intent evident in his eyes.

"If you want to touch my father, step over my body first!"

A look of determination flashed in Jun Jiuyou's eyes. Even if he risked his life, Jun Wuwang could not succeed.

"Okay, then I'll kill you first!"

Jun Wuwu had completely lost his patience. He had been plotting to become the head of the family for a long time, and he could not just watch Jun Wufeng get the chance to recover.

The next moment, Jun Wuwang raised his palm, and in the palm of his hand, wind and thunder rolled, and he suddenly launched his killing move.

"Burial of Wind and Thunder!"

The power of the saint circulates, and this burial wind and thunder is a mixture of wind and thunder, reaching a level of above eight levels!

The power of wind and thunder surged, Jun Jiuyou's whole body was covered, and his clothes made a sound.

"I will never let you hurt my father even a hair!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes flashed with incomparable fanaticism, and when he bit the tip of his tongue, his original essence and blood burned.

In an instant, the divine pattern flashed between Jun Jiuyou's eyebrows. Under Jun Wuwu's strong pressure, he actually directly sacrificed the original divine pattern and self-destructed the divine pattern!

"You! You madman!"

Jun Wuwang's eyelids twitched wildly. Although Jun Jiuyou was not as strong as him, his strength increased by more than three times due to the self-explosion divine mark!

Even Jun Wuwang could no longer ignore Jun Jiuyou's attack.

"Brother Ling, I leave my father to you!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were full of determination, and he kept drawing out his sword and slashing wildly as if he didn't need any money.

Jun Wuwu was tired of dealing with it and had no time to spare, so he took action against Jun Wufeng.

Ling Feng raced against time, constantly seizing the time to integrate the divine pattern into Jun Wufeng's body.

Although Jun Wufeng did not open his eyes, tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

Obviously, he already knew that his son was fighting for himself.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Time passed bit by bit, Jun Jiuyou's condition continued to weaken, and Ling Feng was also covered in sweat.

He felt that every minute and every second was almost as long as ten thousand years!

"Hmph, so what if the divine mark is self-destructed? It's over!"

Jun Wuwu snorted coldly, using the power of wind and thunder, he slapped Jun Jiuyou on the head with a palm, "Good nephew, I will send your father down soon so that you, father and son can be reunited!"

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