Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2388 A critical moment! (1 update)


With a flash of his figure, Jun Wuwu flashed in front of Jun Jiuyou like an electric shock.

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou was completely at the end of his strength and had no power to resist at all.

The next moment, Jun Wuwu raised his palm and pressed Jun Jiuyou's forehead with his palm. He exploded with arrogant power and smashed Jun Jiuyou's head into the ground with a smash.


There was an explosion, and the ground in the quiet room seemed to shake violently.

Jun Jiuyou's head was bleeding immediately, stars were shining in his eyes, and a strong sense of weakness swept over him. He felt that he was really too tired, and he really wanted to sleep like this, forever, forever...

"Hmph, my dear nephew, ginger is still spicy when you are old, but you are still too young!"

Jun Wuwang shook his head, sneered, and with a little force on his palm, he tried to crush Jun Jiuyou's head completely.

"You dare!"

At this moment, Jun Wufeng suddenly opened his pupils, and a brilliant light burst out.

Jun Wuwu's eyelids suddenly twitched, and he felt a heart-stopping force coming. He quickly abandoned Jun Jiuyou, jumped back, and retreated.

It's a pity that he was still a step too slow. The ray of light penetrated directly from his shoulder, and a splash of blood spattered. Jun Wuwu groaned, with anger and shock in his eyes.

But it turns out that it was at this critical moment that Jun Wufeng woke up!

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. At the last moment, he finally helped Jun Wufeng successfully fuse the divine patterns.

This divine pattern contains fragments of the Jiuyou clan's holy pattern. Jun Wufeng fused this divine pattern, and his strength naturally increased greatly.

"How is it possible that you still have such strength!"

Jun Wuwu stared at Jun Wufeng, and just now Jun Wufeng's glance directly penetrated his body-protecting aura.

"Jun Wuwang, you deserve to die!"

Jun Wufeng's figure flashed and he jumped up from the hospital bed. When he saw his dying son lying on the ground, anger burned in his chest.

"Burial of Wind and Thunder!"

Jun Wufeng took action angrily, but the same move in Jun Wufeng's hands was even more domineering and unparalleled in power.

"Hmph, you and your son are lucky today!"

Jun Wuwu saw that Jun Wufeng still had such strength. He was caught off guard and lost one of his arms. His strength was greatly reduced. If he had a head-on fight with Jun Wufeng, he might not be able to get any advantage.

As a result, Jun Wuwu made a decisive decision, no longer willing to fight, and immediately ran away. The blood on the wound on his left shoulder continued to flow, leaving blood on the ground.

When Jun Wufeng saw Jun Wuwu fleeing, he did not chase him out. He only waited for Jun Wuwu's figure to gradually go away, then he looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood.

But it turned out that just now Jun Wufeng actually used a forceful force to force the attack.

After all, he had just regained his strength. As soon as he regained consciousness, he immediately took action forcefully. It looked like he was fierce and domineering, but in fact, he injured the enemy eight hundred times and lost one thousand to himself.


Jun Wufeng spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, then turned around and walked to Jun Jiuyou. When he saw his dying son lying in a pool of blood, he felt heartbroken.

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou's divine patterns were destroyed and he was seriously injured. Even if he was cured, he would probably be just a cripple after all.

"Silly boy, why are you doing this?"

Jun Wufeng lifted Jun Jiuyou up and held him in his arms, with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Father, just be okay."

Jun Jiuyou smiled miserably, "All the efforts I have made have... not been in vain."

Ling Feng sighed lightly, looked at the father and son, and shook his head slightly.

I have tried my best, but in the end, I was a step too slow.

Jun Jiuyou's divine pattern had been destroyed, and he was helpless.

"Senior, let me heal your injuries."

Ling Feng stepped forward. Jun Jiuyou and Jun Wufeng were both seriously injured. If they were not treated in time, they might still have hidden dangers.

Especially Jun Jiuyou, he is already a cripple. If he is not treated, he may become crippled in the future.

"Little brother, wait a moment."

Jun Wufeng took a deep breath and wiped away the blood on Jun Jiuyou's face. As if he had made some kind of decision, he raised his palm and gently pressed it between Jun Jiuyou's eyebrows.

"Child, you have to remember that you are my hope!"

The next moment, the divine lines on Jun Wufeng's forehead continued to flicker. Jun Jiuyou felt a warm current pouring into his body from the center of his eyebrows. His pupils suddenly shrank, "Father, you!"

"Concentrate your mind and eliminate distracting thoughts!"

Jun Wufeng looked serious, "Never give up this divine pattern! Otherwise, my father will commit suicide immediately!"

Jun Jiuyou trembled all over. Little did he know that his father was going to pass his divine mark on to him!

This is the divine mark that he repaired with great difficulty!

" don't want it!"

Jun Jiuyou burst into tears. Without the divine mark, he could still be like an ordinary person and live to be 180 years old. It would not be a problem. However, his father was already exhausted and had to forcefully wear the divine mark on him. I am afraid……

I'm afraid I'm not going to die soon!

"Children, parents all over the world are willing to sacrifice for their children!"

The process of transferring the divine marks was very fast. After a while, Jun Wufeng's face quickly aged, almost dozens of years older than the two elders, Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si. His energy and blood power was originally thought to be exhausted. The body, which was excessive and looked a little rickety, lost the support of strength and fell heavily.

"Father! Father!"

Jun Jiuyou fused his father's divine patterns and regained his strength bit by bit. He quickly hugged his father and burst into tears.

"Silly boy, make good use of my divine patterns. The responsibility of protecting the Nine Nether God Clan will fall on your shoulders!"

Jun Wufeng patted Jun Jiuyou's back with difficulty, but there was always a slight smile on his lips.

Having such a good son, even if he dies, it is worth gratifying.


Ling Feng felt his eyes were a little sore. He walked up to Jun Jiuyou, patted his shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Jun, let me heal my uncle's injuries."

Although Jun Wufeng's injuries were probably beyond repair, Ling Feng could at least extend his life a little longer.

At least, let him spend more time with his children.

Jun Jiuyou raised his head and glanced at Ling Feng. His eyes were already a little red and swollen. He gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Ling, I'll help you!"

"Uncle, you are a good father!"

Ling Feng took out a row of golden needles from his waist. Considering Jun Wufeng's current situation, the only way to regenerate the needles could temporarily sustain his energy, but it was destined not to last long.

His vitality is about to be exhausted, and he has lost his original divine pattern. He is like a rootless duckweed, destined to disappear with the wind.

Jun Jiuyou wiped the tears from his eyes and walked out of the quiet room with extremely heavy steps.

Not long after, there was a burst of explosions outside the quiet room, mixed with hysterical roars: Jun Wuwang, I will not kill you until I kill you!

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