Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2389 For real! (2 updates)

I don’t know how long it took before Jun Wufeng woke up.

He never thought that he could actually wake up, and there were waves of tingling sensations on the top of his head.

He knew that it was probably the young man named Ling Feng who saved him.

That young man's medical skills were indeed excellent, but unfortunately, he knew very well about his own situation that he didn't have much time left.


A burst of sobs came, and Jun Wufeng opened his eyes with difficulty, only to feel something pressing on his chest.

He forced his gaze and saw that it was a petite figure crying on his chest.

If it’s not Jun Wanyi, then who is it?

"Wow, Daddy, how could you become like this!"

Jun Wanyi cried. In her mind, her father was an omnipotent hero.

However, this great hero spent seven or eight years in seclusion. When he came out, his time was running out.


Jun Wufeng called softly. Hearing Jun Wufeng's voice, Jun Wanyi suddenly raised her head and said excitedly: "Dad, you're awake, you're finally awake!"

Her eyes were already red and swollen, and she had cried countless times since she learned about Jun Wufeng's condition.

Hearing Jun Wanyi's call, the door was pushed open immediately, and soon many elders from the clan, as well as Jun Wufeng's children, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, rushed in.

Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si were the first to bear the brunt.

From Jun Jiuyou and Ling Feng's mouths, they had already heard the whole story.

No one expected that Jun Wuwu would be so rebellious and dare to attack the clan leader.

Unfortunately, by the time Jun Busan and the others came to investigate, Jun Wuwu had already left Jiuyou Sacred Mountain with his son and some cronies.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that beast Wuwang to be so vicious!"

Jun Busan sighed softly, looked at Jun Wufeng on the bed, and couldn't help but shake his head.

A good patriarch, in the prime of life, but what has become now?

He was clearly a hundred years older than himself.

"That little bastard has not been a good person since he was a child. If I had known this, I should have killed that kid early, and he would not have developed into what he is today!"

Jun Busi began to curse and curse, wishing that he could tear Jun Wuwei into pieces in order to appease his hatred.

"Two elders, this is how you should be without Feng's destiny."

Jun Wufeng smiled bitterly and glanced around the room, but did not see Jun Jiuyou's figure. He sighed softly and said slowly: "Third Elder, Fourth Elder, I know that I don't have much time. I hope you two can agree to something. I hope you can help that child of Jiuyou. From today on, he will be the leader of my Jiuyou clan."

"Don't worry."

Jun Busan nodded, "As long as I, the old man, are still alive, no one can think of taking the position of clan leader."

"Yes, the only clan leader I recognize is Jiuyou!"

Jun Busi also snorted softly and glanced around the room as a warning.

"With the help of two elders, I... feel relieved."

Jun Wufeng nodded, "It's just that I'm afraid that kid is too extreme... If he only thinks about revenge for me, I'm afraid it's not a good thing."

"Hey, that boy has a very stubborn temper, just like you when you were young."

Jun Busan shook his head, "It has been three days since you fell into coma. That kid locked himself in the room for a whole day, and then started practicing day and night. This kid is not even injured yet." Good!”

"Daddy is leaving me, and my brother won't pay attention to me."

Jun Wanyi said with red eyes: "Wuwuwu, why, why did things become like this? I don't want a brother like this, and I don't want my father to die, wuwuwu..."

Listening to Jun Wanyi's crying voice was heartbreaking and heartbreaking.

Everyone sighed secretly, but no one knew how to comfort this little girl.

In other words, comfort is in vain.

Ling Feng sighed softly and silently exited the room. This scene of parting and death was really depressing.

Shang Tianfeng, on the martial arts field.

Boom boom boom!

From time to time, the sound of explosions resounded in the Shang Tianfeng martial arts field. The entire martial arts field had been devastated by the bombing. The bluestone floor tiles were shattered inch by inch, covering an area of ​​thousands of feet. They were all filled with an overbearing and terrifying evil spirit, which made No one dares to get even close.

And it was Jun Jiuyou who caused all this.

After integrating Jun Wufeng's divine patterns, Jun Jiuyou's strength has improved a lot, but he is not happy at all.

If given the choice, he would rather not.

After spending a whole day in isolation, he finally found his purpose.


Avenge your father!

He wanted to kill Jun Wuwu with his own hands and make him pay with blood.

Therefore, he began to practice like crazy, as if the only meaning of life was revenge.

"Young patriarch, are you crazy? He has occupied the martial arts field for two full days! Anyone who dares to come close will be beaten up and thrown out."

"This guy is absolutely crazy. The clan leader is about to die and he doesn't even look at him!"

"I heard that the patriarch became like this because he passed on his divine mark to him. He really has no conscience!"

Outside the martial arts arena, some of the disciples who had been beaten by Jun Jiuyou felt resentful and couldn't help but burst into cynicism.

At this time, a figure walked over from not far away, and it was Ling Feng.

Hearing these malicious speculations, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head. The world is often like this, and people usually only see the surface.

They didn't understand the pain in Jun Jiuyou's heart at all!

Instead of arguing with these indifferent people, Ling Feng looked at Jun Jiuyou in the martial arts arena, his figure flashed and flew away.

"Brother Ling!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were blood red and bloodshot. When he saw that the person coming was Ling Feng, he was stunned for a moment, then clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "You're just in time, come and fight with me."


Ling Feng nodded, "Since you want to fight, let's have a good fight!"

Ling Feng's arm shook, and everything in the ten directions was destroyed, already in the palm of his hand.


As soon as his figure flashed, Jun Jiuyou appeared in front of Ling Feng like a furious lion. Wind and thunder surged in his palm, and he slapped him hard with the "Wind and Thunder Burial" move.


Ling Feng swung his sword and used his backhand move "Xuantian Cloud-breaking Sword". The power of Xuantian Sword exploded. Jun Jiuyou's expression changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Ling, are you serious about this?"

"Since we want to fight, we must be serious about it, and the same goes for you. There is no need to hold back!"

Ling Feng stared at Jun Jiuyou, holding the long sword in his hand without mercy. The sword field then opened up, and he used vicious moves to attack the vital point.

"Okay, come on then!"

Jun Jiuyou showed some real fire, his eyes became sharper and sharper, the divine lines flashed between his eyebrows, and he finally showed his true strength.

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