Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2390 Where to go? (3 updates)

With the blessing of divine patterns, Ling Feng's pressure suddenly doubled.

Jun Jiuyou is the number one genius of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, and he has integrated his father's divine pattern, and this divine pattern contains fragments of the Jiuyou Clan's holy pattern.

It can be said that although Jun Jiuyou is still injured, his strength is only higher than that at his previous peak!

He was inspired by Ling Feng's true fire, and when he exploded with all his strength, the amazing pressure was no joke.

"Thunder breaks out!"

Jun Jiuyou shouted violently and punched out hard, hitting Ling Feng's sword blade. The violent power was released. Ling Feng was immediately knocked back a few steps, and there was a surge of energy and blood in his body.

"Is this your anger? It's not enough!"

Ling Feng stared at Jun Jiuyou and said coldly: "Anger has made your fists lose judgment. It is absolutely impossible for you to avenge your father!"

"you shut up!"

Jun Jiuyou stared angrily, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and pounced on Ling Feng again with its teeth and claws.

"Jiuyou instantly appears!"

Ling Feng's figure flashed, avoiding Jun Jiuyou's blow, and stabbed Jun Jiuyou's back with a backhand sword.


The sword blade cut through Jun Jiuyou's back, and blood flowed out, immediately dyeing his robe red.

Jun Jiuyou was in pain and became even more furious. He used all his energy to kill Ling Feng fiercely.

However, Ling Feng relied on Jiuyou's teleportation technique and was able to avoid Jun Jiuyou's attacks time and time again, as if he was unpredictable, but left sword marks on Jun Jiuyou's body.

"That's it, do you still want to avenge your father? You loser!"

Ling Feng cursed loudly, and Jun Jiuyou was furious. He had completely lost his mind.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were red, and he launched frantic attacks around him. When his true energy was exhausted, his internal injuries exploded, and he spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood.

Ling Feng was unyielding and took advantage of the opportunity to bully him, chasing and beating Jun Jiuyou fiercely.

Boom boom boom!

Ling Feng withdrew and then attacked with a pair of iron fists, hitting Jun Jiuyou's face hard with each punch.




Jun Jiuyou was like a sandbag being beaten violently by Ling Feng. Finally, his tall and burly body fell down like a mountain of gold or a jade pillar.

He was so exhausted that he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

And his originally resolute and handsome face had been beaten into a pig's head by Ling Feng.


Ling Feng also sat down next to Jun Jiuyou, panting and holding on the ground, and said slowly: "Brother Jun, how did it feel to lose your mind just now?"

Jun Jiuyou slowly moved his eyes, looked at Ling Feng, and said with a wry smile: "It turns out that I am so weak. It is impossible for me to take revenge! You are right, I am a waste! Waste!"

"It's not that you are too weak, it's that anger that makes you lose all judgment!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said calmly: "Do you think that practicing day and night like this can quickly improve your cultivation? You are wrong. The journey of martial arts is also a process of refining the mind. If you lose all your heart If you have no direction, where will your martial arts go?"


Jun Jiuyou was stunned for a moment, the anger in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he became a little confused, "Where will my martial arts go?"

"Brother Jun, it is normal that you want to avenge your father, but your obsession with revenge should not become a shackles on you."

Ling Feng sighed softly: "Have you forgotten that your father asked you to protect the Jiuyou Divine Clan? What are you doing now? Also, have you forgotten Xiao Qi? She is more helpless than you now, and more You are at a loss, you are her brother, shouldn't you act like a brother? "

"And your father, he doesn't have much time left. In his last days, what he really needs is your company!"


A hint of realization flashed in Jun Jiuyou's eyes, "Brother Ling, I...I was wrong!"

"I know I'm wrong. You're still like a dead dog. What are you doing lying here?"

Ling Feng glanced at Jun Jiuyou and said, "Go quickly, your father and Xiao Qi, they both need you!"

"I see."

Jun Jiuyou nodded, then revealed a trace of bitterness, "But, I can't get up! Brother Ling, you are too cruel!"


Ling Feng quickly helped Jun Jiuyou stand up and smiled, "If I don't hit you harder, how can I wake you up! Go! Your sister is still waiting for you!"

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath, glanced at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Brother Ling!"

After saying that, he flew towards the peak gate where the clan leader lived.

"I finally understand."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, shook his arm, and said with a wry smile: "This guy's bones are so hard, it hurts my hand from the beating!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, there was a moment! I really didn't realize that, you brat, you really can say that! Why, in the future, you won't be the leader of the Lingyun League, but will change your career to be a life mentor?"

At this moment, a cold voice came out. Ling Feng turned around and looked, but it was not that woman Yu Junyao.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Forget about being a life coach, it's too tiring!"

"However, the matter here in Jiuyou City can be regarded as coming to an end."

Ling Feng shrugged and said slowly: "It's almost time to go back to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. I don't know if Senior Brother Chu and the others are going well there."

The situation over there in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains is much more complicated than here in Jiuyou City, and there are also some past grudges in the Valley of the Wicked mixed in.

Originally Ling Feng wanted to use the power of the Jiuyou God Clan, but now the Jiuyou God Clan may face an internal fight.

After all, Jun Wuwang is still determined to be a thief, and he is afraid that he will come back again.

In a short period of time, the Nine Nether God Clan may not be able to distract him, and it may not be realistic to bring the experts of the Nine Nether God Clan to support the Du Yue Tiangong.

Not to mention other people, even Jun Jiuyou might not be able to accompany him.

"You are such a busy man!"

Yu Junyao pouted, "I originally wanted to visit Jiuyou City more!"

"You can stay here, too."

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and said slowly: "The situation over there in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains is complicated. If you follow me, I may not be able to protect you."

"Tch! Who wants your protection?"

Yu Junyao frowned and glared at Ling Feng, "I'm not that weak! Also, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

Yu Junyao said, her pretty face turned red, and she quickly added: "Don't think too much, I'm just... hmph, I'm just keeping an eye on you for Sister Qianxue!"

Ling Feng shrugged, shook his head and smiled, "It's up to you."

Now that the Fountain of Youth has been obtained, he has also helped Jun Jiuyou heal his father's internal injuries. Although there are some deviations in the results, it is almost time for him to leave.

He has been delayed for a long time. The situation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains is changing rapidly. The Atlas of Divine Desolation is related to a great immortal fate, and Ling Feng never wants to miss it.

It's time to leave Jiuyou City.

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