Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2392 Those who surrender will not be killed! (2 updates)

"Jiuyou boy, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Jun Busan jumped forward and stopped in front of Jun Jiuyou. He stared at Jun Wuwu and said coldly: "You traitor, if you dare to come back today, be prepared to be killed!"

Jun Busi also took one step forward and stood side by side with Jun Busan.

Jun Wuwu was very powerful, and he was younger and more powerful than the two of them.

If they fight alone, neither Jun Busan nor Junbusi will get any advantage.

"Hey, I just want to come back and burn incense sticks for my eldest brother and pay homage to his spirit in heaven. Is it so difficult?"

Jun Wuwu shrugged, grinned and said, "That's all, the eldest brother has always looked down upon my younger brother anyway. It doesn't matter whether he worships me or not."

Jun Wuwang glanced at him, stood up with his hands behind his back and said, "Since the old clan leader is dead, it is time to elect a new clan leader to take over this position. I came back today to take over the position of clan leader. Everyone should have no objections, right?" ?”

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Jun Busi immediately started to curse, "Jun Wuwang, how can you still have the nerve to stand here and say that you want to be the leader of the clan? You plotted to kill Wu Feng to kill your brother and usurp the leader. A traitor like you, you still want to become the leader of the clan? You Dreaming? You can’t live without me for a day, don’t even think about it!”


Jun Wuwang laughed loudly, "Old guy, you are old and have run out of energy!"

"You...what did you say?"

Jun Busi was so angry that he was shaking all over. He didn't expect Jun Wuwu to be so arrogant!

"I call you Fourth Elder to give you some face. I want to ask, who else is more qualified to be the leader of this clan than me in this divine clan? Him?"

Jun Wuwu pointed at Jun Jiuyou and sneered: "He is just a loser who drags down his father, hahaha!"

"Enough! Enough!"

Jun Jiuyou lost control completely, and Jun Wuwang's words were like sharp knives, piercing into his heart.

After all, if I hadn't been too incompetent, how could I have caused my father to pass on the divine mark to me and die?

He is the one who really killed his father!

"Enough? Not enough!"

Jun Wuwu sneered: "With a useless person like you as the clan leader, the Jiuyou Divine Clan will only become a joke. If you know better and get out of the Jiuyou Divine Mountain, I can still spare your life. Otherwise, I will Send you down and reunite your father and son!"

"shut up!"

Jun Busi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and with all his strength, he slapped Jun Wuwu hard with his palm.

"Haha, are you making a big fuss in Big Brother's mourning hall? It's neither three nor four, it really is neither three nor four!"

Jun Wuwu laughed loudly, "Old man, do you think I'm still that young boy? You're already in your twilight years, and I'm in the prime of my life. You old men, it's better not to take care of things that you shouldn't. !”

The next moment, a domineering force of wind and thunder burst out from Jun Wuwu's body and collided with Jun Busi's palm wind.

Kick, kick, kick!

Jun Busi's body shook violently and he was knocked back three steps!

A face to face, that's it; the sun sets and the wind falls!

"You actually!"

Jun Bu's eyes were full of disbelief. He had known that Jun Wuwu's strength had improved rapidly in the past few years, but he didn't expect that he had become so strong.

"Why, are you surprised?"

Jun Wuwu sneered, "Old man, I want to see who else can stop me today?"

For a moment, there was deathly silence in the entire mourning hall.

Even Jun Busi suffered a big loss at the hands of Jun Wuwu, and the others...

Who can be Jun Wuwu's opponent?

"Something's wrong!"

Ling Feng frowned, stared at Jun Wuwu's figure, and muttered to himself.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Junyao blinked and turned to look at Ling Feng, "In this situation, you are still babbling. What are you mumbling about?"

"Obviously when he attacked Brother Jun that day, he was far from being this strong!"

Ling Feng frowned. Although Ling Feng had no time to deal with Jun Wuwu in the secret room that day, he had some understanding of his strength.

Although Jun Wuwang is strong, he is not that strong yet.

How could he suddenly become so strong in just a few days?

Something is wrong, something is really wrong!

Na Jun Wuwang gained the upper hand with one move, and immediately showed off his power, "How about it, old guy, do you understand now? Half of your body is going to be buried in the ground, I advise you to be more sensible and obediently find a geomantic treasure land to spend the rest of your life. It’s better not to get involved!”


Even though Jun Busi's face turned red with anger and he stared at Jun Wuwu with angry eyes, the two elders looked at each other and actually attacked Jun Wuwu at the same time.

"Two against one, that's not kind!"

At this moment, suddenly, another cold and hoarse voice came from behind the crowd.

The next moment, a puff of black smoke filled the air, followed by a black shadow rising into the sky. The disciples of the Nine Nether God Clan around them were blown into pieces of blood.

Then, whoosh whoosh!

Dark shadows filled the sky and rushed into the crowd, followed by a frenzied fight.

Caught off guard, a large number of disciples of the Jiuyou God Clan died on the spot.

"A man in the devil's path!"

Jun Busan's eyelids twitched, and he immediately glared at Jun Wuwu angrily, "You actually colluded with people from the devil's path and brought these evil heretics into the Jiuyou Sacred Mountain to kill your fellow tribesmen!"

Outside the Nine Nether Sacred Mountain, there is a mountain-protecting formation. If it were not for the direct lineage of the gods to open the magic circle, these evil heretics would not be able to step into the sacred mountain.

"Inform the clansmen? Those who obey me are my clansmen!"

Jun Wuwang laughed loudly, "Poison-blooded Yama, be careful with your approach, but don't kill everyone! Those who surrender will not be killed!"


The cold and hoarse voice sounded again, and blood shadows swept across, and another group of disciples of the Nine Nether God Clan died unexpectedly.



The shouts of killing and screams came and went one after another. After a while, the entire mourning hall had almost turned into a Shura field.

Demon masters come and go without a trace, appearing and disappearing without a trace. How can these children of the gods compare to these murderous demons with all their abilities and experience against the enemy?

In addition, the "chief" of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, Jun Jiuyou, is now completely like a wooden man, standing dumbly.

The Nine Nether God Clan is leaderless and has no one to organize a response, so they will only be beaten.

Soon, the situation became almost one-sided, with the Jiuyou God Clan suffering heavy casualties.

"What kind of clan leader, we are working desperately, but he is in a daze?"

"No matter what, I surrender! No one should be the leader of the clan. Jun Wuwu is at least stronger than Jun Jiuyou!"

"I surrender!"

Gradually, more and more disciples of the Jiuyou Divine Clan chose to surrender. Jun Wuwu kept sneering. The current situation was completely under his control.

The next step is to force Jun Jiuyou to give up his position as clan leader.

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