Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2393 Killing my sister to sacrifice to heaven, my magic power is boundless! (3 updates)

"Jiuyou boy!"

Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si were filled with grief and anger. Their eyes were fixed on Jun Jiuyou, and they both felt a burst of hatred.

After all, his mind was still too fragile, and he gave up resistance completely after Jun Wuwang said a few words.

How can such a person become the leader of a clan?


Ling Feng also sighed softly, thinking about it, Jun Wufeng's death was a huge blow to Jun Jiuyou.

The self-blame in his heart was too heavy for him.

But he really shouldn't forget his father's instructions!

If even he gives up, then no one can help him.

If you can help him once, can you help him for the rest of his life?

"You brat, why don't you help me?"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and stared at Ling Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Don't tell me, you are weak after this small battle?"

"The only one who can help him is himself!"

Ling Feng looked at Jun Jiuyou and said slowly: "This is also a test for Brother Jun!"

"It's already at this juncture, what else is there to test!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly. No matter what kind of desperate situation he encountered in the past, Ling Feng always found a way to resolve the crisis, but this time, he actually chose to stand by and watch?

This is not Ling Feng’s style!

"It was was me who killed my father..."

Although everyone was fighting, Jun Jiuyou was always immersed in infinite self-blame.

"If it weren't for me, my father wouldn't have died! It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Jun Jiuyou held his head in regret, he even just wanted to die.


Jun Wuwu smiled coldly, stared at Jun Jiuyou and said: "Good nephew, you killed your father, how can you still have the honor to live in this world? If you are still a man, you will commit suicide and apologize, and I respect you. Man!"

"Jiuyou boy, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Jun Bu was so angry that he wanted to look for him. It is said that those in authority are confused and onlookers know clearly, but Jun Jiuyou is the one in authority.

If he can't untie this knot in his heart, he is destined to fail today.

"Hahaha, am I talking nonsense? Jun Jiuyou, what, where was your courage back then? Don't you dare to die now? Don't you dare to apologize to your father Fei?"

Jun Wuwang's words were heartbreaking, and Jun Jiuyou's whole body was trembling violently. He raised his palm slightly, and the wind and thunder surged in his hand, as if he wanted to kill himself on the spot.

"No, brother!"

At this moment, it was Jun Wanyi who hugged Jun Jiuyou's arm and cried loudly, "Brother, you want to die. I have lost my father. I don't want you to die! No!"


Jun Jiuyou glanced at Jun Wanyi, her eyes turned red, "But me, what do I look like? Living in this world, I am a sinner!"

"No! That's not the case!"

Jun Wanyi's eyes were red and she gritted her teeth and said, "Brother and father are both heroes in Xiao Qi's heart!"

Jun Wanyi sobbed, slowly letting go of Jun Jiuyou's arm, turning around suddenly, staring at Jun Wuwu, "You are the bad guy, you killed my father, and now you want to force my brother to death, I’ll fight you!”

After saying that, Jun Wanyi actually took a step forward, gritted her teeth and rushed towards Jun Wuwang.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Jun Wuwu's eyes turned cold and he slapped it with a palm.


A surge of energy exploded, and Jun Wanyi's little cultivation was almost negligible in front of Jun Wuwang.


Jun Wanyi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and her whole body was blown away. Blood was spilled on the spot, so bright that it was blinding.


Jun Jiuyou went completely crazy, constantly recalling his father's instructions before his death in his mind.

"Protect the Jiuyou Divine Clan!"

"Protect your sister Xiaoqi, don't let her get hurt at all!"

But now, he actually hasn't done a single thing!

"no no!"

Jun Jiuyou's aura suddenly exploded, "Jun Wuwang, I will kill you! You are the culprit!"

In an instant, Jun Jiuyou's figure was like a bolt of lightning, a few minutes faster than his usual peak state.

Now he has truly integrated his father's divine pattern and gained the power from his father's divine pattern!


The palm was struck out with such force and domineering force that it actually made Jun Wuwu take half a step back in shock!

"All the disciples of the Nine Nether God Clan, I am too stupid! If you believe me and pick up the weapons in your hands, how can I, the Nine Nether God Clan, bow to the evil heretics! We are the God Clan!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were red. The moment Jun Wanyi vomited blood, he woke up.

He finally knows what his responsibility is!

He finally understood why his father would rather die than pass on the divine mark to him.

My father is indeed dead, but his will will never die!

In an instant, the disciples of the God Clan who had given up resistance picked up the weapons in their hands again.


They are gods!

How can the noble blood of the gods be tainted by evil demons and heretics!


Jun Busan and Jun Busi flew down beside Jun Jiuyou and stood side by side with him, "All disciples of the God Clan, follow our new clan leader to defend against foreign enemies! Kill!"


For a moment, they shouted to kill Zhentian, and the Jiuyou God Clan’s fighting spirit was rekindled!

"Damn it!"

Jun Wuwang's expression changed drastically. Unexpectedly, Jun Jiuyou woke up at the last moment!

"You really kill your sister to sacrifice to heaven, your magic power is boundless!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "But as long as I'm here, such a lovely sister can't die."

The moment Jun Wanyi was knocked away, Ling Feng had already taken action to rescue Jun Wanyi. With such miraculous skills as Taixuan Acupuncture, it would be difficult for Jun Wanyi to die.

"Miss Yu, take care of Xiao Qi, it's my turn to take action!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, Jun Jiuyou finally woke up, then it was time for him to take action and help his good brother!

Consider it a great gift for Jun Jiuyou to take over as the new clan leader!

The next moment, with Ling Feng as the center, a holy white light rose into the sky and turned into a white light curtain, covering the heaven and earth.

Under the soft white light, those demonic masters seemed to be scorched, with black smoke emitting from them, and their evil and vicious demonic aura was suppressed by 70% to 80%.

In an instant, the originally bad situation was reversed.

"It's the Destruction Sphere!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyelids twitched. That day on the battlefield in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, Ling Feng relied on this destructive ball to defeat the demon clan with minimal losses.

Now, this destructive ball has achieved another miracle!

After all, the purifying light released by the Destruction Sphere suppresses these evil heretics more powerfully than the demon clan.

"no no!"

The stronger the demonic energy on the body, the stronger the backlash it receives under the light of this essence.

The poisonous-blooded Yama, who was still killing everyone, immediately started rolling on the ground. Several elders of the Nine Nether God Clan jointly took action, and in an instant, the notorious "Yam Luo" actually went to see Yama. .

As for Jun Wuwu, there was a burst of thick black smoke all over his body, and he was trembling with great pain.

"I just said something was wrong!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly. He had long seen that Jun Wuwu's improvement in strength was too abnormal. Now it seems that he must have used some evil and heretical means. The demonic energy naturally condensed in his body and was illuminated by the purifying light. Immediately reveal your true colors!

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