Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2394 The final willfulness! (1 update)

"Third Grandpa, Fourth Grandpa, take advantage of the moment!"

Jun Jiuyou had seen the power of the Destruction Sphere on the battlefield before. He seized the opportunity and immediately flew up. The power of wind and thunder began to circulate, and he launched a violent storm-like attack on Jun Wuwu.

Jun Wuwang still resisted stubbornly, but he was surrounded by Jun Bu and Jun Bu Si.

With one against three, and the demonic energy in his body was exhausted, within a moment, he was defeated by Jun Jiuyou, Jun Busi, and Jun Busi.

A civil strife finally subsided.


After dealing with Jun Wuwu, Jun Jiuyou immediately flew to Jun Wanyi's side. Seeing Jun Wanyi's pale face, her eyes turned red and she clenched her fists tightly, "It's all my fault! I didn't take care of myself. protect you!"

“It’s not too late to make up for the situation before it’s too late.”

At some point, Ling Feng also came over, patted Jun Jiuyou's shoulder lightly, and said calmly: "Brother Jun, it's not too late to wake up now. Don't worry, Xiao Qi's injury is not serious."

"Brother Ling..."

Jun Jiuyou looked back at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you!"

Whether it was Jun Wanyi's injury or helping the Jiuyou Divine Clan to quell the civil strife, it was all thanks to Ling Feng.

Otherwise, if the power of the Destruction Sphere had not restrained the demonic energy of those demonic masters, even if the Jiuyou God Clan could win today, it would probably be a miserable victory.

"If I were a brother, why would I say such things?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "You can untie the knot in your heart, that's the most important thing!"

"Jiuyou...cough, clan leader, what should I do with this traitor!"

At this time, Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si had already tied up Jun Wuwu Wuhua Da and held him over, waiting for Jun Jiuyou to fall.

"Traitor? Damn, he's just a victor and a loser!"

Jun Wuwu stared at Jun Jiuyou and cursed loudly: "Jun Jiuyou, please remember, I am not defeated at your hands!"

His eyes turned to stare at Ling Feng, his face was ferocious, his eyes were cracked, and he said with great hatred: "I never thought that I, Jun Wuwu, would fall into the hands of a young boy like you, I won't accept it, I won't willingly!”

Ling Feng just shrugged and ignored this guy.

"Put it down first!"

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath and resisted the urge to kill him immediately. He gritted his teeth and said, "We will wait until the public trial within the clan to punish him!"

"That's fine! Come on, take this traitor down!"

Jun Busan nodded, with a hint of relief in his eyes. Finally, Jun Jiuyou was no longer dominated by hatred and looked like a clan leader.

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

Jun Wuwu struggled wildly and roared loudly, but his Dantian Qihai had been blocked by both him and Jun Busi. At this moment, Jun Wuwu only had a tough mouth, without any threat.

The voice gradually faded away, and Jun Busi snorted coldly, "This bastard is simply greedy for power. For the sake of being the leader of the clan, he actually killed his brother and usurped the master!"

Jun Busan said in a deep voice: "Since ancient times, the desire for power has disturbed people's hearts. Although Jun Wuwang has been eliminated, the clan leader and some of his accomplices are still on the run. It is best to send some masters from the clan to chase and kill them for thousands of miles. No fish can slip through the net.”

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Although this move was a bit cruel, but as the saying goes, the spring breeze will bring new growth. Sometimes, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Jun Jiuyou nodded slightly, "Just do what Third Grandpa wants."

That night.

Although the civil strife has been calmed down, there are still some repercussions within the Jiuyou Divine Clan. As the leader of the clan, Jun Jiuyou must step in to deal with it and appease people's hearts.

There is a saying that goes well, people are forced to come out.

Jun Jiuyou always thought that being a clan leader would be very difficult, but when he really started to deal with it, he discovered that some things could actually be solved.

Sitting in front of the desk, Jun Jiuyou rubbed his eyes. He felt very tired after the day.

"Clan leader..."

A soft voice came, and a beautiful figure was seen, walking lightly with lotus steps, and slowly walked to Jun Jiuyou's table.

The visitor was none other than Han Ruolan, who very obediently replaced Jun Jiuyou with a new cup of tea.

"Alan, there is no need to call me clan leader when there are no outsiders."

Jun Jiuyou gently grabbed Han Ruolan's slender hand, thought about it, and asked, "How is Xiao Qi?"

"Mr. Ling's medical skills are very good. Xiao Qi is fine. She just fell asleep after taking medicine."

Han Ruolan's pretty face blushed slightly when she was grabbed by Jun Jiuyou's warm hands.

"That's good."

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath and said, "Brother Ling and the others are leaving tomorrow?"


Han Ruolan nodded, "Master Ling and Miss Yu are preparing to leave early tomorrow morning. He also asked me to tell you to be the leader of the Jiuyou God Clan and don't let the old leader down."

"Are you leaving?"

Jun Jiuyou was slightly stunned. What Han Ruolan said in the second half of his sentence was completely inaudible.

"Brother Jiuyou..."

Han Ruolan gritted her silver teeth and said, "You must have something on your mind, right? This has always been the case since you were a child."

"The one who knows me is Mo Ruolan."

Jun Jiuyou sighed softly, "I know that Brother Ling must return to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, and the enemies he will face are very powerful, but I..."

"Brother Jiuyou wants to face a powerful enemy with Mr. Ling?"

Han Ruolan's body stiffened slightly. She naturally hoped that Jun Jiuyou could stay in Jiuyou City and spend more time with her, but she knew better that Jun Jiuyou was a person who valued love and justice.

"Alan, am I too immature?"

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath, "Obviously I am the leader of the clan, but I just want to help Brother Ling... I know that this is inappropriate!"

"This is the brother Jiuyou I know!"

Han Ruolan smiled softly, "If this is what Brother Jiuyou decides to do, then Alan will support it to the end without hesitation!"

"Good Alan!"

Jun Jiuyou gently stopped Han Ruolan's waist, "Sure enough, you are the person who understands me best in the world!"

"Then, let me be willful one last time!"

Jun Jiuyou smiled casually, with a look of relief on his face, "After this matter is resolved, I will come back and be the leader of the clan in a down-to-earth manner!"


Han Ruolan leaned her head in Jun Jiuyou's arms, her pretty face slightly hot, "Brother Jiuyou, you must remember that no matter when, Alan will be here waiting for you to come back!"

"When I come back, I will officially marry you!"

Jun Jiuyou patted Han Ruolan's back gently and said slowly: "Then tomorrow morning, I will secretly leave with Brother Ling and the others, and you will tell the Third Grandpa and the others that I am going to search for Jun Wuwu's remnants. Well, my two grandfathers need to take care of the matters within the clan."


Han Ruolan nodded and couldn't help but feel amused in her heart. Ever since they were little, Jun Jiuyou and Jun Wanyi's brother and sister had always had very good reasons for running away to play. Unexpectedly, it would be the same when they grew up.

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