Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2395: Obstinate and Refusal to Repent! (2 more)

The sky is still dark and the morning dew is like frost.

Early in the morning, Ling Feng forcibly dragged Yu Junyao up and prepared to leave Jiuyou Sacred Mountain.

Ling Feng didn't like leaving, so instead of wasting time saying goodbye, it would be better to say goodbye without saying goodbye, which would be cool and simple.

"You're going to die!"

Yu Junyao rubbed her sleepy eyes, pursed her lips, and said angrily: "You are going to be a thief so early!"

Ling Feng shrugged, "You insisted on leaving with me, I didn't force you! If you want to go back to sleep, I don't have any objection."


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng, sulking alone.

Fortunately, after being with Ling Feng for a long time, Yu Junyao also learned to channel her anger, otherwise she would have been internally injured by Ling Feng's anger.

On the way down the mountain, I saw a familiar figure leaning on a rock in front of me. His clothes were slightly wet with dew. He had obviously been waiting here for a long time.

"Hey, it looks like you're not the only one who's a thief!"

Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and laughed, "Why, you two made an appointment to become thieves together?"

Ling Feng ignored Yu Junyao, just smiled lightly, and walked to Jun Jiuyou step by step, "Brother Jun, you shouldn't have come!"

"But I'm still here!" Jun Jiuyou shrugged.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Yes, you are still here."

"You're already here, you won't drive me away, will you?" Jun Jiuyou stretched his body, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"I'm already here, why are you driving you away? But you, the leader of the clan, are so willful!"

"Before you officially become the clan leader, be willful again!"


Ling Feng and Jun Jiuyou looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Ever since, the three-person team was formed again, with the destination being the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains!

At the same time, far away in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, many major events happened one after another.

First of all, based on the intelligence and clues provided by Ling Feng, Xuanyuan Longteng officially exposed the fact that the head of the Long family colluded with the demon clan and assassinated Master Longjian.

With the evidence conclusive, the head of the Long family, unable to defend himself, officially betrayed the human race and fell to the demon camp.

What is shocking is that the ancestor of the Long family, the veteran great sage and the top master of Longjian Tianfu, actually also fell to the demon clan, and quickly formed a relationship with the ghost mist demon saint (Xiao Tianji) Alliance, this situation is unexpected.

However, it is reasonable.

After all, he is the ancestor of the Long family!

And the entire Long family betrayed the sect and the human race without any suspense, and became the minions of the demon clan.

On the other side, there are no such young people interfering. In addition, Xuanyuan Longteng relied on the part of the antidote given to him by Ling Feng to eliminate the poison of the underworld wing in the bodies of the senior elders of Longjian Tianfu. The three major swords of the human race The alliance with the government was also formally formed.

The battle situation finally turned from darkness to light. The alliance of the three major sword houses launched a large-scale attack on the demon army stationed on the front line.

In this battle, the two tribes suffered injuries to each other, and the demon tribe suffered particularly heavy losses because a large number of troops went to search for the catalog of divine wilderness.

And this war between the two clans finally turned from the so-called "battle of revenge" of the demon clan into a battle for the Shenhuang Picture Book.

The allied forces of the three major sword houses also officially settled in the southwest area of ​​the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains and began to send a large number of disciples to search for the location of the Divine Desolate Catalog.

Before the official publication of the Shenhuang Picture Book, although there were frictions between the two tribes, they showed a relatively stable situation.

"This is unreasonable! All my previous efforts have been in vain!"

In a dark cave, the Ghost Mist Demon Saint, or Xiao Tianji, was trembling with anger and furious.

This kind of stability between the two clans is not what Xiao Tianji wants to see.

What I hope to see is a comprehensive escalation of the war between the two clans. Before the Shenhuang Illustration was released, they were fighting each other and their vitality was severely damaged.

As a result, the war situation continued to escalate, and even triggered a direct conflict between the Golden Dragon Great Sage and the veteran great sages of the human race.

However, although the three major sword houses have now dispatched ancestor-level experts, they have never officially appeared on the battlefield.

This is definitely not good news for him.

After all, if he wanted to pull out the teeth of so many powerful ancestors from the Demon Clan and the three major sword houses with his own strength, you can imagine how difficult it would be.

However, just because of Ling Feng, this variable that he had not calculated accurately, the situation that he had worked hard to manage and laid out completely collapsed.

This game, also because of Ling Feng's appearance, began to escape his control.

"Xiao Tianji, you have calculated all the secrets, but have you ever figured out that the Shenhuang Picture Book should not be yours?"

Deep in the cave, there is a slightly fat figure, who is detained by a six-pointed star array.

If someone from Lingfeng or the Valley of the Wicked were here, they would definitely recognize this figure as the Asura Cook Sage, the Ox-cooker.

From the time he stayed and decided to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains to look for Xiao Tian Ji, he was destined to be controlled by Xiao Tian Ji.

However, Xiao Tianji did not kill him after all, but sealed his cultivation and imprisoned him here.

"It's a joke. I laugh at heaven's secrets. Not only do I calculate the secrets of heaven, I also want to change my destiny against the will of heaven!"

Xiao Tianji snorted coldly, "Lao San, I won't kill you, just to let you watch how I reach the top step by step! Even if Lord Mu Shen comes, he can't stop me!"


Shura Cooking Saint shook his head, "Even if you get everything, will you be happier than our brothers and sisters when we were in the Valley of the Wicked? In this world, fame, wealth and power are all just clouds. You can never be compared with Boss Mu. You can’t understand his realm at all!”

"Who does he think he is?"

Xiao Tianji's eyes were about to burst, "I hate the way he thinks he can see through people's hearts the most. Do you really think he is a god? Huh, third child, I will make your faith completely collapse. Lord Mu Shen will eventually be here." In my hands, it’s a complete defeat!”

After saying that, Xiao Tianji flicked his sleeves and turned around to leave.


Shura Cooking Sage sighed softly, "Second brother, second brother, after all, you still can't let go!"

Jiuyou Sacred Mountain, Jiuyou City.

"What? The patriarch ran away?"

When Jun Busan heard Han Ruolan say that Jun Jiuyou went to arrest Jun Wuwu's remnants, he immediately became furious and said, "This stinky boy!"

"Do I believe you? Catch the remnants of the party? Does the head of the clan need to personally take action to catch the remnants of the party?"

Jun Busi was even more furious, "This kid probably lost his temper and slipped out!"

"Hey, why do we, the Nine Nether God Clan, have such a clan leader in Jingtan?"

Jun Busan shook his head, "Here you come, hurry up and arrest the clan leader... ahem, bring him back!"

"Looking for a fart!"

Jun Busi cursed in a low voice, "Forget it, I'm back, but it's no use if my heart is not back. This kid must have something important, otherwise he wouldn't have left before Xiao Qi's injury has healed."

"Yes, the clan leader said that while he is away, the two elders will take care of the affairs within the clan!"

Han Ruolan bit her silver teeth and said softly.

"This brat!"

Jun Busi said bitterly: "Next time he comes back, I have to tie him up. Let's see how he can run away!"

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