Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2396 A fake corpse! (3 updates)

Three days later.

"Back again!"

On the teleportation altar in Kunyun City, light flashed and three figures appeared.

Two men and one woman, not Ling Feng and Yu Junyao.

After being on the road for days, the three of them were all exhausted from the journey. They hurried slowly and hurriedly, but they were finally back.

"I wonder what the situation is like on the front line?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and told Xuanyuan Longteng all the information he knew. With his shrewdness, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the Long family.

If his guess was correct, there should be no place for the Long family in the human camp.

If the Long family still wants to plot the Shenhuang Tulu, the only way is to seek refuge with the demon clan.

And Xiao Tianji had long been in cahoots with the ancestor of the Long family. The Long family had rebelled against the human race and was probably tied to a warship with Xiao Tianji.

However, Xiao Tianji would not trust anyone. The Ming Fei Wing antidote he gave to the head of the Long family was completely fake.

But it will probably be a few months before the head of the Long family actually loses his medicine and dies from the poison.

In the past few months, his cooperation with the ancestor of the Long family should not end.

However, Ling Feng finally got hold of a piece of information that could separate the two old foxes. It might come in handy at a critical moment.

"Just ask around!"

Yujunyao said casually.

"Let's go to the inn first."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I made an appointment with Senior Brother Chu and the others to meet at the inn in Kunyun City after returning from the Valley of the Wicked."

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "But we have been delayed in Jiuyou City for a long time. Senior Brother Chu and Master may have arrived at Kunyun City before us."

"Let's go take a look first and then talk!"

Jun Jiuyou said calmly.

"That's fine!"

Ling Feng nodded, and several people rushed to the inn. As expected, they did not meet Chu Chaonan and the others.

However, they did get a letter left for them by Chu Chaonan from the shopkeeper.

It turned out that the Evil Man Valley group had arrived in Kunyun City a few days ago, but did not encounter Ling Feng and the others, and at the same time lost contact with Shura Cooking Saint.

Because he was worried about the situation of Shura Cooking Saint, Lord Mu Shen did not wait any longer and went directly into the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains to look for clues about Shura Cooking Saint.

"It turns out that Master and the others have entered the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, Shura Cooking Saint, after all, still couldn't let go of his past feelings and went to find Xiao Tianji alone.

Ling Feng didn't know much about their past, and he didn't understand how deep the friendship between them was.

I just hope that Shura Cooking Saint is not killed.

After all, in the Valley of the Wicked, the ones Ling Feng respects the most, besides Lord Mu Shen, are Shura Cook Sage and Ghost Doctor Chang Baicao.

"The letter also said that not only Master is here, but everyone else is also here!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and mobilized all the people in the Valley of Evil. With so many experts here, they should be able to stabilize the situation.

"I don't know if the Shenhuang Picture Book has been released now."

Ling Feng frowned, feeling a little solemn, and led Jun Jiuyou and Yu Junyao out of the inn.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he met an acquaintance.

I saw the "iron foodie" Tie Jing, leading a few disciples, walking from a distance.

"It's that guy!"

Ling Feng grinned, the news came to his door!

"Brother Iron, you are welcome and safe!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and walked towards the iron thorn.


Tie Jing's eyelids twitched, and he found someone standing in front of him. He seemed a little unfamiliar, and his brows suddenly furrowed, "Who is your brother? Don't try to get close to me!"

"Oh? Really?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It seemed that this guy didn't recognize him.

Thinking about it, he was already a "dead person". How could he suddenly appear in the clear sky?

The next moment, Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou walked to Ling Feng's side, one on the left and the other on the right. Yu Junyao smiled jokingly and said, "Why, you don't know him?"

"Jade...Jade Fairy!"

When Tie Jing saw Yu Junyao, half of his soul flew away. He would never forget this peerless face once he saw her.

But the next moment, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

She is Yu Junyao, the one next to her...


Tie Jing trembled, " are that one, Ling Feng!"

Speaking of which, Tie Jing had never met Ling Feng face to face, but had only seen him once or twice from a distance. Moreover, he preconceived that Ling Feng was dead, so naturally he could not recognize him immediately.

"Oh my God, it's a corpse scam!"

Tie Jing was immediately frightened to death. In broad daylight, he actually saw a ghost.

Several disciples behind Tie Jing were also trembling with fear. They clearly saw Ling Feng being executed by the headmaster himself and his body was shattered into pieces.

"Fooling you, you big-headed devil!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'm not dead yet!"

As he spoke, Ling Feng lowered his voice again and said in the voice of "Fat Long Fei": "Brother Tie, can you recognize my voice?"

"Fat...fat...fatty dragon!"

Tie Jing's eyelids twitched wildly, "Why...are you Long Fei?"

"Long Fei is me, Ling Feng is me too."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Brother Tie, in order to investigate some things that day, I had to conceal my identity. Please don't blame me, brother Tie!"


Tie Jing swallowed hard, "So Brother Ling, you are not dead. But later, the headmaster also proved that you were not the one who poisoned Longjian Tianfu, and you were not the one who killed the headmaster of Longjian. In fact, he was wronged.”

"Whether it's unfair or not, it doesn't matter."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He had too many lives of disciples from the two major sword houses in his hands, so he could not be considered innocent.

"Well, Brother Ling, is there...what's wrong?"

Tie Jing shrank his neck and thought about it carefully. No wonder Yu Junyao's attitude towards "Fat Dragon" was so abnormal at the beginning. Thinking about it, she must have known that Long Fei was Ling Feng.

Fortunately, I believed her words and learned cooking every day!

As a result, not a hair was learned, and Fatty Long and everyone disappeared.

Fortunately, he worked hard to find Fatty Long for several days, which made him sad for a long time.

After all, without Fatty Long, he wouldn't be able to eat the delicacies of this world.

"I just want to ask about the current form of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and fell on Tie Jing, "You are also a member of the Tie family, so you probably know something."

"Haha, you know a little more than the average person."

Tie Jing swallowed hard and quickly told Ling Feng the specific situation of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

"I see. In other words, there are no clues in the Shenhuang Picture Book yet?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. The two clans were temporarily stable. This situation was actually not good for him.

All in all, he and Xiao Tianji should be in the same situation. Both of them want to get the Shenhuang Picture Book, so naturally the more chaotic the situation, the better.

However, Ling Feng still had his own position. He didn't want to see human beings in ruins, but Xiao Tianji had no scruples and didn't take other people's lives seriously.

"That's not entirely true."

Tie Jing blinked his eyes, coughed dryly, rubbed his hands and said, "Brother Ling, there is some news that I can't tell you!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, pursed his lips, and said lightly: "A delicious dish! Can you please tell me?"


Tie Jing slapped his thigh, "Easy to say! Easy to say!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. In front of foodies, there is nothing that one delicious dish cannot solve. If there is, then two!

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