Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2397 Xingyue Cliff! (1 update)

"What's the news? Let's hear it."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, and asked lightly.

Tie Jing looked around, clenched his fists, stepped forward, leaned into Ling Feng's ear, and whispered: "Actually, during this period of time, we have also discovered some clues. The final target is probably locked on the star." The area near Yue Cliff.”

Xingyue Cliff is a dangerous place in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range. From the top of the cliff down, there is a bottomless abyss. No one knows how deep this Xingyue Cliff is, and no one can even really get a glimpse of it. The overall view under Xingyue Cliff.

At the edge of Xingyue Cliff, the sea of ​​clouds is billowing. At night, it reflects the starry sky and the halo of the moon, hence the name, Xingyue Cliff.

The two tribes have been searching hard in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains for a long time, but they have not achieved any substantial breakthrough. However, just a few days ago, when a disciple of the Single Moon Palace passed by the Xingyue Cliff area, he felt a wave of energy coming from under the Xingyue Cliff. Shocking movement.

Therefore, although it is not certain, the alliance of the three major sword houses has already set its sights on Xingyue Cliff.

"Xingyue Cliff?"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, looked up at Tie Jing, and said lightly: "Brother Tie, thank you for informing me."

"This is not a big secret. After all, our three major sword palace alliances will send a large number of disciples to search under the Xingyue Cliff tomorrow. By then, the news will surely spread throughout Kunyun City very quickly."

Tie Jing rubbed his hands, "That brother Ling, my delicious food..."

"I owe it now, and we'll talk about it next time!"

Ling Feng patted Tie Jing on the shoulder, grinned at him, showing his white teeth, and then walked away with Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou without looking back.

Just kidding, how can I find the time to cook for Tie Jing now?

"Still...are you still carrying what you owe?"

Tie Jing was dumbfounded. Looking at Ling Feng's back, he felt crestfallen.

It seems that I have been deceived!

"Xingyue Cliff!"

Ling Feng took out a map of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. Xingyue Cliff is located somewhere in the southwest corner of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. It has always been a mysterious place.

And this mystery stems from people's blind spots in exploring this area.

Under the Xingyue Cliff, there is an abyss of ten thousand feet, but no one has ever really gone down to the bottom of the cliff. Someone once went deep into the place three thousand feet below, but was struck by a special force that seemed to drain most of his life force away from him. The adult man in his prime turned directly into a gray-haired old man.

Not only is he old in appearance, but the lifespan he originally had has been drained away in a short time, as if he has reached the state of dying.

Since then, almost no one dared to go down to Xingyue Cliff to explore.

After all, warriors have practiced hard and sacrificed their lives against the will of heaven. The longevity they finally regained was taken away by an inexplicable force. Who would be willing to do that?

If it weren't for the temptation of treasures like the "Pictures of the Wilderness of the Gods", I'm afraid no one would dare to approach this place yet.

"I have also heard some rumors about Xingyue Cliff."

Jun Jiuyou on the side pondered for a moment and said calmly: "I once heard that someone explored the need and only went down to three thousand feet. As a result, he was directly drained of a thousand years of life and turned into a dying old man. However, this Xingyue Cliff is everywhere. It's weird, but now it seems that this weird power is really related to the Shenhuang Picture Record."

Ling Feng nodded, and his expression became more solemn after hearing Jun Jiuyou's words.

At the same time, I was secretly glad that Jun Jiuyou came with them. After all, Jun Jiuyou was someone who had traveled around the West Sword Region and had a certain understanding of various rumors.

And he and Yu Junyao were both outsiders. If they broke into Xingyue Cliff without knowing these things, they would probably suffer a big loss.

"It's indeed a bit weird to directly steal someone's life span."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "My life span of a thousand years was taken away before I could reach the bottom of the cliff. If I descended to the bottom of the cliff, wouldn't I just turn into a skeleton?"

"If that's the case, then how are we going to explore? Why don't we send people to die in vain?"

Yu Junyao frowned. No one would be so stupid as to jump down knowing that they were going to die.

"There is no way."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said calmly: "If you can't go down to investigate in person, then you can also send the agency puppet down, and it's the same thing."

The puppet technique that Crazy Goro passed on to him came in handy.


Yu Junyao blinked her beautiful eyes, "Thank you for being able to figure it out!"

For ordinary people, the profession of puppet master is indeed mysterious, and the cost of each puppet can be said to be staggering, especially some powerful puppets, which are even more expensive than directly cultivating a saint-level powerhouse.

Moreover, how much power a puppet can exert requires a puppet master to cooperate, otherwise, no matter how high-level the puppet is, it will be just a piece of junk.

Therefore, even in those super sects, few people spend huge amounts of money to create puppets, let alone train puppet masters.

In ancient times, some sects that became powerful by manipulating puppets have almost completely declined by now.

It can be said that Crazy Wulang was able to learn the puppet technique by chance. In addition, there are top forgers like Big Hammer in the Valley of the Evil, which allowed him to practice the puppet technique.

"There are also some ready-made puppets in the Naling Ring that Senior Crazy Wulang left for me, which is really good and can be put to use."

Ling Feng carefully checked what Crazy Wulang left for him. In addition to a puppet-controlling "Heavenly Puppet Controlling the Spirit Art", there are also some puppets. In addition to the attack-type puppets, there are also puppets specially used for exploration. puppet.

Puppet is a dead thing, so there is no need to worry about having lifespan drawn away from it.

"Now there is another question."

Jun Jiuyou saw the puppet that Ling Feng took out, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "Although I don't know much about puppets, there should be a limit to the distance at which the puppet can be controlled, right? Xingyue Cliff Deep If you don’t see the bottom, even if you put the puppet down, you won’t be able to see the whole thing under the cliff, right?”


Ling Feng was slightly stunned, but he took it too much for granted. Even though his soul was very powerful, far beyond ordinary people, Jun Jiuyou was right.

Xingyue Cliff is bottomless. Even if you can control the puppet and get out of the range of 5,000 feet, if Xingyue Cliff is only 10,000 feet deep, then you will be cut off from the puppet at 10,000 feet. connect.

This is not important yet, I have to go deep into the place of five thousand feet.

Moreover, Xingyue Cliff is not necessarily exactly 10,000 feet.

"It seems that I thought it was too simple."

Ling Feng shook his head and was about to put the puppet away when suddenly his eyes lit up and he thought of a plan.

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