Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2399 Die young? (3 updates)

"Did you break through my heart-locking formation so quickly?"

Xiao Tianji grinned and sneered, but did not show the slightest hint of disappointment.

How could he underestimate someone like the Shepherd God? Naturally, he would not be so naive as to think that he could trap the Shepherd God simply by relying on the heart-locking formation.

However, Mu Shenjun cracked his formation with just a thought, which also shows that his cultivation level is even more unfathomable.

But so what?

His original intention was to have Mr. Mu Shen come to his door on his own!

"Mr. Mu Shen, you are indeed very smart. Unfortunately, you are destined to be smart but be mistaken for it!"

Xiao Tianji's five fingers gently tapped the armrest of the seat. He was not nervous at all about the impending arrival of Lord Mu Shen. Instead, he was more like a fisherman waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

"What, let me go?"

When Zifeng heard what Ling Feng said to him, his heart collapsed!

At this moment, Zifeng is in human form, but this guy has habitually shrunk into a pocket-sized form, standing on Ling Feng's shoulders.

"Yes, you are an elemental life form. Logically speaking, your lifespan is infinite. Moreover, you can also directly rob other people's lifespan. Even if you are robbed a little bit, it doesn't matter, right?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "As the saying goes, raising an army for a thousand days, but using it for a while, you know how to sleep in every day, it's time to do something, right?"

Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou looked at each other and nodded.

Elemental life forms are indeed a very suitable choice!

However, when they heard that Zifeng actually had the ability to rob Shou Yuan, their expressions changed.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng himself was already perverted enough, and all the spiritual pets under his control were also perverted!

Especially the black donkey wearing a grass skirt is the most perverted of perverts!

After all, who has ever seen a black donkey with dragon horns on its head and dragon scales on its body?

Jun Jiuyou even wondered if a certain divine dragon got drunk and then killed a female donkey, leading to the birth of such a freak...

"Why don't you plunder a little bit? If my longevity is sucked dry, you will lose me forever!"

Zifeng pretended to be pitiful, "Master, can you bear to see me, who is so cute and loyal to you, die young like this?"


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, "It's just you who died young?"

I'm afraid this guy has lived for too long and is in a daze!

"Zifeng, I'll leave it to you this time. You also know that this matter is very important to me."

Ling Feng looked solemnly, looked at Zifeng solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, little insect, who gave you the ability! A capable person has to work hard. Look at me, I really want to help the Ling Feng boy, but it's a pity that they don't look for me!"

The mean donkey was swaying his tail, looking gloating at his misfortune.

"That bitch, I ask you to help me, will you agree?"

Ling Feng glanced at Bitch angrily.

The bitch's face darkened, and he immediately changed his gaze, pointing to the sky with a smile, "Oh, the weather is nice today!"

"You bitch!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. If this guy didn't do something mean a few times a day, he would probably feel uncomfortable all over!


Ling Feng looked at Zifeng again. At present, Zifeng was indeed the most suitable candidate.

"Alright alright!"

Zifeng snorted softly, "Who makes you the master? Humph, an unscrupulous master who knows how to exploit the low-level spiritual pets below all day long!"

"Am I still exploiting?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Where in the world could he find such a loyal master like him?

However, although Zifeng complained on his lips, he was still very satisfied with Ling Feng as his master. At least, Ling Feng never acted like a master in front of these spiritual pets, nor did he order them to do anything. When there is danger, basically you can carry it by yourself.

These things are all seen by their spiritual pets.

Otherwise, a selfish and greedy guy like Bitch Donkey would not follow Ling Feng so wholeheartedly.

"Hey, boy Ling Feng, you are still too kind!"

When the bitch heard Zifeng agreed, he came back with a smile and said: "If it were this beast, I would kick him down and see what nonsense he talks about!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at the bitch and said, "Okay, I'll kick you off without any nonsense!"


The bitch glanced sideways and ignored Ling Feng. Instead, he rubbed a pair of donkey hooves and said happily: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you go to Xingyue Cliff! If you go late, the treasure will be taken away by others!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This guy will die sooner or later because of the word "greed".

However, since Du Yue Tiangong discovered the anomaly in Xing Yue Cliff, this news must not be hidden from the ears of the demon clan.

I believe that it won't be long before the troops from the three major sword houses and the demon tribe will surround Xingyue Cliff. I really should set off as soon as possible to occupy a favorable position first.

And since Xiao Tianji wants to seize the catalog of Shenhuang, he will definitely come here. Lord Mu Shen and the others will come to Xingyue Cliff sooner or later if they want to deal with Xiao Tianji.

In this way, they would all meet up near Xingyue Cliff sooner or later, and there would be no need for them to wander around like headless flies in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

"Let's go to Xingyue Cliff!"

Ling Feng looked solemn and immediately made up his mind not to look for Xuanyuan Longteng.

After all, this time, he was fighting for himself to seize the Divine Desolate Picture Book. In a sense, the One Moon Palace had also become his competitor.

About three hours later.

From a distance, Ling Feng and his party saw a piece of foothills, standing between heaven and earth. As far as the eye could see, it stretched for thousands of miles and was extremely majestic. The entire mountain range almost completely separates the world on the other side. Only by climbing to the top of the mountain can you vaguely see a bottomless abyss ahead.

And one of the peaks is the destination of this trip, Xingyue Cliff.

"It seems like there aren't many people stationed here yet."

Ling Feng opened his infinite field of vision and only sensed some sparse human figures, including humans and monsters, but not many in number.

Obviously, although everyone has realized that Xingyue Cliff is likely to be where the "Illustration of the Divine Desolation" is buried, due to the special nature of Xingyue Cliff, no one has dared to go down to find out for the time being.

Perhaps, all forces are waiting for an opportunity.

After all, judging from the unusual movements that broke out under Xingyue Cliff in the past few days, perhaps there will be some unknown changes in this mysterious place.

Therefore, it is wise to stay put for the time being.

"Let's find a place to hide first."

Ling Feng thought carefully for a moment. The so-called "shooting the first bird" means that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at the dozens of miles around Xingyue Cliff at all times. It is obviously not a wise move for him to show his face at this time.

Only when the situation becomes chaotic enough will he have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

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