Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2400 A clear conscience! (1 update)

The infinite horizon unfolded, and in Ling Feng's mind, all the disturbances within a radius of tens of thousands of feet were fully displayed.

Since you have decided to hide first, the first step is to find a place that is sufficiently hidden.

With Xingyue Cliff as the center and radiating to the surroundings, there are already many warriors from the three major sword houses of the demon clan and the human clan, hiding in the dark. No one acted rashly, and they were obviously waiting for the opportunity.

Suddenly, Ling Feng saw several figures in a mountain col, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"It's them!"

Sure enough, Ling Feng's expectation was good. As long as he went near Xingyue Cliff, he would definitely meet the person he wanted to meet.

"Come with me!"

Ling Feng looked back at Yu Junyao and the others, then took the lead and led the way.

In a hidden mountain col, there is a cave hidden in the weeds. It was originally the lair of a monster beast, but now it has been "temporarily commandeered".

Inside the cave, it was dark and gloomy, with only a pile of whirling fires swaying in the mountain wind, making the shadows of the people in the cave grow long.

"The smelly old man has been gone for so long, why haven't you come back yet?"

Chu Chaonan wandered back and forth at the entrance of the cave, muttering all the time, which made the Blood Demon impatient. He frowned and glanced at him, "I said you kid, can you calm down?"

"Aren't I worried?"

Chu Chaonan sighed softly. Although he usually called Mu Shenjun a "dead old man" and a "stinky old man" and seemed to wish that he would die early and be reborn, in his heart, Mu Shenjun was his only relative.

"With Boss Mu's strength, is there any need to worry?"

Blood Demon Hand rolled his eyes, "If Boss Mu can't deal with that guy, I really can't think of anyone else in the Western Sword Region who can be Xiao Tianji's opponent!"

"That's true..."

Chu Chaonan nodded, "It's just that I always feel a little uneasy."

"Okay, okay, if you really can't wait any longer, just sit down and practice. Maybe when you wake up, Boss Mu will bring the third brother back with you."

Ghost doctor Chang Baicao shook his head, smiled, and said calmly.

Suddenly, Elizabeth's beautiful eyes flashed and she blurted out: "Someone is coming!"

Suddenly, Chu Chaonan jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

Sure enough, he saw a row of figures coming from a distance, but when he saw the person clearly, the joy on his face suddenly solidified, but he still stepped forward to meet him, and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Senior Brother Ling? Miss Yu? How did you find it?"

Ling Feng saw the change in the expression on Chu Chaonan's face and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Senior Brother Chu, you seem to be disappointed when you see me!"

"Isn't that nonsense? I thought it was that smelly old man!"

Chu Chaonan didn't give any face to Ling Feng, so he turned around and walked towards the cave, "Come in, the ghost doctor and the others are all here!"

Ling Feng nodded. In fact, through his infinite vision, he had already "seen" Elizabeth, the Blood Demon Hand and the Ghost Doctor.

It seemed that Lord Mu Shen had separated from them.

Soon, a group of people entered the cave, and Ling Feng greeted everyone.

"Boy Lingfeng, you are one step slower than us this time!"

The blood demon grabbed a branch and pulled the only bonfire in the cave. He said with a smile: "Boss Mu has already taken action first. With his intervention, Xiao Tianji will be able to jump around in a few days. Once he is dealt with, The rest of us will help you rob the Shenhuang Picture Book!"

"Then I'd like to thank you, senior."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, but he was slightly worried that things would not go so smoothly.

After all, Xiao Tianji has been plotting for hundreds of years, and his scheming is so deep that it is impossible to estimate.

Although Lord Mu Shen is strong, it is inevitable that he will not fall into his trap.

"Are you the senior ghost doctor?"

Jun Jiuyou saw the ghost doctor in the corner of the cave at a glance. He had always hoped to find a ghost doctor. If a ghost doctor took action, he might be able to cure his father's hidden injuries.

Unfortunately, as time passed, his father still could not escape this final fate.

"It's me."

The ghost doctor nodded slightly, "You must be the young master of the Jiuyou Divine Clan. Although I have been living in seclusion in the Valley of the Wicked for many years, I have also heard of the name of the young master of the Jiuyou God Clan."

"It's just some false reputation."

Jun Jiuyou looked at the ghost doctor, and then at several other evil people. These so-called top ten evil people were not as vicious as the rumors. It seemed that everything had to be seen to be believed.

If he had known that the ghost doctor was so easy to talk to, he wouldn't have had to search so hard for the fountain of youth.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, made Jun Jiuyou blush when she saw such a tall and mighty young man like Jun Jiuyou, and she habitually teased him with a few words.

"Ahem, that..."

Seeing Jun Jiuyou's embarrassed look, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Fortunately, he was used to Elizabeth's style in Guli.

The "fascinating" Elizabeth is very charming, but if you really think you can take advantage of her, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot.

"Seniors, have you discovered anything in the past few days? For example, what's happening at Xingyue Cliff?"

Ling Feng changed the topic and asked Elizabeth to tease Jun Jiuyou a few more times. This guy would probably find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"There is nothing unusual at Xingyue Cliff. On the contrary, the three major sword houses and those monster clans are very restless."

Chu Chaonan curled his lips and said: "But they sent some people to search, but basically no one came back. The only one who came back seemed to have his life span drained directly and turned into a frail old man. It seems that , the legends about Xingyue Cliff are indeed true."

"Even so, I'm afraid the two tribes will not give up this opportunity easily. After all, the Shenhuang Picture Book is definitely attractive enough to make people fly to the flames."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment. Judging from the information he received, the coalition forces of the three major sword houses will be stationed near Xingyue Cliff soon.

It is conceivable that by then, countless masters from the two tribes will gather here. Once the Shenhuang Picture Book is officially released, it will be the beginning of the fight between the two tribes.

"Once a war breaks out, there will be countless casualties..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and sighed softly.

"When did you become so compassionate?"

Chu Chaonan glanced at Ling Feng, "Why do I remember that you don't look like this kind of person?"

In his impression, although Ling Feng was not a cruel person, he was definitely not a good person. When he was in Yueling City, who suffered at the hands of Ling Feng, who had any good consequences?

"One code is the same. What I do, I just want to have a clear conscience."

Ling Feng shook his head slightly. He was not naive enough to think that he could prevent this war from breaking out, but when he thought that the brothers from the Lingyun Alliance were likely to die in the battlefield, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

If there was a chance, he wouldn't mind saving as many disciples as possible from the One Moon Palace.

He is not a saint, and all he can do is save the people he wants to save, nothing more.

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