Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2401 Time rotates! (2 updates)

the other side.

Mu Shenjun, Xiaoxiao'er and Big Iron Hammer ran quickly through the jungle. This time, Mu Shenjun locked the Qi of Xiao Tianji. There was no longer any obstacle, and the distance to the target was getting closer and closer.

Soon, the three of them arrived in a quiet valley. What caught their eyes was a waterfall more than a hundred feet high. It was rushing and making a "swishing" sound.

On the bank of the waterfall, about a few dozen feet away, there is a bamboo building. The whole environment looks quite quiet and elegant.

"Be careful and alert."

Lord Mu Shen turned back to look at Xiaoxiao'er and Big Iron Hammer, and said solemnly: "Don't be angry or sad for a while. It's best not to have any mood swings."

Xiaoxiao'er and Big Iron Hammer both nodded. Xiaotianji's methods are endless. If you are not careful, you will fall into his trap. No matter how vigilant you are, you can never be too cautious.

"How come the majestic and invincible god is so guarded against me? I'm really flattered!"

A cold laughter came from inside the bamboo building.

The next moment, the bamboo building opened, and a slightly stooped figure, covered in black robes, walked out of the bamboo building.

Surprisingly, it was Xiao Tianji.

"Has the Secret Book of Blood Demons turned you into such a human and a ghost?"

Lord Mu Shen stared at the figure opposite and frowned slightly.

Thinking back to the beginning, Xiao Tianji was undoubtedly the only one among the many "weird creatures" in the Valley of the Wicked who could be regarded as a handsome and handsome person. But now, he has turned into a monster that is neither human nor monster.

"I have entered the realm of blood and light, formless and formless. Even if I have to change back to my original form, what's the difficulty?"

Xiao Tianji's scarlet eyes were like two will-o'-the-wisps floating in mid-air, and he said sullenly: "However, in front of Boss Mu, this little trick is really not worth mentioning."

"Without further ado."

Mu Shenjun's face turned cold, "Where is the third child?"

"The third child is staying under the roof as a guest."

Xiao Tianji grinned, "Boss Mu, we haven't seen each other for many years, how about we sit down and have a glass of water and catch up on old times?"

"I have nothing to say to you."

Lord Mu Shen's eyes focused, and a terrifying energy burst out. There was a "swish" sound, the void trembled, and the endless waterfall actually stopped flowing, as if it suddenly solidified.

One breath!

Two breaths!

After ten breaths, the waterfall that had been accumulating for a long time finally resumed flowing. Tens of thousands of tons of water poured down, shaking the entire valley.

"Has Boss Mu's Sky-Capturing Eyes reached this level?"

Xiao Tianji didn't take it seriously and just sat down in front of the stone table outside the bamboo building. He took out a wine pot and two wine glasses like magic, put them on the table, and said lightly: "Brothers, let's forget it." If you want to fight, it’s not too late to fight again after you’ve had three drinks.”


Xiaoxiao'er frowned and shook his head towards Lord Mu Shen.

"Haha, Lao Shi, do you think I can poison you?"

Xiao Tianji looked at Xiao Xiao'er, "The unscrupulous method of poisoning seems to have no meaning in front of Boss Mu, right?"

"Hmph, you are a despicable person, who knows what you are thinking about!"

Xiaoxiaoer cursed loudly and wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lord Mu Shen raising his hand.

"Okay, I have my own sense of discretion."

The figure of Mu Shenjun flashed, and the next moment, he was sitting opposite Xiao Tianji.

Big Iron Hammer and Xiaoxiao'er looked at each other and quickly followed, one on the left and the other on the right, standing next to Lord Mu Shen.

"Pour the wine."

Lord Mu Shen stared at Xiao Tianji and said expressionlessly.

"The boss is worthy of being the boss."

Xiao Tianji picked up the wine pot, filled a cup into Mu Shenjun's wine glass, poured another cup for himself, and sighed softly: "For this first cup, I want to thank Boss Mu for saving my life. Without Mu Shenjun back then, Boss, there is no Xiao Tianji today!"

After saying that, Xiao Tianji drank it all in one gulp, with a hint of nostalgia for the past in his eyes.

Lord Mu Shen also picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, remaining silent.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say that! You actually plotted against Boss Mu and stole the "Blood Demon Secret Book". If you had known this, Boss Mu shouldn't have saved you in the first place!"

Xiaoxiaoer started to curse loudly.

"To this day, does Boss Mu ever regret saving me?"

Xiao Tianji ignored Xiao Xiao'er's scolding duty, just looked at Mu Shenjun and asked lightly.

"I, the Shepherd God, only act according to my own will throughout my life. Why should I regret it?"

Lord Mu Shen still had a calm expression on his face, and Gu Jing remained calm.

"Thank you, brother!"

Xiao Tianji looked up to the sky and laughed, "I'll call you big brother again! This second glass of wine is a tribute to big brother for having no regrets!"

Lord Mu Shen picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Xiao Tianji added more wine and asked the last question again, "What if you had it to do over again? Do you really have no regrets?"


Master Mu Shen raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, "I, Master Shen Shen, never regret!"

"Thank you big brother for making it possible!"

Xiao Tianji grinned, waved to Lord Mu Shen, and said with a smile: "Brother, farewell!"

"What do you mean?"

Lord Mu Shen frowned and stared at Xiao Tianji, but suddenly felt dizzy, and his strength seemed to be disappearing little by little...

No, not only the strength, but also the imprint of his own life seemed to have completely disappeared.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoxiao'er stared at Lord Mu Shen, and suddenly found that his body had become illusory, and was shocked.

And he looked at the big iron hammer, and the big iron hammer also became transparent, and soon, it turned into a star-like light and disappeared!

"What on earth is going on?"

Before Xiaoxiao'er could react, even her body became transparent and soon turned into nothingness!


At the last moment, the eyes of the Lord of Shepherds flashed with a sharp light, staring at Xiao Tianji, and slowly uttered four words: "Time is turning!"

The next moment, the body of the Lord of Shepherds also completely disappeared, like ashes, and it seemed that he had never existed in this world.

"Big brother, thank you for your help. From now on, there will be no more undefeated naughty boy in this world, Lord of Shepherds! There is only me, Xiao Tianji! Hahahaha..."

Xiao Tianji grinned, holding a wine glass in his hand, filled a glass for himself, and then raised his head and drank it all.

However, he did not notice that at the moment when the Lord of Shepherds completely disappeared, a ray of light, like a falling meteor, broke through the sky and left.


In a cave near Xingyue Cliff.

"Hey, what's wrong with this stinky old man?" Chu Chaonan frowned. With the strength of Lord Mu, would it take so long to deal with Xiao Tianji? However, before he could come to his senses, he suddenly felt dizzy. It seemed that an unknown force was tearing him apart and trying to completely erase the imprint of his life. He turned his head suddenly and found that Elizabeth, Blood Demon Hand and Ghost Doctor Chang Baicao were all becoming transparent. It seemed that they would disappear soon! "What's going on?" Ling Feng also felt a blackness in front of his eyes. A strong feeling of dizziness surged into his heart. Countless overlapping impressions kept repeating in his mind, and then became extremely blurred. Finally, Ling Feng could no longer bear it. His eyes blurred and he fainted...

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