Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2402 The non-existent Valley of the Wicked! (3 updates)

In his daze, Ling Feng vaguely heard someone calling him.

"Brother Ling!"

It was a man's voice, which sounded familiar.

"Hey, brat, are you acting a little strange today?"

When he heard this voice, Ling Feng immediately realized, isn't this Yu Junyao!

He opened his eyes suddenly, and what came into his eyes was indeed Jun Jiuyou and Yu Junyao. The donkey was also standing on the side with its hooves raised and a weed in its mouth, looking carefree.

Ling Feng rubbed his temples and said with a tired look on his face: "I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. It's really strange."

With his current physique and his sanctified body, it stands to reason that he shouldn't feel tired easily.

"The three major sword houses and the demon clan will be stationed at the foot of Xingyue Cliff soon. You still have the time to sleep!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "What, you don't want the Shenhuang Picture Book?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? Could it be that the emperor is not in a hurry and is anxious to kill the eunuch?"


Yu Junyao was so angry that she frowned and glared at Ling Feng, "You are the eunuch!"

Ling Feng shrugged, and suddenly realized that something was missing.

The cave is still the same cave, and the bonfire is still the same bonfire.

But what about people?

Where are Chu Chaonan, Blood Demon Shou, Elizabeth and the ghost doctor Chang Baicao?

"Where's Brother Chu? Why don't you see him?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes to look at Yu Junyao and couldn't help but ask: "Did they go out first?"

"What Brother Chu?"

Yu Junyao was stunned for a moment, "Brother Chu, where did you come from? Are you really sick and confused?"

After saying that, Yu Junyao stretched out her palm and touched Ling Feng's forehead.

Ling Feng slapped Yu Junyao's palm away, frowned and said, "Okay, stop playing around, I'm talking about business! Why aren't Senior Brother Chu and the others here?"

"What Brother Chu is Brother Chu!"

Yu Junyao was confused for a while, "What are you talking about, guy? There are only four people in this cave from beginning to end, including that bitch, right?"


The bitch suddenly jumped up and cursed.

Ling Feng then showed a hint of joy, "Miss Yu, it's already this time, and you're still fooling around!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the bitch say: "This divine beast is a divine beast! Do you know about the divine beast! This divine beast is not a human being!"


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he looked at Jun Jiuyou, "Brother Jun, isn't it even you?"

"Brother Ling, Miss Yu is not joking with you. Brother Chu, I really don't know what you are talking about."

Jun Jiuyou also shook his head, "What the hell, Brother Chu? Didn't you just have a dream and you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality?"


Ling Feng was stunned, "I'm talking about Chu Chaonan!"

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head, looked at Yu Junyao and said, "Miss Yu, you don't remember him, do you?"

"What is Chu Chaonan? I'm still Chu Chaobei!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, "It's already noon, you're just talking in your sleep!"

"Don't you remember Chu Chaonan?"

"What do you mean by not remembering? There is no such person as Chu Chaonan!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, "What happened to you today? It's so strange, so inexplicable!"

Ling Feng suddenly became a little confused.

No Chu Chaonan?

How could there be no Chu Chaonan?

So everything I experienced was all a dream?

"No, there are Senior Ghost Doctor, Senior Blood Demon Hand, Senior Elizabeth, where are they! Where are they?"

"Ghost doctor?" Jun Jiuyou's eyelids twitched.

"Blood Demon Hand?" The bitch looked at his own donkey's hooves, "There are dragon claws, where did the demon hand come from?"


Yu Junyao frowned, "Which vixen is this? When you hear the name, you are not a serious person!"


Ling Feng's expression changed, "You guys, you really don't remember?"

"What don't you remember?"

Jun Jiuyou shook his head, "Brother Ling, I realize that you may be really sleepy. The ghost doctor you are talking about was a character from hundreds of years ago! I have read some books in the clan. This ghost doctor , was indeed a very famous Taoist doctor with unparalleled medical skills. Unfortunately, he died more than three hundred years ago! "

"Three...three hundred years ago?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, "How is that possible? Three hundred years ago? I saw him yesterday! You, and you, you were talking to him yesterday!"

"I talked to the ghost doctor yesterday?"

Jun Jiuyou burst into laughter immediately, "Brother Ling, you are really funny. Do you mean, have I seen a ghost?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, unable to calm down for a long time.

No Chu Chaonan?

Even the ghost doctor has been dead for more than three hundred years?

What's happening here?

Are you dreaming?

Ling Feng thought for a while and then kicked the donkey. He heard the donkey scream "Ouch" and then started to curse, "Boy Ling Feng, you are crazy! Why are you kicking this beast!"

"Does it hurt?"

Ling Feng stepped forward and pulled the donkey's ears, "Are you really a donkey? Am I not dreaming?"

"I'll fuck you!"

The bitch's teeth were itching with hatred, "There's something really wrong with you today!"

Ling Feng completely collapsed. Could it be that he was the only one who remembered Chu Chaonan, the ghost doctor and the others?

What happened?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng tried his best to calm down and said in a deep voice: "What about the Blood Demon Hand? Brother Jun, do you know this person?"

"Blood Demon Hand?"

Jun Jiuyou pondered for a moment, "I seem to have some impression, but he has been dead for hundreds of years, right? You are so strange today, how can you talk about some characters from hundreds of years ago?"

"How many hundred years has Blood Demon Hand been dead?"

Ling Feng shook his head repeatedly. If they had died long ago, would he have been living in ghosts during the time he was in the Valley of the Evil?

"Where is the Valley of the Wicked? Where are the others?"

Ling Feng asked anxiously.

"The Valley of the Wicked?"

Jun Jiuyou shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Is there any valley of evil people in this world? Forgive me for being ignorant, I have never heard of it. Miss Yu, have you heard of it?"

"The devil knows what the Valley of the Evil One is!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, stared at Ling Feng and said, "If there really is a Valley of Evil, I think this brat is probably a little evil!"

"Even the Valley of the Wicked is gone?"

Ling Feng's world view has completely collapsed. What has he experienced during this period of time?

There is no Chu Chaonan, no ghost doctor, and no Valley of Evil...

Have you really been in a dream this whole time?


Is there such a long and real dream in this world?

"Something's wrong, something must have happened!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and saw that Jun Jiuyou and Yu Junyao didn't look like they were lying, and there was no need for them to lie to him.

Thinking about it carefully, last night, he suddenly saw the ghost doctor and their bodies, and they suddenly became illusory.

It seems that everything related to the Valley of the Wicked has disappeared!

Erased from the long river of time!

Could it be that Mu Shenjun and the others encountered Xiao Tianji, and then Xiao Tianji did something that changed the development of history?

But, is this possible?

If you think about it carefully, this is really possible.

After all, I once passed through the Xuanwu Wall and returned to a thousand years ago. Although it was only for a short moment, if I did something, maybe I could really change history!

(PS: Just a little reminder, do you still remember that as mentioned in the previous article, did Mu Shenjun vaguely remember that he had seen a person who looked very similar to Ling Feng?)

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