Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2406 The clues left behind! (1 update)

"Go back to the past? Change history?"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng and couldn't help laughing, "Brother Ling, are you talking nonsense?"

However, when he saw the serious look on Ling Feng's face, his smile gradually faded. He pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Brother Ling, this power of time and space is the most difficult power to control in the world. Even if you really have some extraordinary talents, A talented person who can control the rules of time and space can, at best, stop the world for a brief moment, and even then, if he travels through time and space and goes back to the past..."


Ling Feng stared at Jun Jiuyou, "Is this possible?"

"This is a bit fanciful, but..."

Jun Jiuyou paused for a moment before continuing: "If you encounter some special circumstances, you may be able to travel through time and space."

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. He had once used the power of the Xuanwu Wall to return to a thousand years ago, but the time he stayed was too short and could almost be ignored.

"As far as I know, among the ten great ancestral dragons, Taixu Zhoulong is called the dragon of time and eternity. It has the ability to travel freely through time and space. If it is a divine beast with a trace of Taixu Zhoulong blood, it may inherit this Of course, this ability cannot be like the Taixu Zhoulong, which can travel at will, but will have certain restrictions. "

Ling Feng nodded slightly, each of the ten ancestral dragons can be called a miracle of heaven and earth.

In the Sunset Ancient City, the Great Wilderness Swordsman that Ling Feng once encountered was able to become a peak swordsman from a mediocre person with just a drop of the blood of the Great Wilderness Dragon. Moreover, he became a peak swordsman even in the ancient times. The existence that dominates one side shows how terrifying the power contained by the Great Wilderness Dragon is.

And this is just a random drop of blood. If it were the blood essence of the Great Wilderness Dragon, the effect would probably be increased hundreds of times.

Back on the Bloody Ancient Road, Ling Feng had used the power of the Void Witch Spirit Yorick to consume part of the blood of the Great Desolate Dragon to summon the form of the Great Desolate Dragon. He was lucky enough to have a glimpse of the power of the Great Desolate Dragon.

Even if it only has less than one millionth of the power of the Great Wilderness Dragon, it can almost reach the sky in seconds.

It can be seen from this that the power of the ancestral dragon can indeed reach a level that ordinary people cannot understand.

"It's a pity that the precious blood in my hand is the blood of the Great Desolate Domain Dragon, not the blood of the Taixu Zhou Dragon. Otherwise..."

Ling Feng thought for a while, if he had a drop of Taixu Zhoulong's blood and used the power of the Void Witch Spirit to copy it, he might be able to go back in time and verify his conjecture.

But even so, he doesn't know which time and space he should travel to. If the blood of Taixu Zhoulong is exhausted and he can't come back, then it will be over!

"Brother Ling, how come you are so interested in traveling through time and space?"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Actually, everyone will feel regret because they have not done some things and no longer have such opportunities. They have all thought about going back to the past, but traveling through time and space is difficult. It’s not that simple. Brother Ling, you should think about the current problem!”

Jun Jiuyou patted his belly and grinned as he heard a "gurgling" sound coming from his belly.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and began to deal with the corpse of the monster.

After a while, the roasted meat, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, golden and crispy, was freshly baked.

Jun Jiuyou and Yu Junyao both ate with mouths full of oil and praised Ling Feng's cooking, but Ling Feng had no appetite.

He kept thinking about the time he spent in the Valley of the Wicked in his mind. Although it was not a long time, everyone in the Valley of the Wicked had obviously lived there.

Now, it has been erased inexplicably.

"No, no matter what, I will get them back!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, put down the barbecue in his hand, turned over and jumped onto a nearby high slope.

The moon shrouded the sky, and the sky was clear and starry.

Ling Feng looked up at the stars in the sky, and his mind was flooded with thoughts.

"The problem must lie with Naxiao Tianji, but why can he change the past?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his brows furrowing more and more tightly.

Suddenly, in the starry sky, a golden light, like a falling star, cut through the night sky and flew straight towards Ling Feng.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and his gaze focused. The golden light hovered in front of Ling Feng. The next moment, with a "swish", it poured directly into Ling Feng's mind.

Then, some pictures appeared in Ling Feng's mind.

It was next to a waterfall, and a bamboo building could be vaguely seen. There were several figures, which seemed to be in front of the bamboo building...

One of them is none other than Mr. Mu Shen!

"Brothers, even if we have to fight, after three drinks, it's not too late to fight again."

"For this first cup, I want to thank Boss Mu for saving my life. If there was no Boss Mu back then, there would be no Xiaotianji like me today!"

"To this day, does Boss Mu ever regret saving me?"

"I, the Shepherd God, only act according to my own will throughout my life. Why should I regret it?"

"What if you had it to do over again? Do you really have no regrets?"

"I, the Shepherd God, never regret!"

Scenes of this scene appeared in Ling Feng's mind, until finally, the Shepherd God said the last sentence, "Time turns around" and completely disappeared without a trace.


Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, Mu Shenjun was indeed plotted by Xiao Tianji.

But how did he do it?

"Are these memory scenes the clues Master left for me?"

Ling Feng frowned, time flies, what does it mean?

But in any case, after seeing these memory scenes, Ling Feng became more sure that his previous memories were not wrong, but that some of the past had been changed, which led to some deviations in the current time and space.

If it were three hundred years ago, there would be no Shepherd God, and naturally there would no longer be a Valley of Evil.

However, the rules of time seem to automatically correct and reverse the trajectory of history, so it seems that except for everything about the Valley of the Wicked, other things have not been greatly affected.

But Chu Chaonan was a helpless orphan at the beginning, and was later adopted by Lord Mu Shen. Therefore, without the original Lord Mu Shen, there would be no Chu Chaonan today.


Ling Feng sighed softly. Even though the pictures left to him by Master Mu Shen made him firmer in his suspicions, he had no idea how to correct all of this.

"Wait a moment……"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "That valley, judging from the surrounding environment, should be the place where Xiao Tianji, as Brother Xiao said, usually practices in seclusion!"

If you can sneak in quietly, maybe you can find some clues!

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