Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2407 A strong man in the ancestral realm! (2 updates)

"Some things, if you don't do them now, you will only regret them for the rest of your life!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Perhaps infiltrating Xiao Tianji's territory would be the stupidest decision in his life.

However, a real man should do something and not do something.

Although Mu Shenjun was not too willing when he accepted him as his disciple, but now that he has become his master...

Once a teacher, always a father!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng leapt down from the high slope.

"Brother Jun, Miss Yu, I have something to do."

Ling Feng took a deep look at the two of them and said in a deep voice: "You guys stay here and wait for me to come back."

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, "You brat, it's so late, where are you going to be a thief?"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After all, he really wanted to be a thief this time.

"Being a thief is such a fun thing, you must take me with you!"

Yu Junyao swallowed the last piece of barbecue "Gulu", then wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth, and rushed in front of Ling Feng with a lunge, "Let's go, let's go!"

Jun Jiuyou also stamped out the bonfire in front of him and said with a faint smile: "Your demeanor has betrayed you! Brother Ling, although I don't know what you are going to do, but as brothers, I won't ask you, but I will stand by your side and fight alongside you!"

"Brother Jun..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists and took a deep look at Jun Jiuyou, feeling a warm current surge in his heart.

Jun Jiuyou looked at Ling Feng's moved eyes and couldn't help but exaggerated: "I said, we are already half-brothers, why are you doing that? Don't look at me with that look. , I already have Alan!"

"I'll get out of here!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and kicked him over. He finally felt a little moved, but was destroyed by this guy.


Jun Jiuyou ducked sideways and grinned, "Let's go, we've had enough to eat and drink, it's time to stretch our hands and feet!"

Ling Feng thought for a moment and finally nodded.

Now, after all, Jun Jiuyou has integrated his father's divine patterns. Although it is impossible to reach the peak level of his father in terms of strength, he is still as strong as the veteran great sage.

With him here, safety would be a little more guaranteed.

In addition, he also has some trump cards in his hand.

Even if they are really discovered by Xiao Tianji, they may not be able to fight if they join forces.

"Okay, brothers working together can cut through gold!"

Ling Feng stretched out a palm toward Jun Jiuyou. Jun Jiuyou raised his eyebrows and smiled. He reached out and gave Ling Feng a high-five, and said with a loud smile: "Brothers who work together can be as powerful as gold!"

"Hey, hey, there's a big difference in your attitude!"

Yu Junyao on the side protested, "I am obviously here to help, right?"


Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao out of the corner of his eye, "Miss Yu, you may not like to hear the truth, but your strength will probably only hold you back!"

"You brat! You!"

Yu Junyao's teeth itched with hatred, "You... what did you say! I'm holding you back?"

"That's right, holding back!"

Ling Feng nodded, his expression as usual.

"you you!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she stamped her feet repeatedly, "Damn it, you brat, apologize! Otherwise I will never forgive you this time!"

"I'm not wrong, why should I ask your forgiveness?"

Ling Feng shrugged, looking unconcerned.

"you you……"

Yujun Yao's lungs were about to burst with anger, "I'm too lazy to care about you! Brat, I'm kind-hearted and helping you, please remember it!"

After saying that, Yu Junyao cursed and flew away angrily.

The more I thought about it, the more I cursed, and the more I cursed, the angrier I became.

I am a good young lady, and I am guarding against the "little princess" of the Jiuli God Clan. Why should I suffer with this brat? Isn't this a bit mean?

Huh, no matter what I say this time, this girl will ignore him!

Never pay attention to him!

"Brother Ling, you..."

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng and said, "You did go too far this time. Miss Yu also has good intentions and wants to help you. How can you still..."

"Because of this, I don't want her to go on adventures together."

Ling Feng shook his head. Jun Jiuyou still had the strength to protect himself, but Yu Junyao, although she also had many trump cards, Ling Feng did not want to take her with him to take risks.

"It turns out you wanted to make her angry on purpose..."

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng, "You guy, you have a lot of thoughts!"

"Forget it, let's go."

Ling Feng sighed softly, taking advantage of the night, it was a good time to sneak into Xiao Tianji's valley.

the other side.

Yujunyao flew for a long time, looking back from time to time, but every time she didn't see the expectant figure, she suddenly became angry and cursed.

"You brat, you haven't come to see me yet, you're so angry with me! Remember, if I say another word to you, I... my surname is not Yu!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she flew to a rock and stopped, and couldn't help but look back.

"Did I fly too far? He hasn't followed yet?"

Yu Junyao snorted softly, "I will wait for you here for a moment! Just a moment!"

However, after waiting for a long time, except for the chirping of birds and cicadas in the trees, not even a ghost was seen.

" bastard!"

Yu Junyao clenched her pink fist tightly, "You damn brat, you still haven't come back to me! I...I don't want to care about you anymore!"

"No, no, could he be looking in the wrong direction?"

Yu Junyao comforted herself in her heart, "How about I go back a little bit? Humph, just a little bit!"

Thinking of this, Yu Junyao flew back some distance, but the further she went, when she returned to the campfire, Ling Feng was nowhere to be seen.

Ling Feng and Jun Jiuyou had clearly left long ago!


Yu Junyao suddenly felt stiff and a little lost.

he's gone?


Yu Junyao was not a fool. She quickly understood Ling Feng's intention.

He clearly wanted to make him angry on purpose, but he actually fell into his trap!

"Damn boy, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and was about to fly out to chase him. Suddenly, a ball of red flame fell from the sky.

Then, the dark night sky seemed to be illuminated red by the firelight.

All living creatures within a radius of hundreds of miles were crawling and trembling.

The terrible smell almost suffocated them.

"Girl Yao, you're done messing around, just go back with me."

A majestic voice sounded from far away, and the next moment, a tall and upright figure emerged from the firelight. It was an old man with red hair and red robes!

Every step the old man took left a charred footprint on the ground. The mountains and forests shook, as if the whole world could not bear his terrifying power!

But this person is exactly the same, a strong man in the ancestral realm!

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