Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2408 Red Beard! (3 updates)

"Grandpa Red Beard!"

Facing such a strong man, Yu Junyao instead showed a smile. She took three steps and two steps at a time, and rushed into the old man's arms like a fly. She said with a coquettish look on her face: "Grandpa Redbeard, I miss Yao'er so much." you!"

"You crazy girl!"

The red-haired old man with a long red beard was indeed an old man with a red beard, just as Yu Junyao called him.

As soon as Yu Junyao acted coquettishly, he immediately swallowed all the words of blame. He raised his hand and stroked the back of Yu Junyao's head, and said with a glare: "You said you missed grandpa. He went out and messed around for a whole year. Not a single letter!"

"In fact, I miss my grandpa many times every day, but if I send the letter back, it will be more than a year since it was sent back to our Holy Domain from the West Sword Region!"

Yu Junyao stuck out her tongue and started to quibble.

"Grandpa can't help you!"

Redbeard rolled his eyes, "Okay, I finally found you. You've had enough of messing around outside. It's time to go back with grandpa, right?"


Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth and said, "Grandpa, but..."

"No buts!"

Red Beard interrupted Yu Junyao, "Your father is ill. If you don't go back to see him, you won't be able to see him for the last time!"


When Yu Junyao heard this, she immediately became anxious, but she quickly came to her senses, "Come on, every time I sneak out, daddy pretends to be sick to lie to me! Please let someone else pretend to be sick next time! If it's grandpa, If you are sick, I will go back immediately."

Yu Junyao pursed her lips and glared at Redbeard angrily.


Redbeard didn't expect that his lie would be exposed so quickly. His old face blushed slightly, and he suddenly became happy when he heard the second half of Yu Junyao's words, "Haha, it's not in vain, grandpa. I have loved you since I was a child. You really have a conscience!"

"Of course!"

Yu Junyao smiled and said: "Grandpa, please just let me go for a while, maybe a month at most!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Redbeard crossed his arms with his arms. Looking at his strong back and strong posture, it would be difficult for him to fall ill.

"Girl, it's not that grandpa doesn't give you time. Please understand, you are about to turn twenty. At that time, it is the best time to receive the baptism of Jiuli Divine Fire. Your talent is among the best in the clan. If you accept the baptism of holy fire, you can at least..."


Suddenly, Redbeard's eyelids twitched, and he stared at Yu Junyao for a long time, "You... have you broken through to the Saint level?"

"It's just a holy level, it's not difficult."

Yu Junyao stuck out her tongue and said with a nonchalant expression.


Redbeard's face froze, this girl is really blessed but does not know the blessings. Even though they are the Jiuli God Clan, although they are extremely talented, they cannot break through the Saint level casually.

In fact, because of their special physiques, it is more difficult than ordinary people to break through to the Saint level.

Most of the disciples of the Jiuli Divine Clan can only break through after being baptized by the spirit of the immortal spirit in the cave heaven paradise within the clan.

And Yu Junyao actually made a breakthrough in a place like the West Sword Region where "birds can't fly"! (PS: Compared with the Zhongyuan Domain, the West Sword Domain is indeed a bit of a loser.)

When did this girl become such a monster?

Of course he didn't know how many adventures Yu Junyao had in the West Sword Territory.

In other words, since she followed Ling Feng, she has had many adventures.

This is also why Yu Junyao initially looked down upon Ling Feng, believing that her own bloodline was superior to Ling Feng's. Ling Feng could barely compete with Jiu Qianxue only because of Mu Qianxue's divine blood. Li Shen Clan.

But as time went by, Yu Junyao discovered that Ling Feng might be more evil than the Jiuli Clan.

"It's better to break through the holy level. When you accept the baptism of divine fire, you can also gain more!"

Redbeard laughed and said, "Let's go, Yao girl, follow me back."

"Grandpa, I..."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

The baptism of divine fire is a very important thing for every descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, but she still cannot help but worry about Ling Feng.

"Girl, grandpa just saw tears in your eyes. Did someone bully you? Tell grandpa, I will kill him for you!"

Redbeard frowned and glared angrily.

"No, no, grandpa, you are too worried!"

Yu Junyao waved her hand quickly, if Grandpa Red Beard takes action against Ling Feng, it will be over.

No matter how evil Ling Feng is, no matter how strong he is, he will never be able to defeat the little finger of Grandpa Redbeard!

After all, he is a strong man in the ancestral realm!

Above the Nine Transformation Realm is the Divine Realm!

The ancestral realm is already on a whole new level, even if it is called a half-step immortal, it is not an exaggeration.

And this red-bearded grandfather is a powerful man in the divine realm. Let alone a finger, even a thought can cause rivers to collapse and the world to collapse.

This was because he had suppressed the power in his body to one percent, otherwise, this world would not be able to withstand his pressure.

"It's okay if you don't, just let me go!"

Red Beard grabbed Yu Junyao's shoulders and flew away with her without any explanation.

This kind of old man has experienced thousands of years of time, what has he not experienced?

As soon as he saw Yu Junyao's appearance, he knew that the little girl was probably in love with someone.

However, what kind of genius can be found in the West Sword Region?

It is better to cut off this kind of emotional debt as soon as possible.

Just like Mu Qianxue before, after returning to the clan, she was unwilling to agree to the marriage, which caused a huge headache to the senior leaders of the clan.

If Red Beard knew that these two sisters had the same heart, I am afraid that he would immediately kill Ling Feng without giving it a second thought!

"What a powerful aura!"

In the distance, Ling Feng and Jun Jiuyou continued to fly by under the cover of night.

Suddenly, I felt a palpitating aura behind them, and their expressions changed at the same time.

"Did you feel it too?"

Jun Jiuyou stared at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "How can it be so strong? Is this still a human power?"

"The sky is vast and the earth is vast, and there are many wonders there."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The so-called Jiuyou Divine Clan were actually just a little more powerful natives from the lower realm.

"That direction... seems to be the place we just left!"

Jun Jiuyou's eyelids twitched, "Brother Ling, will something happen to Miss Yu?"


Ling Feng shook his head. He could feel that the aura was indeed very powerful, but it had the same origin as Yu Junyao's aura. Moreover, there is no malicious intent.

If he guessed correctly, he should be a member of Yujunyao's tribe.

If there are Yujunyao's clan members by her side, then Yujunyao should be safer than anyone else now.

After all, that is a strong man from Zhongyuan Domain!

Soon, the breath flew away. Ling Feng sighed softly. Yu Junyao's face flashed in his mind, and he thought to himself: Goodbye, Miss Yu...

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