Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2413 One month deadline! (2 updates)

"Humans, these things are far beyond what you can know."

Taixu Zhoulong snorted coldly, "Since you entered the time passage by mistake, I will send you back to your time and space. You can go back!"

As he said that, the Taixu Zhoulong's eyes flashed, and a huge black hole appeared in front of him, and Ling Feng was about to be thrown into it.


Ling Feng stared at Taixu Zhoulong and gritted his teeth and said: "Senior, you know everything, so you should naturally know that Xiao Tianji used the flow of time to go back to the past, changed history, and affected the development of time and space in later generations. He also destroyed Don’t you, Senior Spirit, care about the order of time and space?”


Taixu Zhoulong blushed. In fact, if Ling Feng hadn't accidentally glanced at it in the time channel, he wouldn't have noticed that someone actually used the Wheel of Stars to go back to the past.

Although it is a divine dragon that maintains the order of time, it still has its time to take a nap after all.

And what Xiao Tianji did was not something that had a far-reaching impact on it, so since it hadn't been discovered, it could just turn a blind eye.

As for Ling Feng, he was so lucky that he was discovered by it, and he happened to be from the Tiandao clan, which aroused the interest of Taixu Zhoulong.

After all, everyone’s impact on the times is actually different.

As a member of the Tiandao clan, he is destined to be a person with the aura of the times. Once he appears in a time and space that does not belong to him, it can easily lead to changes in the entire era.

Therefore, Taixu Zhoulong has to pay attention, otherwise, the world in the future will be in chaos.

Fortunately, Taixu Zhoulong only missed one head, and the dragon scales on his face were not expressionless at all. He just said inscrutably: "Everything has its own laws, so since Xiao Tianji can return to In the past, it was in compliance with the rules and allowed by the rules.”

"Then, if I come back to stop everything, isn't it also in line with the rules and allowed by the rules?"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and stared at Taixu Zhoulong. Although he was a superior divine dragon, in order to save Mu Shenjun and the Valley of the Wicked, he had to fight for it.

"You kid! You're going too far!"

Taixu Zhoulong stared, "I am extremely gracious to send you back to this world, but you actually dare to bargain with me! Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Afraid! Of course I'm afraid of death!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, "But I believe that Senior Shenlong is not an unreasonable person!"


Taixu Zhoulong laughed loudly, "Boy, don't use this clumsy way of provoking generals! It won't work on me!"

"I just want to get history back on track!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Since Senior Shenlong doesn't want to cause trouble, then it's up to me to stop this from happening!"

"What a persistent junior!"

Taixu Zhoulong sighed softly, then nodded, "That's okay, that's okay! Then you stay to stop Xiao Tianji! However, I only give you one month! After one month, you must come back here, I You will be sent back to your own time."

"Thank you, Senior Shenlong!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. This Taixu Zhoulong was really easy to talk to. Not only did he let him stay, he even escorted him back to the future.

This saves me a lot of trouble!

"Don't be in a hurry to say thank you. I'll start making ugly remarks first."

Taixu Zhoulong glared at Ling Feng coldly, "If you stay here, except to stop Xiao Tianji, you must not do anything that affects this era. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"This is natural."

Ling Feng nodded, "Junior swears that he will never do anything to change history!"

"in addition……"

Taixu Zhoulong glanced at Ling Feng and his eyes flashed. The next moment, Ling Feng had a scar on his face and two small mustaches. Although there was not much difference in the silence of Shen Xingrong. Although he has changed, his overall temperament is completely different from the original one.

In terms of age, he has also changed from a young man to a middle-aged man.

"Okay, that's it!"

Taixu Zhoulong glanced at Ling Feng with satisfaction, "You will maintain this look until a month later in this era. As for this guy..."

Taixu Zhoulong glanced at the cheap donkey, "Oh? He is actually a dragon? However, the black donkey with dragon scales and horns is too weird, and I am afraid it will also have a certain impact on this time and space. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I’ve been wronging you for a while.”

After saying that, a light flashed in Taixu Zhoulong's eyes, and the next moment, the bitch turned into a black dog!

Moreover, he also lost the ability to speak directly, and when he opened his mouth, he made a "woof, woof, woof" sound.

"Okay, that's it."

Taixu Zhoulong glanced at Ling Feng, "One month! Remember, you only have one month!"

After saying that, the huge head retracted directly into the void and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds dissipated thousands of miles away. It really fulfilled the sentence, the dragon saw its head but not its tail!


Ling Feng let out a long breath, feeling relieved.

Fortunately, this Taixu Zhoulong is quite easy to talk to, otherwise he would be in trouble this time.

"Woof woof woof, woof woof woof..."

A dog barked, and the donkey looked at the sky and roared.

Although Ling Feng didn't understand dog language, he could guess that this bitch had absolutely nothing good to say.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng glanced at the cheap donkey. A big black donkey turned into, well, a black little puppy!

Not to mention, it looks a little cute.

Ling Feng picked up the donkey and said with a smile: "Donkey, just be patient and bear it, it's only for a month anyway!"

"Woof woof woof!"

The bitch protested for a while and wanted to say something. Unfortunately, when the words came to his mouth, they turned into barking.

This is simply a fatal torture for a bitch with an extremely vicious tongue who feels uncomfortable even if no one takes issue with him.

However, Ling Feng was happy to have his ears clean.

"One month is not a long time."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and kicked the Desert Emperor Scorpion next to him.

This guy is still foaming at the mouth and having stars in his eyes.

It’s no wonder that this is the case. After all, how could a low-level monster like it withstand the pressure of the ancestral dragon.

After kicking the Emperor Scorpion hard several times, it finally woke up leisurely and found that the terrifying aura had disappeared, and then it recovered a little.

"Let's get on our way."

Ling Feng hugged the donkey, oh no, it should be a little black dog, jumping on the back of the Emperor Scorpion.

We don't have much time, so we can't waste it.

Although Emperor Scorpion didn't know why when he woke up, the black donkey turned into a black dog, and the handsome-looking young man suddenly turned into a slightly rough middle-aged man.

Fortunately, their auras did not change much.

With enough energy, the Emperor Scorpion let go and started running wildly in the vast desert.

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