Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2414: Strong Black Dog! (3 more)

After spending a day in the form of a little black dog, the donkey looked away and no longer barked as before. .

It has to change from an angry, mad dog to a quiet, beautiful dog.

I saw this guy, lying very comfortably on the back of the Emperor Scorpion, with his hooves raised. He didn't look like a good dog.

At the beginning, the Emperor Scorpion was a little unstable and bumped frequently. Later, after being bitten by a bitch a few times, it no longer dared to bump even a little bit. It didn't move as fast as it could, and it was very stable!

Don't look at the little donkey turning into a little black dog. It's not enough. How can I put it, the cultivation level of the Demon Saint is still there!

As for Ling Feng, he had nothing to do, so he began to take out Xiao Tianji's notes and read them carefully.

Soon, Ling Feng found some clues in a thin book.

It turns out that there is a wheel of stars under the Xingyue Cliff. If activated with the blood of a special mythical beast, the power of the wheel of stars can be activated to travel through the past and the future.

Xiao Tianji, as for Xiao Tianji, prepared a total of two drops of the blood of the mythical beast, one drop was used to go back to the past and assassinate Xiao Tianji who had not yet grown up.

The other step is to return to Xingyue Cliff when you are done, activate the Star Wheel again, and return to the future.

"This guy is very well prepared!"

Ling Feng frowned and thought about it carefully. It seemed that his own blood should have activated the wheel of stars, so he accidentally entered the time channel.

After all, the blood of the Emperor of the Tiandao clan contains the power of chaos, which naturally also contains the power of time.

"The sky is big and the earth is big. Where can I find Master?"

Ling Feng sighed lightly. Fortunately, he had asked Xuanyuan Longteng before. At this time, Lord Mu Shen was probably still practicing in the One Moon Palace.

The time point that Xiao Tianji seized should be to kill Mu Shenjun when he was going to perform a certain task.

The top priority is to get to the One Moon Heavenly Palace as soon as possible!

The One Moon Heavenly Palace three hundred years ago!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. He really wanted to see what the young Shepherd looked like.

Also, Xuanyuan Longteng is probably still a little kid at this moment.

Going back in time is really interesting.

However, he and Taixu Zhoulong had an agreement beforehand and could not change history.

Run all the way.

Ling Feng was quite familiar with the Tagore Desert.

According to previous experience, if you want to reach the One Moon Palace as quickly as possible, you must first pass through Pegasus City. You can use the teleportation array in Pegasus City to reach Yueling City directly.

"I don't know what the Pegasus Ranch looked like three hundred years ago."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After all, he and the Li family were destined to be together.

At dusk the next day, the vast expanse of yellow sand in front of us finally disappeared.

Instead, there was a fairly dense forest.

After walking out of this forest, it is the boundary of the West Sword Territory.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng suddenly saw a heartbreaking scream coming from the front.

After looking closely, I realized that there were more than a dozen monster beasts surrounding four or five human warriors, killing and biting them like crazy.

The state of those monsters was abnormal, their eyes were blood red, and they seemed to be in a violent state.

One of the four or five human warriors has been directly eaten alive by the monster, and the other one also had an arm torn off.

Seeing that these people were about to be swallowed up by these monster beasts, Ling Feng's figure flashed, grabbed the donkey who was resting with his eyes closed, and flew out.


A series of scalp-numbing roars came one after another. These dozen monster beasts seemed to have fallen into a violent state, extremely bloodthirsty. If it weren't for the fact that among the few human warriors, there was a middle-aged man with reasonable strength. Yes, keep working hard, otherwise the whole army may have been wiped out.

"Brother, are we going to die here?"

One of the middle-aged women was holding a narrow sword. Although she was a woman, her strength was only inferior to that of the middle-aged man at the head.

"Damn it, why did these monster beasts suddenly lose control? Could it be that there was something wrong with the beast control technique!"

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely, and there were more than a dozen emperor-level monsters. There was no way that four or five of them could resist them.

"Could it be that God wants to destroy my Pegasus Ranch?"

The middle-aged man screamed sadly, with a long sword in his hand, and danced a little faster.

"Fourth sister, the second brother and I stopped these monsters. You are the fastest. You take the third brother and leave here immediately!"

"I don't!"

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, we four brothers and sisters will live and die together!"

"Brother, it's me who's dragging everyone down. Don't worry about me. I'll hold these monsters back!"

The third child was the one who had his arm bitten off before but was left without a single arm. At this moment, he was trembling all over, sweating profusely and in a very bad state.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The leading man was already out of breath as he forced back a monster beast that was charging towards him with a single blow of his sword.

His arms also trembled slightly.


There was another roar, and the dozen monster beasts pounced on the four people from all directions at the same time.

As a result, these four people may not be able to survive again.

However, at this critical moment.

"Woof woof woof!"

There was a burst of barking, and a little black dog, no bigger than a baby, seemed to be thrown over by someone, and then started barking wildly.

This little black dog is nothing but a bitch!

If the bitch could still speak, he would definitely roar loudly, "Ling Feng, it's your uncle's fault!"

What was shocking was that as the little black dog fell from the sky, all the monsters stopped in place.

The aura of the demon saint emanating from the body of the bitch has completely shocked these crazy demon beasts.

Ever since, a jaw-dropping scene appeared.

"Woof woof woof!"

The donkey barked wildly, staring at the dozen monster beasts, like a superior emperor.

And those monsters were actually more frightened and uneasy than the last. In the end, they were all lying on the ground, trembling.

Then, I saw this cute-looking little black dog, standing upright with a pair of front hooves behind its back, patrolling back and forth in front of the dozen monster beasts as if it were an officer patrolling.

This arrogant arrogance is simply out of proportion to his small size.

"Oh my God, what kind of dog is this?"

"What...what is going on?"

The four brothers and sisters escaped with their lives and stared at the donkey, confused for a while.

It's no wonder, with their cultivation, how could they discover that the little black dog in front of them was actually a demon saint!

And those monster beasts were trembling under the pressure of their bloodline.

At this time, Ling Feng had also rushed over, glanced at the four brothers and sisters, and said with a faint smile: "Everyone, are you okay?"

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