Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2415 Yueling! (1 update)

"Thank you so much, my benefactor!"

The four warriors looked at Ling Feng with awe. Although Ling Feng did not take action, a small black dog he released at random could subdue more than a dozen Imperial realm monsters. It was obvious that this mysterious man in front of him was extremely powerful. Extraordinary characters.

"It's just a little effort."

Ling Feng waved his hand and couldn't help but shook his head when he saw that the cheap donkey was being dragged in front of the dozens of demonic beasts.

"I am Li Yao, the owner of Pegasus Ranch in Pegasus City. I wonder how I call my benefactor?"

The middle-aged man at the head bowed to Ling Feng and asked respectfully.

"Are you Li Yao?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he looked at Li Yao with squinted eyes. Three hundred years later, Li Yao was already the crown prince of the Li family, and now...

Haha, although he has changed a lot compared to the old Li Yao, you can still tell something from the outline.

As for the other ones, I'm afraid they are the other top ones from the Li family.

Ling Feng glanced at the middle-aged woman.

Come to think of it, she is the fourth queen of the Li family, Li Fenghua.

Thinking of that ferocious old woman, Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head.

Looking at Li Fenghua, she still has charm in her middle age. It seems that she was also a beauty when she was young.

When Li Fenghua saw Ling Feng staring at him for a few times, his face turned slightly red, he gritted his teeth and hid behind Li Yao.


When Ling Feng saw Li Fenghua's "shy" look, Ling Feng suddenly got goosebumps all over his body.

Oh my god, what’s all this?

Could this old woman have taken a fancy to herself?

Although Li Fenghua is not an old woman now, Ling Feng has seen what Ling Feng will look like hundreds of years later, so calling her grandma is not an exaggeration.

However, because Taixu Zhoulong changed Ling Feng's appearance, he now looks like a middle-aged man.

"Ahem, it's just a trivial matter, nothing worth mentioning!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. How dare he stay any longer? He immediately walked up behind the bitch, kicked him on the butt, and hummed softly: "Let's go, it's not over yet, right?"

"Woof woof woof!"

The bitch protested for a while, but unfortunately when the words came to his lips, they all turned into barks.

Soon, the man and the dog disappeared in front of Li Yao and the others.

"This is the real hero, who acts chivalrously and does justice without leaving his name."

Li Fenghua looked at Ling Feng's back with admiration in his eyes.

"It turns out that Fourth Sister likes this type of hero. It's a pity that there is probably no one in Pegasus City who can meet Fourth Sister's standards. It's no wonder that Fourth Sister, you are over a hundred years old and you haven't been able to have a biological child. ”

Li Yao shook his head and smiled.

"Humph, brother, am I very old?"

Li Fenghua glared at Li Yao fiercely.

Li Yao shrank his neck and quickly changed the subject: "It seems that this wind demon tiger has a bloodline mutation and has fallen into a rage."

"Bloodline mutation?"

Li Fenghua walked up to one of the tiger monsters. This was the wind demon tiger that Li Yao mentioned.

"Shadow Bloodline?"

After a while, Li Fenghua's eyes lit up and he was ecstatic, "It actually has a shadow physique! This Wind Demon Tiger has been promoted to a Shadow Wind Demon Tiger! Brother, I want this Wind Demon Tiger!"

"Okay, okay, if you like it, it's yours!"

Li Yao nodded and did not raise any objection.

But it turns out that three hundred years later, the majestic Shadow Wind Demon Tiger that Li Fenghua, the fourth prince of the Li family, sat down on was subdued at this time. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1945 Shadow Wind Demon Tiger!")

"Unexpectedly, I actually saved those people in the Li family. Does this count as changing history?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but considering that three hundred years later, Li Yao and the others were all living well. It seemed that he had changed history.

"Forget it, don't think about these problems anymore, let's find a way to get to Yueling City as soon as possible."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. That Xiao Tianji should have arrived at this time and space a few days earlier than him, which meant that he had probably found Lord Mu Shen.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng pulled the donkey back and quickened his pace again.

One day later.

"Wolleung City!"

Looking at the city in front of him, Ling Feng felt a familiar feeling.

Although it was three hundred years ago, compared to the thousands of years of history of this city, it is really not worth mentioning.

Judging from the city walls and buildings, they are basically not much different from those three hundred years later.

"How should I find Master?"

Ling Feng frowned and fell into distress.

You can't affect historical matters, so you can't act too high-profile. If you directly break into the One Moon Palace to find Lord Mu Shen, it will definitely affect history.

However, the rules of the Du Yue Tiangong are very strict, and non-disciples of the sect cannot even enter the gate.

Moreover, he was not sure whether the current Lord Shepherd was still in Yueling City.

"Eagle Owl Black Market!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up. If he wanted to find out information, Yingxiao Black Market was naturally the best choice.

After Lord Mu Shen joined the One Moon Heavenly Palace, he has always been an outer disciple. His whereabouts can be known by simply asking Ying Xiao Black Market.

In the Yingxiao black market, as long as you have money, there is no information that cannot be found.

Just do it, Ling Feng immediately took steps and sped away in the direction of Yingxiao Black Market.

At the outer gate of the One Moon Palace, among a group of simple buildings, there is also a wooden house, which looks particularly eye-catching.

The other buildings were originally simple, but compared with this wooden house, they looked like palaces.

Although the wooden house looks shabby, it is still relatively stable. Although there are holes everywhere, they have been nailed by wooden boards so that they will not leak.

"Cough cough cough..."

In the wooden house, there were coughing sounds from time to time, which were extremely rapid, as if they were about to cough up their breath at any time.

But it turned out that in this simple wooden house, on the only bed in the room, there was a white-haired old woman who was bedridden.

In front of the hospital bed, there was a young man standing guard in front of the bed, patting the old woman's back from time to time.

"Mom, the medicine will heal you soon. If you drink the medicine, your illness will be better."

The man supported the old woman, and after coughing for a while, he gently covered her with a worn quilt.

"Chuan'er, it's my mother who is dragging you down."

The old woman looked at her son and suddenly burst into tears, "I know my mother's condition. If the medicinal materials used to treat my illness are not heaven-level treasures, how can you afford them?" Come on, don't worry about me, I'm tired, let me go down to see your father and reunite with him."

"Mom, don't say such depressing words!"

The young man named "Chuan'er" clenched his fists, "You only want to reunite with your father, what about me? Don't you want me as my son?"

"Mom is alive and can only drag you down!"

The old woman burst into tears. Her original cultivation level was not low. At her age, she was just middle-aged. But now she is so old. She obviously suffered severe internal injuries to help her qi and blood. Getting thinner and older.

"Between mother and son, there is nothing to say that is a drag."

The man forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, mother, I will find Wanling Purple Jade Ginseng King soon, and your illness will definitely get better!"

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