Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2417 Helpless! (3 updates)

"I, Yingxiao, have the best information on the black market!"

The middle-aged steward laughed and said, "Guest, please come with me!"

After a while, under the leadership of the middle-aged steward, Ling Feng came to an underground stone room filled with various files.

As soon as he saw it, he saw rows of bookshelves, which made Ling Feng dizzy.

"There is nothing in the world that we, Yingxiao Black Market, don't know about, no matter how big or small it is."

The middle-aged manager chuckled and said, "It's just that if you want to get the corresponding information, the cost is not low."

As he said that, the middle-aged steward rubbed his hands and winked at Ling Feng.

"money is not a problem."

Ling Feng curled his lips and said calmly: "I want to inquire about a person named Mu Wangchuan. I want all the information about him!"

"Mu Wangchuan?"

The middle-aged steward's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly muttered, "It's strange, why are so many people trying to find out about that poor boy these days?"


When Ling Feng heard this, he frowned and said, "Are there many people besides me who are also looking for Mu Wangchuan?"

"That's not true. A few days ago, a guy also inquired about Mu Wangchuan."

The middle-aged manager chuckled and said, "As for other specific details, our Yingxiao Black Market has black market rules and it is not convenient to reveal too much."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and it seemed that the person who inquired about Mu Wangchuan was probably Xiao Tianji.

"How many days exactly?"

Ling Feng asked in a deep voice: "This shouldn't break the rules, right?"


The middle-aged manager chuckled and said nothing.

"Ten thousand high-grade Yuanjing!"

Ling Feng raised a finger and said in a deep voice.

"Three days!"

The middle-aged manager immediately blurted out, "It was three days ago, probably around this time, and I was the one who hosted it, so I remember it very clearly."

"Three days!"

Ling Feng frowned. In other words, Xiao Tianji arrived at Yueling City three days earlier than him!

Oops, things are going to get worse.

Although Lord Mu Shen is a genius, three hundred years ago, he was far from Xiao Tianji's opponent.

"Give me all the files on Mu Wangchuan!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said urgently.


The middle-aged manager chuckled and said, "This Mu Wangchuan can be regarded as a man of great influence in Yueling City in recent years. It costs a lot to get his files!"

Ling Feng sneered. This middle-aged manager had made it clear that he was going to raise the price and treat himself as the culprit.

Normally, no one would inquire about Mu Wangchuan. It would not be worth much money at all.

"There is nothing wrong with businessmen being greedy, but it is best to have a bottom line."

Ling Feng gently patted the middle-aged manager's shoulder, with a sneer on his face.


The middle-aged steward felt an icy aura shrouding him, and the icy murderous aura seemed to have solidified.

For a moment, the middle-aged steward's face froze, and he quickly laughed and said: "Just... I was just kidding. One hundred thousand high-grade Yuan Jing, all the files on Mu Wangchuan only cost one hundred thousand!"

"Well, consider yourself honest."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and immediately restrained his murderous intent.

After a while, the middle-aged steward handed a handwritten file to Ling Feng, "Guest, this is the file you need."

Ling Feng took the file, his figure flashed, and the next moment, he disappeared directly in front of the middle-aged manager.

Astonishingly, it is the Jiuyou Instant Body Technique!


The middle-aged steward shrank his neck, and his face suddenly changed, "My dear, why have so many powerful masters suddenly appeared in the past few days! They are all also interested in Mu Wangchuan. Is it possible? What is Mu Wangchuan? A remarkable person?"

After flying out of the Yingxiao black market, Ling Feng found an inn and began to read the files about Mu Shenjun.

"Mu Wangchuan, the young master of the Mu family, was originally a small and dominant family. Later, his father died at the claws of a monster and his mother was seriously injured. The Mu family declined day by day and the family fell into decline. Five years ago, he took his seriously ill mother and a A maidservant, she arrived in Yueling City. Later, she ranked first in the Rookie Swordsman Ranking and entered the Single Moon Heavenly Palace. However, she was ostracized by the senior officials of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace because she did not want to marry into the nine major families..."

Soon, Ling Feng scanned the file and couldn't help but frown, "My family is in decline and my mother is seriously ill. I didn't expect that Master would have such a difficult time when he was young."

It is hard to imagine that the undefeated naughty Mu Shenjun in my impression actually has such a past.

No wonder he later became cynical, both good and evil.

He would rather associate with evil people than stay on the so-called righteous path, that's it.

"I might be able to cure Master's mother's illness, but..."

Ling Feng thought of what Taixu Zhoulong said to him. If he cured Mu Shen Jun's mother, would Mu Wangchuan become the Mu Shen Jun in the future?

Have you changed history again?

Alas, as a traveler in time and space, I can only watch these helpless things develop.

"It turns out that Master lives at the outer gate of One Moon Palace, so I have to protect him secretly!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although his own strength may not be that of Xiao Tianji's opponent, the advantage was that he had an insight into the opportunity.

He knew that Xiao Tianji wanted to deal with Lord Mu Shen, but Xiao Tianji didn't know that there would be another version of himself in the future, following him into this time and space.

The night is getting darker.

Ling Feng took advantage of the darkness and quietly sneaked into the Duyue Palace.

Because of the inheritance from the Jiuyou Divine Clan, Ling Feng's control over the rules of wind is no worse than Jun Jiuyou's.

Therefore, as long as he is careful enough, even if there are several secluded ancestors in the Single Moon Palace, they will not be able to detect his aura.

Of course, Xiao Tianji has cultivated to the realm of blood and light, and can also hide the truth from the sky and deceive others.

However, he should not be so arrogant as to dare to take action in the One Moon Heavenly Palace.

Soon, Ling Feng arrived at the outer gate of Single Moon Palace.

Although the layout of the One Moon Palace has changed slightly from that of the One Moon Palace three hundred years later, it is generally an environment that Ling Feng is familiar with.

Not long after, Ling Feng arrived at the area where the outer disciples lived. Because it was already dark, most of the disciples had gone back to their rooms to rest, but they didn't meet anyone on the way.

Soon, outside the row of simple houses where the outer disciples lived, Ling Feng saw an even more dilapidated wooden house.

Judging from the information in the file, this is the dilapidated wooden house where Mu Wangchuan and his son lived.

"The undefeated divine king of the area, the master of the Valley of Evil, a figure who is feared by the entire Western Sword Region. Who would have thought that when he was young, he would actually live in such a shabby hut."

Ling Feng shook his head. In the distance, he heard a violent cough coming from the thatched house.

Then, a fierce voice came, "Ahem! I think your life is hard enough. Why don't you just let me give you a ride? Anyway, in a few days, your son will go down to accompany you." With you!”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he quickly opened his eyes to see a fat man holding a dagger, slowly walking towards a pale old woman step by step!

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